Name: Lyn Nooka Species: Twi'lek Gender: Female Affiliation: Repunlic Weapon: Anold warrior dagger and a light shield Appearance: [img][/img] History: Lyn was born into one of the ruling council families on Ryloth. One day she, and 4 others of her generation, will one day take their seats on the council that rules over their city. She was raised to speak multiple languages, negotiate and compromise with others and present herself with dignity and grace. But when she was a child, her connection with The Force started to show. Lyn was told by her parents, to hide her gift so she would not be taken by The Jedi and fulfill her duties on Ryloth. In her early teen years, Lyn witnessed her grandmother and other council members as they were banished into the harsh wastelands of their planet; which is tradition when any council member dies. Before her banishment, Lyn's grandmother encouraged her to leave Ryloth and the possible grim fate she could face as well. Lyn spent the next few years trying to figure out a way off planet while also securing safe living conditions for herself. When she became of age, Lyn snuck herself in with a group of slave women that were being sold to the highest bidders. With the jedi having been all but wiped out, Lyn seeks to find people she can aide to fight off the Dark Side; choosing to help her people by helping the galaxy.