[quote=@ravenDivinity] I propose that we divide the Pantheon into 7 ranks of gods, the highest being the oldest and strongest and the lowest being the youngest and weakest. These ranks will be divided into what I call the Vanguards. The First Vanguard contains the gods who existed from the beginning of time—or perhaps transcended it. They include Tael, Novissah, Faerthus, and Andurias (Perhaps? Depends on his role, which I do not know). I don't know if any of the other gods fit into the First Vanguard, but that hinges more on the importance of specific elements and how they govern the universe. Thoughts on the proposal? Any idea what the prime elements that control every aspect of the universe are, perhaps? I know thus far that Time and Wisdom/Knowledge [i]must[/i] be in that highest level because we're talking about stuff that's [i]everywhere[/i]—all of those things are infinite and have an effect on things. Maybe I'm just rambling, this might be a silly idea that we don't need to elaborate since I know it's not intrinsic to the plot, but I feel like it would fill some gaps in our knowledge. :sick [/quote] Lore is always important. We may not need any of this but is does seem like these Gods and Goddesses do deserver different rankings. Edit: [hider=The Goddess Goethia] [center][color=#308014][h3]Goethia, Goddess of the Wilds[/h3][/color] [img]http://rpg.seraphicworks.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Melora.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.halaqah.net/v10/artikel/divider.png[/img] [i]”O Queen of the Wilds, Protector of They Who Walk the Forests, we plead to thee to protect us and provide for us as we venture into Wilds. We wish not intrude on your territory except to take what we need and leave. This is our offering and our payment to you, Goethia.”[/i] - The Ritual of Protection by Priestess Nastarine of Goerale The Wilds are a dangerous place for the common travel as they filled with beast which hunger and know nothing of the wiles of man nor fear their coming. If one fails to perform the ritual to Goethia, it is unlikely that your ventures into the Wilds are likely to come back with nothing more than the smallest rabbit. The Goddess will have considered your act a transgression against her and all she stands for. As such, you should be careful when entering the forests again after this otherwise one may face her anger. And the anger of the Goddess of the Wilds is not anything to be toyed with. The being known as Goethia is quite like the lands which she rules over. She’s quick to anger and quick to calm. She can be violent like a summer storm or gentle like an autumn breeze. She occasionally grants those who she particularly fancies or finds interest in the Mark of the Wild. The powers granted by these Marks can vary from Shapeshifting to the control of creatures of the Wilds. Only a select few have ever been blessed by Goethia with her presence and a gift from her. The Pendant of Safe Passage is a tooth attached to string which acts as a permanent form of blessing which allows the wearer to pass through the Wilds without fearing the creatures within. A pendant is just one of many artifacts given by Goethia which have been lost over the ages. Hidden deep in the Western Forests is the Monastery of Goethia which can only really ever been found by those who have been there before. Within lies her fire which has burned for thousands of years. It is unknown if it burns still. [/center][/hider]