[h2]Characters[/h2] [hider=Kirby] Name: Kirby Appearance: [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/22/Kirby_Wii.png[/img] Age: ??? Species: Kirby? Gender: Male Abilities: Copy: copies ability from whomever he swallows. (Powers will be based on the games not smash bros) If he swallows and ally for their powers they will pop out quickly. Otherwise they go into the pocket dimension known as his stomach. Floating: Inhales air and floats like a balloon. Summon the Warp Star: Can summon a warp star to ride, however this can only be summoned when in a wide open area with access to the sky. Being absolutely adorable! Universe of Origin: The Kirby Universe [/hider] [hider=Asura] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/asuraswrath/images/5/52/Asura.png/revision/latest?cb=20120610143630[/img] Name: Asura Age: 12,000+ appears 28 Species: DemiGod Gender: Male Personality: Asura is for the most part always angry, that’s where he gets his power from. As such he flys off the handle quickly and will not stop until he gets his goal or he is stabbed enough times. He is also constantly looking for his daughter whom he believes everyone is hiding. Bio: Asura was part of an army that was tasked with protecting the earth from it’s self. Asura however was framed by the other generals for killing his own wife. After that he was killed and exiled. Long story short, he came back and beat up the other generals to a bloody pulp and saved his daughter after defeating a god. However his story didn’t end there, the God he had thought to have defeated was able to send him into the multiverse. Asura has since been trying to find a way back. He has been recruited by a rather shadowy organization to take down others in exchange for them helping him find a way back to his universe. Abilities: Asura is extremely strong to begin with. The angrier he gets the stronger he gets, he has gotten to the point of anger where he can punch through pretty much anything. Asura has also punched through lazers before. Asura can also grow four extra arms to punch with, he has multiple forms but he mostly uses a standard form and the form with extra arms. Forms: in order of power weakest to strongest [hider=No armed Asura] [img]http://2dforever.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/asura-no-arms.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Normal Asura] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/bee1/f/2013/057/4/0/asura_by_sticklove-d5wa3rr.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Six armed Asura] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/126716/4203884-six+armed+asura.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Mantra Asura] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/asuraswrath/images/6/63/Asura_becomes_Mantra_Asura.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/320?cb=20120801184748[/img] [/hider] [hider=Wrath asura] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/asuraswrath/images/c/c0/Wrath_10.JPG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/320?cb=20120228073923[/img] [/hider] Weakness: While Asura is extremely strong his arms can be ripped off rather easily, though that hasn’t stopped him in the past. He can regrow his arms but it takes a while and he can’t be in battle in order to grow them back. Asura may seem unstoppable but he can be killed, at least he can be killed for about 1,000 years before resurfacing. Another weakness is any kind of calming spell, if it hits him then he’s pretty much passed out until something sparks his anger, basically if he’s punched while he’s passed out he will get back up. Universe of Origin: Asura’s Wrath [/hider] [hider=Cia (inkling)] [center][img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/12ed/th/pre/i/2015/139/3/b/splatoon_x_star_108_by_xero_j-d8tzdiz.png[/img][/center] Name: Cia (Inkling) Age: 16 Species: Inkling Gender: Female Personality: Cia is for the most part very upbeat, she is always listening to music of some kind music and for the most part doesn’t notice others. She loves to get into trouble though, often playing pranks on others. Bio: Cia doesn’t really have much of a back story. She lived a normal squid life, when she was of age she started to take part in the turf wars. She was like any other squid kid, until she found a terminal that brought her to another world. Ever since she has been finding others in this new world to prank while also looking for a way back to her own. If she can keep the worlds established together she would love to start setting up new tournament areas to play turf wars and other such games on. Abilities: Color change: the color of Cia's hair and squid form changes depending on the type of ink she's using. Ink: The ink has two different modes, one works as an acid, and the other works as paint which disappears after about an hour. Arsenal: Cia has multiple different types of weapons, from ink bombs, to rollers, even buckets. But she is commonly using what is seen as a water gun. Cia also has a long range ink gun however she doesn’t have great aim. Most of these weapons seem to appear out of nowhere, but never in rapid succession as there seems to be a cool down between weapon changes. Squid Form: Cia can turn into a squid whenever she wants, this also allows her to swim in her own ink. She swims much faster than she is when she’s on foot. Universe of Origin: Splatoon [/hider] [hider=Creature of Doom] Name: Cucco Appearance: [img]http://media1.gameinformer.com/filestorage/CommunityServer.Components.SiteFiles/imagefeed/featured/kyleblog/hyrulewarriors/cucco/cucco_200.jpg[/img] Age: ??? Species: Cucco Gender: Female Personality: Cucco has a terrible temper, upset her and be prepared to run. Thankfully it is easy enough to get away from some of her attacks, except golden mode. Either way be wary of her. Cucco is curious too when it comes to new locations. Bio: Not much is known about Cucco other than she is frightful when angry. Abilities: The main penalty for attacking the Cucco various, often by luck. (I’m gonna roll dice) Teleport: This can work between worlds, she appears in a place looks around and then moves on. She can only do this when she isn't enraged. (1)Nothing: Nothing happens, the Cucco is fine, your are fine, you walk away form this. (2)One of us: If the Cucco is attacked enough she will also turn the user into a Cucco for a short time themselves. (one post) (3)Summon the Giant Cucco: This when the Cucco summons a giant Cucco. Run, if you get far enough away she will stop. (4)Golden Mode: The Cucco becomes golden and if she attacks then the user will be brought down to critical health. (5)All out Attack: In this mode Cucco seems to multiply herself out of thin air and attack the aggressor until they go inside or go far enough away from where she was first attacked. Universe of Origin: Legend of Zelda [/hider] [u] [/u] [h2]Worlds[/h2] [hider=Cat Universe] Name: Cat Universe Scale: A City Setting: The City is like any other city, populated by people, nothing weird about it. It’s a modern day city with suburbs, and lots of cats, stray or otherwise. History: This universe is a very mundane one. The only difference is that all outsiders are transformed into cats. (actual cats, not athromorphic cats) Power Scaling: All who enter are stripped of their powers and become cats. [/hider] [hider=MLP Universe] Name: My Little Pony Universe Scale: About the size of a planet. Setting: There is magic however it is limited to a lot, for the most part those that are unicorns can only make things float for convenience, no attack spells History: Equestria is full of many races, however the main race is the Ponies. They come in three forms, Earth Ponies (the strongest physically), Pegasus (Ponies that can fly and are quite agile), and Unicorns (Ponies who can use magic). Power Scaling: All who enter this world are transformed into one of the creatures that populate Equestria, be it ponies or other creatures. (No alicorns, or anything that lives in tartarus) They can’t use any of their old powers and must solve problems through talking if possible. [/hider] [hider= Power Ranger universe] Name: Power Ranger Universe Scale: Planet Setting: The world is fairly normal, however any teenager wearing a distinct color and has an attitude is a power ranger. Any super advanced technology that is there is alien, though everything is very silly here. The people are strange, and whenever you talk or do an attack there is an explosion behind you. History: In general this world is rather normal looking, until you get into it’s history with aliens attacking, or monsters coming out of sewage. However there is a power ranger team for every faction of evil that tries to fight them. The most powerful of all the rangers is believed to be the Green Ranger also known as Tommy. Power Scaling: For the most part everything stays the same, however all world and city destroying powers no longer work, unless a megazord has been summoned, but only then does that work. Also every time you do something significant like transform and do a specific attack there is an explosion behind you. Any enemy that looks different from any henchmen will act strange and spew puns, alot of puns. [/hider] [hider=Splatoon] Name: Splatoon Scale: Planet Setting: Looks like a modern city, however it is covered in sea folk. History: All humans have been killed possibly by the rising water, a few hundred years later many of the sea creatures have come to take the place of the humans, forming their own society. However there was a great battle between the Inklings and the Octolings, eventually the inklings won and the octolings were forced to live underground. However recently the Octolings have come back to take over the upper land again. Power Scaling: Everyone who is above the power of an inkling has become an inkling, anyone below stays as they were. (ika munasane excluded from this rule, she stays as she is) [/hider] [hider=Smash Bros Universe] Name: Super Smash Brothers universe Scale: Earth Setting: People and Creatures from many other franchise of games come here to fight it out. Some say they are just there to “Settle it in Smash”. For the most part it is a very rural place with the occasional City, for the most part it is a collaboration of all the Nintendo Worlds, this includes the Star Fox universe however it is all very close to the planet. History: The Super Smash Brothers Universe was created to give the inhabitants of Nintendo world and other franchises a place to fight it out. Thus there has been many battles here. Power Scaling: All super powerful moves or states can be used or accessed for a short time through the smash ball. Many different Items appear here to be used as weapons. For the most everyone is scaled down to an equal amount of power, damage is can be done but has no effect on the user. No one can die here as well unless turned into a trophy but that is only a temporary state. [/hider]