[quote=@Dead Cruiser] My two cents on that matter: I feel like we should account for heterodoxy and alternate religions altogether. My personal preference to setting mythology is an approach of "everything is true, and nothing is true." When religions and myth becomes accurate description of cosmology and history, it loses what differentiated it from science and study. Not trying to sound like I'm wearing a particular oft-ridiculed hat, but religion is truest when it is the best efforts of people to explain why the world is the way it is. Not that "true" cosmologies cannot be good or interesting, as the Elder Scrolls has an utterly fascinating and well-constructed mythos. Mostly because it draws from real religions such as Hindu and Gnosticism. [/quote] Hmm, I would indeed have to agree here. I feel that some of our Gods would be from separate religions. They all would exist on the same plane and there may be a few who's power's collide which I'm sure could be reasoned into the way the world was formed in an overall view. As you have stated though, I feel as if each separate religion should have a different way to explain why and how the world is the way it is now. There would just be an sort of story woven from the separate creations stories which would tell how the world formed. Though, it may just be better to keep them separate. Anyway, on to the main reason I believe that some of our Gods are from separate religions. To begin we must cast an eye at the opening post of our dear GM where his/her character is sitting a star filled space which is virtually empty. Now we look at my character. Pricia is found in a lush forest in night time after her death and, quite like Ansur's empty plane, time has no real presence here as mere seconds can pass thousands of years. Meanwhile, Ellarian and Altim sit in a plane similar to Ansur's. Why would Pricia's plane be any different than the other's? Sure you could explain that each plane is a space in which the dead heroes see only which they want to see but I prefer the answer the some Gods rule over a space similar to others while others don't. Goethia, for example, rules over a plane of the after life which looks almost like a forest at night time and only those who she favor's have been allowed into it. She could very well be from a separate pantheon than the other Gods and manifests her plane of the after life in a separate fashion than others do as a part of this. Anyway, this is just my ranting on the idea of separate pantheons for the night.