[centre][color=000000][color=a36209][h2]The Mikassian Tribes[/h2][/color][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Cd8NC2t.jpg[/img][/centre] [u][b]Nehalanian border[/b][/u] Chatan's trusted blood brother crosses into the foreign territory with his elite guard, passing through the various agricultural and industrial areas to their settlement. It is near dusk and only the faintest glimmer of light still remains, the party is on horse back and have a torch for every other man. Nearing the settlement they intend to be granted entry and to begin diplomatic relations with this group. Once inside the elite guard will comply with an restrictions put upon them and the blood brother will meet with their leader. Should things become dire, and these men proved to be deceitful and cowardly, it is planned that a flaming arrow shall be flown high in the sky. This arrow will trigger a wave of arrows running all the way back to the 10,000 strong party of Mikassian warriors that are hidden among the natives of the land, having bartered with them for acceptance and trading of information. These men will charge as a shadowy wave of fury into the enemy. "Should the night bring the fruit of potential, we will leave these lands." It was agreed that there was no benefit to infiltrate a group that shows promise of kinship. [hr] With the relevant materials and ores found and the beginning of a mining chain under way, the Mikassian army is soon to be bolstered by an abundance of steel and iron. Forges and flames burn bright on the red mountains and it is said the sound of the picks striking the stones scares away the mountain wolves in the night. [hr] War Chief Chatan's wife Mideri has their second child. A beautiful girl named after her late grandmother, Lukkagu. Celebrations are rife among the peoples of the Mikassian tribes, as this young girl will grow up to be a powerful sage.