[quote=@Dragon Witch] @Flamme Verte I'm actually looking forward to our characters interacting. Depending on how things go, it would be pretty fun if they wound up becoming BFFs in the long run. If you're okay with that of course and if they have the right chemistry for it. [/quote] Sounds like a buddy comedy in the making. He shouldn't be hard to get along with as long as you respect his strange customs. We will have to see how things turn out however, this could just as easily turn into a rivalry. They will have a lot of common ground in unfamiliar lands so I feel it won't be unfriendly and according to what I've been reading men and women were equal in Celt society. Female warriors weren't disapproved of or seen as unusual so there won't be any need for macho chauvinism. Excited to see the finished characters, now back to work with me.