Lots happened while I was away! I'll post later tonight hopefully [@Transience] you can reply when you like, if you would like my story to fall back a little to give you some breathing room then have at it. I'll post and you reply when you plan to :) On the discussion on differing religions. I propose (And I haven't read everything yet so I might be reiterating someone elses point) that there IS a set pantheon of gods that everyone draws from, yet each hero (Or at least heroes from vastly different times) would recognize these gods differently. For instance a goddess of the wilds, Goethia to Invisible and his character, but to someone else they could be known by a different name and possibly a different myth from which they were born/began. This way we have a set structure of a Pantheon of gods for ease sake, but one that attunes itself to different cultures and times via slightly different myths and names. Almost like all major religions mentioning some form of great flood. They all mention it but they have their own twist.