[color=IndianRed][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Ky%20vie%20Morgan%20-%20Gif%2002_zpslhrvxfd1.gif[/img] [h1]Ky' vie Morgan[/h1] [h2]Half-Blood Hill ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] By the Gods did it feel good to be back home… or, at least as close to home as she could be anyway- she had been living full time in the camp since she had first learnt about her heritage and had made the choice to take that next step in her life… that step that they all wanted for her; and while she had left her home and her friends behind, the ones who mattered the most to her where all right there, standing before her very eyes. Australia meant a lot to her; but it was nothing compared to what she had found when she had made the move into Camp Half-Blood. She couldn’t help but to take a few moments to just take them all in, her metallic silver-blue eyes slowly flicking between them before eventually, they once again came to a stop upon the newest addition to the group; the red head taking just a couple of seconds to take in all that she could about him from his appearance before settling and meeting with his eyes- it was clearly written all over his expression… in his posture… in the way he had spoken in reply to her introduction… she’d caught him off guard, and managed to surprise him; the very thought of it caused a soft chuckle to fall from her lips as she lightly patted the top of her helmet, her Australian accent (though not as strong as when she first arrived) still extremely noticeable as she spoke. “Sorry about the dirt shower, usually when I come home from a quest, I don’t have to stop as suddenly as I did; wasn’t exactly expecting a gathering up here to be honest…” Her bright red tresses bounced lightly back and forth across her shoulders as she shook her head, the smile over her soft pink lips twisting into an amused smirk which she held for a moment before her expression softened once more towards him; her eyes seeming to sparkle slightly under the light of the sun as ideas on how to make it up to them all flickered through her mind, "Alright, I got it. Barbecue at mine later okay guys-to make up for kickin' you with dirt, and ditching you all again for the sake of a quest... and as a welcome party for our friend..! No excuses or exceptions, I expect you all there like normal." [i]“Yeah, we didn’t miss you that much. It would be more plausible if you had missed us. I did miss your handiness with some tools though. I needed a little help with some… accidents that I had with a few of the weapons.”[/i] “Oh… okay, I see how it is- you don’t miss me as an actual friend or anything, but you miss me as your mechanic and forger; I’ll be sure to keep that in mind when I’m unpacking and find the souvenir I snagged for you.” Her soft pink lips parted slightly, and her eyes widened in surprise as she felt a strong and very muscular pair of arms wrap tightly around her body, the very sight of Gideon’s figure catching in the corner of her eye helping her to relax her lithe frame against his well toned one, her back hunching over slightly as she leant herself back into his arms; her head turning, and her eyes closing for but a moment as she pressed her lips softly against his cheek before she pulled them back once more, “Wow, it’s nice to know that I’m just so loved by you all… and if I didn’t miss you guys; then why have I been driving for two days straight, on only about six hours sleep to get home..?” [i]“Excuse me… When you get a chance, come find me. I need some work done on a few weapons. Don’t do it right away. You probably want to chill out, huh?”[/i] Well he had that right; she had only just arrived back in the camp, and while she loved the job she had been trusted with as daughter of the forge, she knew in the long run that she would be absolutely useless if she just jumped right back into the fray. She needed her down time; well, at least for today anyway… once she was relaxed and refreshed, then she’d be able to focus on the tasks she had without any regrets to her actions. Nodding her head softly in response to his words to let him know that she had both heard and understood, she scrunched up her nose ever so slightly, her mind working quickly on the alarm bells that had started to go off internally at the fact that she had just announced she’d be hosting them all at her cabin later on, “..actually Gideon; later on when you come over, bring them all with you- we can have a chat about it and we can store them in my room during the party. I’ll get on repairing the damage tomorrow.” It was like clockwork- the very moment that Gideon had left the hill, she felt ever the familiar warmth and gentleness of another arm wrapping around her, though this time instead of just allowing it to happen, she lifted herself up off of the seat just slightly, her arms automatically snaking their way around the back of Griffin’s neck as she returned the gesture, pulling him closer against her body as she did; the action itself causing a light red tinge to cross over her cheeks, and a gentle flame to seemingly flicker across her hair as she replied, her voice just as soft as his own, “..hey there thief-boy... by Gods I missed you so much…” Tightening her arms around him even more than she already had as she tried to keep the nice embrace as long as she could, she eventually pulled herself back from him, her hands dropping to pick her helmet up, hanging it off the handlebars before she finally removed herself from the bike altogether, being sure to keep a hold of it as she shot him an apologetic look while shrugging her shoulders lightly, “Oi..! In my defense, it wasn’t my fault this time; besides, I’m pretty sure that I’ve already made it up to you for making you lose another bet… I managed to find some time on my way back to get you some things… not to mention a few new games that I can kick your ass on.” Chuckling softly, she glanced over in the direction of the cabins before once more giving him her complete attention, knowing already that he would understand even if she didn’t speak her mind out loud, “..wanna walk me back to my cabin, and help me unpack..?” [/color]