Rocking back and forth a bit with every step, attempting to be as ginger as possible with his feet as he could. Shin slowly but surely closed the gap between them until Metz was within shouting distance. Why shouting distance? Because that's what Shin aims to do. Raising his voice at Metz from across the gap, the assassin lambasted his foe. [color=bc8dbf]"You know, you're a really unlikable sort! I'm an assassin, but at least I have the decency of showing my face as I kill someone."[/color] Which is ironic, seeing as he always conceals his face behind a mask. Still fuming over the dishonorable tactics of his foe, Shin didn't think that Metz would actually care. Seems like the sort who does this all the time, so getting harassed for it is probably his full time job. Wriggling the handle of his weapon out from the chain, Shin pulled the blade free and held it aloft. Pointing his right index at Metz, he called out to him. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm gonna do my damnedest to shove this blade down your throat, so be prepared for that!"[/color] Calling his shots like Babe Ruth, Shin started running towards Metz. Swinging back into the serpentine maneuver with no weapon in his right, and the blade in his left. There would no longer be any room for showing off, no time for extreme maneuvers. It was up to the simple and direct strategy, and that favored him. It had started a few moments ago, while he shouted at Metz. The cold sweat of excitement and the hot flush of adrenaline, Metz had to die. Shin would bring deliverance upon him. The assassin's eye locked onto Metz' face, it almost appeared to vibrate in its socket as he glared at his foe. Shin felt tingly from his head to his toes, the unsettling imagery offsetting this lead to an even more numbing sensation. Something about this ordeal had become surreal. Hidden behind his mask, Shin's mouth was agape with all teeth bared. Saliva trickling down the edge of his lips. Why had calling his shots triggered this? It was the prospect of punishing Metz that lead Shin into his seemingly trancelike state.