[hr][h1][i][color=Lawngreen]Sonya Summer Mayfield[/color].[/i][/h1][hr] Right when Sonya's feet hit the ground, her comms activated again. "Agent Merryday," Detective Luther Ross, disguised as an ordinary citizen out on a walk, spoke into her comms. "We miiiiiiight have a problem." "Oh dear, what is it?" Sonya put her fingers to her earpiece. "Fiend. Or at least one of them. We Id'd him as Rampage the Fiend, he's on our wanted list. He's heading straight for the Ball, and he isn't looking very friendly." Ross said. "Bloody hell... I thought we knocked that gang. There's still a [i]little[/i] left?" "Enough to cause us some problems." A soft sigh escaped her lips, before speaking into the undercover comms, "All Agents, move in to intercept. I'm on my way. Agent Merryday out." Sonya took her fingers off her earpiece, before leaping high up into the air. Landing on the roof of the mansion, and quickly crawling her way to the front of the building. [hr] It was time that the Remnants get revenge for what happened to the lieutenants, and the rest of the gang. It was time for NEST and the police to stop eating out of their cheese trays while people in the Estella Isle suffer. It was time for [i]Rampage[/i] the Fiend to walk up to their building, wearing nothing but camouflage pants and boots, leaving his muscular tattooed figured on full display. He strut up to the building like he owned the place, and stepped up the stairs. But, the undercover NEST Agents came up to him. Lead by Luther Ross, who was wearing a white T-shirt, some torn up sneakers, and sneakers. "Sir, I'm going have to ask you to leave." Luther said, pulling his arm around behind him to grab the gun that's in his waistband. "I wanna see ya'll try and stop me." Before they could pull their guns out on him, the man's chest started glowing with a red energy, before a concussive wave shot out of his chest, and sent all the undercover Agents flying. Before the Agents guarding the door could react, he fired another blast that absolutely decimated the wall and knocked over the NEST Agents. Rampage grinned as he walked inside. "Oh dear..." Sonya groaned as she grit her teeth as she made it to the edge of the building. The man had gotten under the cover of the building before Sonya could pull out her rifle and taze his ass. She had no choice but to quickly slink underneath the building, and hope she can get another aim on him. Stepping through the smashed down doors, Rampage's grin got even wider as he saw all the scared and confused people. "That's right! Run!" He shouted as his chest started glowing again. He started laughing like a supervillain. A loud bang filled the room, before he felt an impact hit him in the stomach. He looked down, and saw his stomach leaking blood out of a fleshy red wound. His chest stopped glowing as he put his hands on his stomach - right then that's when two more shots rang out. Hitting him in the chest, and the last shot shooting him in the head. Blood and brain was shot all over the walls. Rampage fell over, and landed headfist, getting more brains on the ground. Agent Vuhong merely slide her pistol back into her purse and zipped it shut, before turning back to take a sip of her wine until she ran out. "Can I have the whole bottle?" She casually asked, putting out her wine glass. Sonya dropped down from the ceiling, expecting for the worst, but she saw Rampage's dead body, and NEST Agents approaching it. Along with civilians looking on. Throwing on an uncomfortable smile, Sonya put her hands in the air. "Party's over folks!" She shouted. "We gotta clean all this up!" In the meantime, NEST Agents were dragging off Rampage's body. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Sonya said, as everyone began leaving. She was hoping that this wouldn't happen - but looks like she'll have to deal with it. [hr] [b][u]3:10 PM, The Next Day....[/u][/b] The sun was shining in Verthaven. People were out enjoying the sun, and having. [hr][h1][i][color=dodgerblue]Lihua[/color], & [color=red]Meifeng[/color] [color=dodgerblue]Vuh[/color][color=red]ong[/color], & [color=yellow]Mika Baozai[/color].[/i][/h1][sub][@BurningDaisies][/sub] [hider=Pharrell - How Does it Feel?][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Po4AsS0RTNE[/youtube][/hider][hr] "One..." Meifeng moaned the number as she pulled herself up for a chin up. The music blasting out of her speaker was motivation for her. She struggled for a moment, but managed to get herself up on the chin-up bar mounted on the ceiling. She did one chin up, groaned, and then did another. Sweat was dripping down her body, and soaking her clothes (Which were, at best, minimal) in sweat ten minutes in. Her arms were aching, but she barely stopped. "Thirty...." She groaned. What interrupted her was the door slamming open, and her cousin stood in the doorway. Wearing a grey hoodie (Zipped up, nothing under it), and matching grey sweat pants. She let out a sigh, before furrowing her brows, "Would you please turn that music down? I'm trying to rest." "Well, you're going have to wait a little bit, because I'm working out." Meifeng said, strained because she was doing chin ups at the same don't. "Sure as hell don't want become chubby like you." She chuckled as Mika rolled her eyes. "You're so inconsiderate." Mika answered. "Inconseederate?" Meifeng mispronounced the word in the middle of her chin-up. "Hey, you choose to stay here. Too bad it ain't like one of those mansions." "Ugh, I'm telling auntie." Mika turned around, and walked right out the door, angrily stepping down the stairs. "[i]Auntie.[/i]" Meifeng parroted, raising an eyebrow. She dropped down, and let out a sigh. Mika here is going to act like a spoiled brat, and it's up to Meifeng to stop her. As she stepped down the stairs, she said, "I thought you'd be above such... [i]lingo.[/i]" Mika ignored her, and stepped into the kitchen, which Meifeng quickly followed behind. The first thing that Mika saw was Lihua sitting at their dark-brown wooden dinner table, holding Lijuan, who was keeping a bottle steady to her hand. Not dressed elegantly as before, Lihua was simply wearing a white T-shirt, and grey sweat pants. With sandals on her feet. She looked up at Mika, before her eyes shot down at Lijuan. "Can I help you, Mika?" Lihua said. "Yes you can-" Mika bowed, but Meifeng quickly ran into the room, and bumped into her. They impacted each other hip to hip, and it sent Mika stumbling a few steps ahead. "Hey!" Meifeng said to Mika. Before turning to Lihua, "Mom, Mika here is being a brat, and coming into [i]my[/i] room and telling [i]me[/i] to turn it off!" "Your daughter is being heavily inconsiderate! I'm trying to get some rest!" Mika put her hand on her chest. "She is too unruly!" Lihua closed her eyes, and slowly raised Lijuan in her arms, before lowly saying, "... Lijuan here is acting more mature than the two of you." Lihua looked up at them. She then flatly says, "Meifeng, just turn off the music. Or turn it down, at least." "I'm trying to workout, and she's getting in the way." Meifeng said, putting her hand on her hip. She looked over to Mika, "You can't wait twenty minutes for me to finish? That's why you're so fat, Mika. All you do is sleep, drink tea, and ea-" Before she could even finish, Lihua stepped in. "Enough, you two." Lihua put her foot down. "Meifeng..." She turned towards her daughter. "How about you go out for a bit? You've been cooped up in this house far longer than usual." "Oh, you're kicking me out-" Meifeng rolled her eyes, before Lihua said something that changed her mind mighty quick. "You can take the car." Lihua said. "Well, I'm out." Meifeng gleefully said as she turned around with a smile on her face and ran up the stairs. This is amazing, she's going to take the car out for a spin! This is the rare opportunities when Lihua lets her drive their expensive car alone. She's going to get Jen, Anna, Cindy, and all the girls and have an adventure! First thing she had to do was get dressed, boxers and a T-shirt wasn't appropriate out on the town wear. Well, she had the perfect idea in mind once she got into her room. Fortunately, the only thing she had to change on her current outfit was her shirt - which was replaced with a loose and baggy T-shirt, and had a plaid flannel shirt. She pulls some jeans up over her boxers - which weren't really her thing, but they looked good with the rest of her outfit - before she slid into some sneakers. All that was left was slapping a Chicago Bulls hat on, and she was out the door. However, Meifeng didn't exactly head straight for the door. She quickly slipped around into Lihua's room, a big old room with a large queen-sized bed ([i]Fitting[/i]), dresser, and various nightstands. The latter was Meifeng's objective. She stepped over to it, and grabbed one of the cases for Lihua's glasses, before rummaging around her room until she found her ID. She grinned, before sliding it into her pocket. Meifeng slid down the railing, and saw Mika standing there, holding a wad of cash. Which she pushed against Meifeng's chest, saying, "This is encouragement for you to stay out extra long while I rest. Consider it payment for "winning" that poker game last night." A grin etched itself across Meifeng's lips as she counted four-hundred dollars. Four hundred! Just to get the hell away from Mika? Well, this is the easiest money Meifeng ever made. And will ever spend. "Thanks Mika! " Meifeng said, before running out the door. Lihua was walking up, holding Lijuan in hand. She only caught a glimpse of Meifeng's outfit before she put her hand out, saying, "Wait, don't go out dressed like a les-" Meifeng had already slammed the door shut before she could finish. She facepalmed, shaking her head slowly. Meifeng was going quickly as possible to get to the car. A luxury Cadillac sedan made for the best. A gift from their rich uncle not too long ago so they can stop driving around in a lemon. Meifeng loved this Cadillac, but had to be extra careful so that she ensures that she uses it again. Even sitting in, all Meifeng could smell was excellence. However, the first thing Meifeng did was whip out her phone, and send a text to Anna. [i]Hey Anna, wanna meet up?[/i] [hr][h1][i][color=plum]Trevor Kevin Obott[/color].[/i][/h1][hr] Broken glass crunched underneath his black steel-toe boots as he stepped by an abandoned car. Trevor walked through the ruins of this once-beautiful part of the city - The Ghost town - with a child-like excitement. He didn't smile, not that it would be noticed underneath his plum-colored scarf. He was walking through these streets holding his black compound bow, his quiver was mounted on his hip, and another knife was strapped to his other hip. Not because he was hunting anything, he was using it for protection. Just in case some [i]monster[/i] jumped out at him. Like that would happen. Heh. He'd be more afraid of some stray dog, or angry crackhead coming at him - though, he hasn't seen too many animals out here. Other than the birds, but even they didn't stick around for [i]too[/i] long. He just figured that he was being paranoid, and kept pushing on. Heaving what looked like a gym bag over his shoulder, he approached some old cafe, and looked up at it. It was a decrepit little building that was sandwiched between a row of other buildings that looked just as bad. The windows were smashed in on this place, doors were kicked in, and the tables were smashed. Though, Trevor thought about giving it a look, just to see what it was like inside. He stepped through the window, and reached to his belt, and pulled out his waist mounted flashlight. He shined it into the room, and slowly saw that there was nothing but debris, and animal crap. He was expecting at least [i]one[/i] dead body. Come on! He really wanted to keep exploring this building, but there was clearly nothing in here of note. He turned around, and as he stuck his boot over the window-frame, he saw something. Something shoot by him outside of his peripheral. The first thing that came to mind was immediately turning around to look. It was gone. Maybe it was just a leaf. Or a stray cat. Or he's just fucking crazy. He was just going to ignore it and keep on exploring this ghost town. While ignoring every horror movie he ever saw by [i]continuing[/i] to be here. Trevor continued down the street, every step was cautious. There was something clearly off about this place. Then again, they [i]do [/i]have it fenced off for a reason. That's what makes it a little more exciting. It's that adventurous spirit that drives Trevor forward. Though, it was a little lonely out here. It probably would be a little more exciting if he had the crew with him. Oh well. Maybe he should come out here to do what he planned on, and then head on back to the beach house. He kept walking, and turned the corner when he saw what was the remnants of the mall. Not just [i]any[/i] mall, but the largest mall in Verthaven. A shame that it had to be abandoned (And that he never got to go there). They were talking about making another, but there probably wasn't enough free space. Unless they decide to step on the little man and buy a bunch of shit. He wondered if there was a hunting store that he could loot in there. It was tempting to head inside, but he'll save this big one when he has some friends with him. Trevor simply walked over to the parking lot, and found the nearest abandoned car. He stepped up to it, put his bow down, and let his gym bag drop off his shoulder. He bent over and unzipped it, before pulling out some tin cans. He neatly put them all over the car. Satisfied with the placement, he reached down and grabbed his bow. All Trevor had to do was take a few steps back, before standing perpendicular. He loaded an arrow, turned his head to the car, before raising his bow, aiming at one of the cans. He pulled the string back until his hand was under his jawbone. He let go of the string, and let it slide up against his finger, the arrow was launched at high speeds at the can. The arrow pierced it, and it was launched off the car. Trevor fist pumped. Before he loaded another arrow, and repeated the process, and hit another can. Smiling. It was hard to do this at the beach house, because there wasn't really a yard like he had in Texas, and in Black Fall. There just wasn't anywhere [i]to[/i] practice. Out here - while the police frowned upon it - was where he could practice his archery to his heart's content. He fired off another arrow, and hit a third can. Before he could knock down the last two, he heard something prowl up behind him. It sounded like an animal. He didn't know if it was a dog, or something else, but Trevor instinctively reached for his knife, and whipped around. He barely even had a chance to blink before it was on top of him. Whatever it was, it must have been mid-pounce. It launched off it's back legs, and it's front legs landed on Trevor and knocked him to the ground. He had to pull his head up to stop from cracking his head on the concrete. Trevor didn't even get a good look at it, it's body looked fluid, liquid-like, and it's general shape was puma-like. He let out a yelp, as he kept that knife tightly in hand. As he tried to keep this thing off of him, he started blindly stabbing at it. Causing gushes of a thick, sickly-blue, liquid, to spill all over him (And it smelled awful). The creature let out a high, inhuman, screech, before Trevor threw it off of him. He didn't even look back as he hauled ass out of there. Only thoughts that were running through his head was [i]Run[/i]. Heart was racing, and he didn't even hear the thing coming after him. Not that he even looked back. He's been chased by pissed off animals several times over the course of his life, and you [i]never[/i] look back. Though, those animals caught up by now. He made it to the fence, and saw the whole that was cut in it. Trevor quickly knelt down, and slid through the hole. As the creature stood on the top of the building, it watched. Before it sunk into a puddle form, and disappeared. Trevor kept running. Even though he's in the very crowded Knightdale Rows, holding a knife. He barely even acknowledged that fact. He wouldn't stop running until he knew the coast was clear. This probably won't end well. [hr][h1][i][color=Springgreen]Cindy Gabrielle Keagan[/color].[/i][/h1] [hider=Zhu - Cocaine Model][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThUtI7LB17Y[/youtube][/hider][hr] "Yeah, Jolene. Just cleaning the club for my pops. No one ever comes here during the day, so it's basically mine." Cindy confidently spoke into her phone. Standing over a table, holding a rag in her hand as she wiped it down. She was wearing a T-shirt, jeans, and some sandals. Something simple since she's cleaning. Her hands scrubbed down the table with speed and grace. "You should come over here after you're done, girl. You're not doing anything else." Jolene said, casually. "Nah, got plans, girl. Maybe later, though." Cindy said, as she scrubbed the table clean. She skipped away from the table, and walked backwards. She got a good view of the club - with red decorations that made it look like a carnival. There were booths after booths. Tables after tables. And on the opposite side was the stage. Where musicians come to make a name for themselves! Hope they weren't looking for record deals, though. Since, they're competing with [i]thousands[/i] of other people for one. It's a fool's game for these people - at least her dad at monopolized it. "Alright girl, see you later." Jolene hung up the phone. Cindy walked over to the bar, and grabbed a cup. She walked up to the sink, and filled it with water. She threw it to her lips, before drinking it. The door to the club swung open, and revealed her father, Jackson, and his large frame. He was pretty tall, like NBA player tall. It felt like he was ten heads taller than her! He made her look so small in comparison. Her mother made her look short, too. He was muscular-too. Before he owned the club, he worked as a personal trainer, and just made sure he didn't lose the body. "Hey Cindy!" Jackson said, wearing a red athletic shirt, and jeans. "Did a good job cleaning the place, girl." "Thanks, dad." Cindy nodded her head. "Know they tear up the place sometimes..." He scratched the back of his neck as he looked around. "You okay? Did you see anyone come around?" He asked as he took a step forward. "No." Cindy said, as she put the glass down. "Why?" "You know those Scientists out there targetting Metahumans...." He crossed his arms. "I just want you to be extra careful. Stay away from anyone shady." "Yeah... I know." Cindy's eyes drifted downwards towards the sink, and the glass she was once using. "Thanks dad." "You know it, babygirl." Jackson walked over, and ruffed his hands through her hair. "Are you heading out now?" "Nah, I think I'll stick around here for a bit." "Oh, alright then, I'll just head into the back." [hr][h1][i][color=Lawngreen]Sonya Summer Mayfield[/color].[/i][/h1] [hider=Rayman Legends OST - Dive Another Day][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uExAAsr2rGI[/youtube][/hider][hr] Sonya crawled over to the edge of the building, turning visible, and pulled her binoculars out. She spied a man and a woman walking down the street, holding hands. "Ahhh, gotcha." She said underneath her breath. She looked at her datapad for a moment to confirm, and smiled wide. She put her finger to her earpiece, and spoke into the undercover comms channel. "Got visuals on our target. Moving down April Street." Two suspected Hands of Science Big Wigs that NEST was, of course, interested in. Now, the objective of the mission was to see where these worker bees lead... "Affirmative, I'm on my way now." Maria Mayfield, or Inkshade (as far as NEST callsigns go), said. She started walking down the street, and stopped when she saw the two walking down April street. She was disguised as a business woman with straight brown hair, green eyes, and glasses. Wearing a suit, and some high heels. And peddling behind her was a child, with similar features - just an extension of Maria's body of course. Maria crossed the street, and started walking, while pulling out a fake phone and chattering on about business deals or whatever, mindlessly. "That's my wifey." Sonya said. "Alright, this mission should be straight forward long as it's the three of us. You ready, partner?"