[@WittyWolf] [quote=@WittyWolf] [@The Slenderman] "Philomel... right. Come along if you want, just don't slow me down." Titan growled. It was rarely that the man was in an actually aggressive mood, but that little show had ruined his meal and favorite tavern. Someone was going to answer for these crimes, Titan would make sure. Wasting no time, he pulled the shotgun from his back and hefted it between his hands. "What's your story, boy? Why the interest in me?" he asked, looking to find the swordsman's motivations before they became a problem like everything else in this godforsaken Marketplace. [/quote] "I can't remember, I don't know what to honestly say to you, I suddenly appeared here, and then I just went my own way until I saw You, then a little bit of my memory came back, I remember having a fight with you, but I couldn't beat you. That's all I know" Philomel spoke to him and turned his head to Titan and gave him a straight faced look and then began to walk with him to wherever he was headed "As I said, I know who you are Rafael and Akkina, but that's as far as my memory goes.. I'm sorry." Philomel added to what he just said