Metz looked mildly amused as he was reprimanded from across the way, though his frown quickly re-asserted itself as he stood up. “I’m a survivor.” He said in a level tone, back in response, he drew his knife with his right hand and looked at it in the light as his foe continued to rage at him, threatening to stab him or some such nonsense. Metz left hand had already crept down and plucked his remaining vial from his belt, the liquid within black as night, swirling unnaturally as if it had been shaken abruptly. He only had the one vial left, his enemy’s timely retreat had resulted in that, so Metz justified what was to come as really the man’s own fault. Yes, that was right, this was a measure Metz didn’t want to take but had to, he had to drink it. He downed the black vial even as the man finished speaking and ran towards him. The effect was immediate, his muscles bulged beneath the armour and his eyes changed, his skin falling into an unhealthy shade and steadily growing darker by the moment around his eyes and hands. His veins pulsed and unlike the glorious euphoria when pure mana suffused through his body, Black Mana was a burning pain that somehow grew into ecstasy. His voice even deepened a little as he looked on at the incoming man in delight, his grin feral. “No. I will tear you apart.” He growled, the knife in his hand unsuitable for the bloody destruction he wished the wreak upon his enemy he lifted his left hand claw-like and spat out a couple of words, bypassing his normal spell restrictions. One sharp drawing of his hand down and he thrust it back out palm forward, the lightning bolt launching from his hands at the ground beneath his enemy’s feet as he closed the gap between them to thirty feet. The serpentine manoeuvre was useful when one is targeting the body as its movements were erratic, but the ground was a more sure-fire target, and serpentine can be just as predictable as any other run. The bolt would disrupt the earth, detonating and knocking a normal man off his feet, though the man was anything but his injuries would probably result in the bolt unsettling him.