[center] [h1][color=lightblue]Alex[/color][/h1] Alex found himself stumbling into a mess of chairs and tables as a few chairs followed him and painfully hit into his torso. He quickly pushed a chair aside and got out of the mess, rubbing his stomach in an attempt to dull the pain. This was getting to be weird to be prank. He glanced at Selene, who seemed to be examining a bruise on her side. [color=lightblue]"Oh dang... That looks bad."[/color] He moved over to his backpack, which was now on the floor amongst some of its contents, and began searching through it. He found a bottle of tylenol and tossed it to Selene. [color=lightblue]"Here."[/color] He thought of Emma and bit his lip. Where the hell was she? "One moment,"He told everyone in the class and walked out, weaving through the panicking teens toward Emma's classroom. He peered inside. Her classmates were there and looking to each other in confusion. Alex came back to his classroom and began gathering his belongings back in his bag. He should had figured she had cut school. [h1][color=lightcoral]Emma[/color][/h1] Emma helped Ming Hua on board as he spoke and smirked at his words, "Yeah I probably gotta get a haircut sometime soon. Been months." She told him, "Okay. Noah it is." She wrung out her hair on to the deck and sat down to try to process eveything happening. [color=lavender]"Hey!"[/color] Emma glanced back to see there was a boy waving to them. [color=lavender]"You guys?! Noah? You alright? You don't know what's going on do you? Like, where everyone went?"[/color] [i]Everyone?[/i] Emma repeated in her head mentally. Her father wasn't the only one who had just vanished then. She paused a minute, trying to process a logical explanation. She waved back to the boy, [color=lightcoral]"What do you mean by where everyone went?"[/color]She called back. [color=teal]"Your father disappeared," [/color]Emma returned her gaze to Noah. She recognized him from school. It was a small town so most everyone's faces were familiar to everyone. [color=teal] "Maybe," - if you're really lucky - "he swam back to shore."[/color] Emma raised a brow at his proposal. [color=lightcoral] "Why would my dad randomly jump off a boat and swim to shore and ditch me?"[/color] It seemed even Noah knew it was nonsensical. He proposed going back to land and then leaned over the side to scoop up a piece of driftwood, suggesting he tow her along. [color=lightcoral] "Or-Or... We could just drive the boat back."[/color][/center]