Made my second one! Also I know he's like super strong in the game so I powered him down a bit with a bunch of weaknesses, also don't expect him to dodge [hider=Asura] [img][/img] Name: Asura Age: 12,000+ appears 28 Species: DemiGod Gender: Male Personality: Asura is for the most part always angry, that’s where he gets his power from. As such he flys off the handle quickly and will not stop until he gets his goal or he is stabbed enough times. He is also constantly looking for his daughter whom he believes everyone is hiding. Bio: Asura was part of an army that was tasked with protecting the earth from it’s self. Asura however was framed by the other generals for killing his own wife. After that he was killed and exiled. Long story short, he came back and beat up the other generals to a bloody pulp and saved his daughter after defeating a god. However his story didn’t end there, the God he had thought to have defeated was able to send him into the multiverse. Asura has since been trying to find a way back. He has been recruited by a rather shadowy organization to take down others in exchange for them helping him find a way back to his universe. Abilities: Asura is extremely strong to begin with. The angrier he gets the stronger he gets, he has gotten to the point of anger where he can punch through pretty much anything. Asura has also punched through lazers before. Asura can also grow four extra arms to punch with, he has multiple forms but he mostly uses a standard form and the form with extra arms. Weakness: While Asura is extremely strong his arms can be ripped off rather easily, though that hasn’t stopped him in the past. He can regrow his arms but it takes a while and he can’t be in battle in order to grow them back. Asura may seem unstoppable but he can be killed, at least he can be killed for about 1,000 years before resurfacing. Another weakness is any kind of calming spell, if it hits him then he’s pretty much passed out until something sparks his anger, basically if he’s punched while he’s passed out he will get back up. Universe of Origin: Asura’s Wrath [/hider]