WIP [hider=Silver Bank] [h1][center][color=C0C0C0]The Silver Bank of Fierenzé[/color][/center][/h1] [h2][color=C0C0C0]Rulers[/color][/h2] Familia de Miredici. Or simply called the Miredici. They are a wealthy family originating from Fierenzé. Their history will be explained later. Right now they are ruled by the eldest brother, Serano II de Meridici. His younger brother, Meccano and his sister, Catarina, serve as advisors. It is hard to truely know if absolute power is with Serano as his decissions are rarely challenged. And when so, often through debate the problems are solved. [h3][color=C0C0C0]Serano II de Miredici[/color][/h3] Often called Serano the Young. Or the Silver Son. He is born from Lechandros de Medici and Liassiana si Leturgo. Serano was born just after the purging of Fierenzé. He grew up at his father's side, and quickly learned the value of gold and silver. Later, at the age of 16, he often joined his father at negotiations. Where he took up the skill of persuasion. When his father passed peacefully, Serano took over the family business and created the Silver Bank. He is sly as a fox, charismatic as a lion but most of all, proud like a stag. Ambitious to a fault, nothing is above him. He believes that under him, the bank could become as powerful as any nation. [h3][color=C0C0C0]Meccano de Miredici[/color][/h3] The Artist. Meccano rarely moves from his older brother's side. A cheery person, though often seen as weak and guilible. He took up painting from his mother, Liassiana. Unlike his father he had little knowledge about coins other than they were used to trade with. These days he is often seen at Banker's Square. Painting the scenery of the many people visiting his brother's great institution. [h3][color=C0C0C0]Catarina si Miredici[/color][/h3] A kitten not to pick up without gloves. She quickly learned from her mother how men would do everything for beauty. She took this advice to heart and therefor always dressed to be seen and noticed. She acts with grace but can turn ferocious incredibly quickly. While she does not understand coins as much as her eldest brother, she understands that they have power. Power to make men do things, or power to make sure they won't. Catarina serves as foreign ambassador for Serano and is therefore often seen within the city states of Dragon's Spine. [h3][color=C0C0C0]Lecho de Miredici[/color][/h3] Among many he is known as the Beggar King. As he often cares and grants coin to the poorest people. He dresses in filthy, peasant clothes and walks barefooted among the dark alleyways of Fierenzé at night. Giving out soup from his brother’s kitchen. While most of the nobility despise him for appearing so weak while he is so wealth, the average people love him. [b]The Shadow:[/b] The Shadow is a name given for the figure often seen in a city state when Catarina visits it. Though not always. It is whispered he is a spy-master for the Miredici. The one thing known about him is that he uses the poor and the old to steal and eavesdrop. His identity has never been confirmed. But it is in fact Lecho. [b] The Black Alchemist:[/b] A name whispered among those who secretly worship the Red Gods. Some say he is a priest of the Red God Craïne. Other whisper he practices the most evil arts of the Old Ways. Some other again say he discovered the secrets of other gods. Though while almost everything about him is debated, one thing isn’t. He holds knowledge about things no human should know. While his very existence is yet to be confirmed, the Black Alchemist is another identity of Lecho. [hr] [h2][color=C0C0C0]Buildings of Interest[/color][/h2] [h3][color=C0C0C0]The Argent[/color][/h3] [hider=The Argent - Images] [img]http://thevanderlust.com/local/images/vanderlust/florence_uffizi_jpg_1415875711.jpg[/img] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/pottermore/images/b/b6/Gringotts_wizarding_bank.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111005171002[/img] [/hider] [h3][color=C0C0C0]The Golden Vaults[/color][/h3] [hider=The Golden Vaults - Images] [img]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc214/Mistress_Vader_Photos/Consolidated%20Art%20Work/Pirates/Treasure/pirate_treasure____by_miggs691.jpg~original[/img] [/hider] Built into the old Megrini Gold Mines. The Gold Vaults has a room dedicated to each currency. Content of the vaults is logged incredibily strict and the Gold Vault is very well protected. Every day at dawn, a cart departs from the Golden Vaults. Either it is filled to supply a shortcoming at the Argent, or it is empty. At dusk the cart returns. Either with the surplus from the Argent or with nothing. This way, not too much gold is left at the Argent. [h3][color=C0C0C0]The Silver Vaults[/color][/h3] [hider=The Silver Vaults - Images] [img]http://cdn.fansided.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/229/files/2015/04/gameofthrones15-58-131982.jpg[/img] [/hider] Built just outside Fierenzé, the Silver Vaults house no gold or silver. Within the organization, it is also commonly refered to as the [i]Archive[/i] as all forms of ledgers and letters. Promises, contracts or messages to a mistress. If it has been seen by someone of the Silver Bank, there is a copy of it at the Silver Vaults. It is therefor said that the Silver Vault houses the majority of wealth of the Miredici. Simply through proof of ownership. There is however, a far greater secret. The Philosopher's Stone is hidden here too. Deep within its bowls. Far from the public eye. [hr] [h2][color=C0C0C0]Magic[/color][/h2] [h3][color=C0C0C0]The Philosopher's Stone[/color][/h3] [hider=The Philosopher's Stone] [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120915194209/pokemonfanon/images/c/cf/The_Red_Orb_2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [quote=Lecho de Miredici][i]"Ask me not where I got this, dear brother. Ask me not after its origins. You would never resign to sleep again. You mind would be quelled by more questions. Your soul would weep. Let that be my burden. But know of its working. Blood for gold, brother. And tears for silver.”[/i][/quote] How the Philosopher's Stone exactly works is still unknown to almost everyone. It is whispered among the siblings that Lecho knows how it works. However, the warning for it's price seems to be an indication towards it. It was given to Serano II by Lecho upon his wedding day. But soon it was sealed within a hidden chamber of the Silver Vaults. [hr] [h2][color=C0C0C0]History[/color][/h2] [hr] [h2][color=C0C0C0]Military[/color][/h2] [/hider]