[img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/123851/2498561-stark_sigil.jpg[/img] Green or Black: Black Recent History: House Stark is the North, they were once the Kings of Winter before Aegon the Conqueror took their crown but it has always been the Starks who have ruled the cold wintry land. There has always been a Stark in Winterfell and they are determined to keep it that way. They are a proud house that has braved many winters and many dangers and still stands strong. The Starks command the respect of their bannermen, though not always their loyalty. The North is the largest and most perilous of all the kingdoms, with constant threat of wildling raids and the harsh embrace of winter ever present. Surviving winter requires hardness, and the Starks are a hard family. The lions of the West and the dragons of the South may roar proudly but it is the Wolf that howls when all else is silenced by bitter Winter. And Winter is Coming. House Stark was one of the principal supporters of Rhanerya's claim to the Iron Throne. In exchange for the marriage of a Targaryen princess into their House, the Starks agreed to lend martial aid to the Blacks. Winter marched south with Lord Cregan Stark in command of a large host of men, many of whom had no wives, homes, or children. Though they marched south with violent intent, the Wolves were denied combat by the death of Aegon the Second. Lord Cregan sought to avenge the king's poisoning and governed in King's Landing for less than a week, executing the Sea Snake and two others, before returning home with nineteen men bound for the wall. A portion of his host, some two thousand men, remained south of the Neck however. Cregan's younger son, Jorah remains in King's Landing with his men close at hand in order to serve as his father's voice in the capital. Cregan's younger brother, Jon Stark, serves as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and took in the nineteen men from King's Landing into his force. They remain steadfast against the ever-present threat of the Wildlings. Cregan, in his fifth decade, returned to Winterfell. He petitions for the marriage of a Princess to his eldest son Brandon and seeks marriage pacts for his daughter Alys and son Jorah. Cregan's niece Sansa Stark, known as the She-Wolf, a famed rider and archer is fighting a constant battle against Ironborn Raiders in the north. Cregan's nephew Theon Stark was given command of Moat Cailin and was charged to rebuild the castle and keep the North safe from any southern aggression. A large portion of Cregan's numerous relations reside within and man the castle. Family Members: [hider= Cregan Stark, the Old Man of Winterfell] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/78/22/21/782221791d4ed24c40ad83c59fb7055c.jpg[/img] Name: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North Age: 55 House/Affilitation: Stark Appearance: Cregan stands at over six feet tall and is weathered by his numerous winters and wars. Old scars all over his torso, arms, and legs, mark his many battles. Despite his age his hair and beard retain their color. Cregan is an old man, almost ancient by the standards of the North but still possesses the lean strength of an experienced warrior. Biography: Cregan was the oldest of three sons to Lord Rickard Stark and Lady Talia Karstark. Even at a young age, it was clear that the boy was a natural fighter, rider, and hunter. He mastered bladed combat and riding at twelve, and killed a bear with a bow when he was fourteen. The young heir to Winterfell was a wild youth, with a heavy dose of the wolf blood, and was often drinking, hunting, fighting, or bedding. He was beloved of all the men of the castle for his valor and daring and adored by the women for his reckless allure. He was quite beloved by his father for all of this but it was his mother that sought to moderate him. She was only partly successful and Cregan often took his younger siblings along on his misadventures. Cregan was Lord of Winterfell since he was seventeen years old, after his father died in a hunting accident. The young Lord took to the role naturally, the weight of command and the tutelage of his mother finally sobering the wild young man. He steered his family through many Winters and oversaw a period of great growth for his House. The North was well protected from raiders and wildlings, Cregan often taking the field with his brothers to quell any threat. Cregan was a powerful warrior and a terror on the battlefield with his greatsword Ice. He kept a firm but honorable hand on his bannermen, rewarding friendship and loyalty and swiftly punishing any wrong doing. Few were executed however, as his brother always needed men to man the wall, and most said that Cregan's judgement was fair. At age twenty-three he took Mira Bolton to wife. The quiet, intelligent, and sometimes harsh pale beauty was in strong contrast to the young Lord's larger than life demeanor and he took quickly to the razor-tongued girl. With his Karstark cousins and Bolton in-laws firmly in his camp, the rule of House Stark solidified and the North was heavily united behind Cregan Stark's leadership. Cregan fathered many children but the North is cruel. He had two sons and a daughter, and took in his nephews and nieces when his brother Ethan and his wife were taken by sickness. He was a warm father to his children and taught them all the value of decisive action and loyalty. Prince Jacaerys made a pact with Cregan, the Pact of Ice and Fire, that a Targaryen Princess would marry into the Stark family if Cregan gave the blacks his support. Cregan declared for Rhaenrya in the Dance of Dragons and assembled his men. Cregan marched south his younger son and a host of men considered expendable. They were denied the pleasure of battle with Aegon the Second's death and the greens sued for peace. Cregan assumed the position of Hand of the King and had twenty-two men arrested for Aegon's murder. He killed three by his hand, including Corlys Velaryon, as was the Old Way but let the remainder take the black. The Hour of the Wolf ended swiftly and Cregan returned home. He left command of the men remaining in the south to his son Jorah. When word of Ironborn Raiders reached his ears upon his return he was furious. He charged the elimination of any Ironborn Reavers in the North to his niece the She-Wolf and let his son Brandon accompany his cousin on some of her sorties against the Reavers. Wary of his southern neighbors he gave Moat Cailin to his nephew Theon along with a force and castle staff that included many of Cregan's relations and charged Theon to defend the castle from any and all aggression. The Old Man of Winterfell remains watchful for any threats and prepares for Winter, all the while demanding that the Iron Throne honor its promise to House Stark. [/hider] [hider= Mira Stark, the Lady of Winterfell] [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/03/20/article-0-1C7374F200000578-76_634x341.jpg[/img] Name: Mira Bolton Age: 46 House/Affilitation: Stark Appearance: Mira is the perfect picture of a noble wife. She was beautiful and pale in her youth and remains much the same, her features mostly unmarred by the passage of time. Her cold blue eyes are famous for their ability to either entice or intimidate. She stands at nearly a height with her husband, prefers to wear very little jewelry, and is not overly concerned with fine clothing. She wears practical and functional dress but it does not hide her womanly figure at all. Biography: Mira was the eldest daughter to Lord Roose of the Dreadfort, one of many children. Her father was always cold and distant, taking little interest in his daughter and her mother died when she was very young. Mira learned to survive the cruel atmosphere encouraged by her father on her own, avoiding the lecherous nature of her uncles and the shrewish demeanor of her aunts. She grew very fond of books and was quite learned. Navigating the under-handed and two-faced dynamics of her family gave her a sharp eye and an even sharper tongue, and she was famed for her cutting wit even among the Boltons. Mira was an avid reader but was little enamored with courtly tales of love and heroism for her life among House Bolton taught her there was very little truth to the stories. Mira was more convinced of the ghastly tales associated with her own family, though she never found where her father supposedly kept the skins of their enemies. She was never concerned with playing beautiful music, dancing, or making pretty dresses. Instead she learned to hunt, ride as well as any scout, work a dagger like a master, and keep track of figures. She spent as much time with the Maester learning to read and write as she did with the master-at-arms and the hunters. She impressed her father with her knowledge and usefulness but never grew a real rapport. It was clear from an early age that she was beautiful, and many men and boys desired her in bed or in marriage. Mira refused all of them and once had to fight off a cousin who grew too fond of her. When she told her father he told her to take care of it herself. She ended up shooting a rabbit, skinning it, and spreading the bloody mess on the boy's bed and person while he slept. Nobody else bothered her again and her father gave her a rare smile when he heard of it. As accustomed as she was to blood, she did not share much of her family's love for it however. Many of her relatives treated their servants harshly, and there were rumors of much darker goings on in the castle but Mira herself never partook. She found more pleasure in riding, reading, and hunting. At a nameday feast for Lord Cregan, the young lady Mira caught his eye. She knew of his reputation however and rebuffed his advances quite readily. Her refusals only inflamed his interest however and he constantly attempted to court her. She finally relented and eventually the two grew to love one another, Cregan asked her father for her hand in marriage and Roose accepted, gaining House Bolton much influence and favor in the process. Mira lost her maidenhood to Cregan on their wedding night and the two were happily married ever since, Cregan finally stopping his lustful ways for one woman. Mira found a home in Winterfell, filled with those who loved and respected her like they never had in the Dreadfort. She grew to feel more like a Stark than she had ever felt a Bolton and considered Winterfell her real home. When she was twenty-one, she gave Cregan a son named Brandon. Two more children followed and it was the happiest she ever had been. She raised her children to be responsible, intelligent children with just a trace of the wildness of their father. Mira was beloved of those within the castle and renowned as a gracious host to all their visitors. After the turmoil of the Dance of Dragons, Mira still stands strong besides her husband willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of her family. For as much as she is a Stark, she is also a Bolton and she would kill a hundred children if it meant saving her own [/hider] [hider= Jon Stark, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch] [img]http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/red-riding-hood-movie-image-gary-oldman-06-600x399.jpg[/img] Name: Jon Stark Age: 53 Affiliation: The Night's Watch Appearance: Jon is shorter than his brother by a head and is just as weathered if not even more so. A scar from a wildling blade marks his face, sliding down over one eye where it was nearly put out by the dagger. His hair is mostly grey but his eyes retain their vibrancy and sharpness. Jon lost the little finger of his left hand to frosbite and wears a special black glove over the hand. Biography: Jon was always a sober and quiet man, much unlike his older brothers. He loved to fight with swords and hunt as much as they did but disdained women and drink. He was a studious lad who always obeyed his parents unlike Cregan. And although he did not like to participate in his brother's vices, he was always loyal. He never revealed secrets or reported his brother to their parents. Jon was beloved by their mother for his responsibility and by Cregan for his discretion and willingness to follow. Jon may not have had the wolf blood like his brother but he had reliability and determination to always remain true. Jon showed great skill in martial affairs but was never as gifted as his brother, but was the superior in intellectual pursuits. It was often said that he would make a fine Maester, he had the mind and chaste disposition for it. But Jon did not relish the thought of serving another House in some far away land. He wanted to serve in a way that made use of his talents, and where he could remain close to home. And as he never wished for a wife, his calling soon became clear. After Cregan became Lord of Winterfell, Jon decided to join the Night's Watch. He entered at the age of fifteen, determined to defend the land from the wildlings that would periodically raid the North, stealing, burning, raping, and killing. Jon was a natural for the Rangers and excelled in his new position. He made several Rangings beyond the Wall and proved his mettle through cold snow and bloody battle. He lost a finger to the frost and was nearly killed more times than he could count but his intellect, resourcefulness, and skill saw him through it all. He was a Ranger for twenty years, First Ranger for six of them. Jon was quite popular among his sworn brothers for his prowess and his willingness to accept anyone in order to get the job done. He was popular with the senior officers for his reliability and usefulness, Jon Stark became renowned on the Wall and feared beyond it for his skill at hunting down Wilding raiders. After Winter took the Old Lord Commander, the time came for a choosing. Despite his protests, he was quickly nominated by his brothers and won the vote by a large margin. Jon did his duty and assumed the position of Lord Commander. Jon remained in close communication with his brother, visiting often and conferring on matters of defense against raiders. Cregan sent Jon many men, both highborn hopefuls and common criminals. Jon ran the Night's Watch with a measured but strong hand and the Watch grew strong under his guidance with hundreds of experienced and trained men with plentiful provisions and supplies from his brother. Lord Commander Jon remains stalwart at the Wall and collaborates with his brother on a plan to settle the Gift with newly raised Lords to serve as a second line of defense. And though he is not a superstitious man, Jon does his duty and watches for any sign of the Watch's ancient enemy. [/hider] [hider= Brandon Stark] [img]http://www.wearysloth.com/Gallery/ActorsB/38360-26576.gif[/img] Name: Brandon Stark Age: 25 House/Affiliation: Stark Appearance: Brandon is a comely young man with the best of his mother and father in him. He is tall, at a height with his father and has a well muscled form built by countless hours training in combat. Brandon has no grey hairs or any scars, he is often jokingly called the Pretty Wolf by other young Starks. Biography: Brandon is Cregan's heir and is the favorite son of the Old Man of Winterfell. He has all the skill of his father and all the wit of his mother. Brandon was nowhere near the wild youth that his father was growing up but he took to combat, hunting, and riding as well as Cregan did. He was never too interested in scholarly pursuits and though he was quite fond of the young women of the North he did not pursue women the way his father had. Brandon's primary interests were the business of battle and ruling, and he was thoroughly schooled in both by his father. He was a natural talent with any blade or blunt weapon and sat in on many of his father's councils with his bannermen. Brandon showed a natural talent for leading, displaying a charisma that drew many to his side as devoted friends and followers. Brandon was never an arrogant or cocksure man but he exuded all the confidence that his father had. Brandon was the perfect heir to Winterfell and a strong Lord in the making. Brandon got along well with his cousins and his sister Alys, particularly with his cousin Sansa, but there had always been something of a rivalry between Brandon and his brother Jorah. They had never hated each other but the brothers were extremely competitive, trying to best each other at everything from fighting to riding to archery and even fishing. Though they conflict often, the two brothers care for each other fiercely. After the Dance and when Ironborn began raiding the North, Brandon refused to remain at home and successfully persuaded his father to allow him to join Sansa's mounted force, the two would work together to lead them. Brandon had not been pleased with being left behind when Cregan rode south and would not stand by idle now when his home was threatened. Many bannermen's sons, distant relatives, and sworn swords to the Starks saw their chance and joined as Brandon's personal guard. In the end a four hundred man force was created made of expert trackers, scouts, archers, and fighters whose responsibility was to defeat and kill the Ironborn anywhere they landed in the North to reave and rape. Brandon leads them along with Sansa when he isn't required at court and already the two Starks have acquired glory in battle and the love of their men and the commoners. Brandon remains unwed as his father demands the crown to honor their vow to marry a dragon princess to him. Brandon and Sansa are currently on Bear Island, in House Mormont's holdings, helping them defend against the Ironborn. Brandon is frustrated that the North has no means in which to strike back at the Reavers for their transgressions, for the North has no fleet but he vows to find a way to acquire enough ships, and build a strong enough force that they can stop the Ironborn from raiding his home. [/hider] [hider= Alys Stark] [img]http://cdn02.cdn.justjaredjr.com/wp-content/uploads/pictures/2014/03/emma-douglas/emma-watson-douglas-booth-noah-stills-posters-05.jpg[/img] Name: Alys Stark Age: 17 House/Affiliation: Stark Appearance: Alys was always a beautiful girl but was much like her mother was never too fastidious in her appearance. She is well-groomed but doesn't accentuate her beauty with jewels or ostentatious dresses, she lets it speak for itself. Alys stands at 5'6 and has a full figured build. Biography: Alys is the youngest child of Cregan Stark and Mira Bolton and was raised since birth to be a strong northern noble lady. She never knew real hardship but was taught to survive in the wild and ride a horse like any man. She knew her history as well as either of her siblings, better even, and was more the artist than her mother ever was. Alys took quickly to needlework and the lute and is renowned for her singing, dancing, and quality material dresses. Alys was much like her mother and was never invested in legends of beautiful princesses and handsome knights, she always knew that ruling was much harsher than that and she was groomed to be a practical woman. Alys never considered herself a fighter like her brothers or her cousin Sansa but was always known to outwit them in games of words and cunning, much like her mother. Mira taught her daughter how to read people and see how they actually feel and what they think, and use that information for her own benefit and the benefit of the family. Like all the Starks, Alys was raised with a strong commitment to the House and she knew that she would do anything to help House Stark, even if it might be dishonorable. Brandon and Jorah may have wanted to fight in the open with swords but Alys was taught that the most important battles were often fought over dinner with words. After the Dance, Alys remains at home in Winterfell with her parents. Her father began to elicit suitors for his daughter and there are many but none that have caught Alys' eye. She had never been much enamored with men unlike her peers and she doesn't think it likely she will start now. With her cousins and brothers all fighting for the future of the North and the Starks, Alys is determined to do her own part and forge a strong alliance with a strong house to support the family. [/hider] [hider= Jorah Stark] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/e540b331bcd6d9fc6bb6b8c853a13ddc/tumblr_nrd8cutxvN1sd0c1ho7_1280.jpg[/img] Name: Jorah Stark Age: 21 House/Affiliation: Stark Appearance: Jorah is not as handsome or as tall as his brother but has all the lean strength and confidence of movement. He recently sheared his hair very close to his head and watches the world with calm icy blue eyes. Jorah stands at 5'8 and is often seen in armor. Biography: Jorah is the second son of Cregan Stark and felt the position keenly his whole life. He was always loved by his parents but could never be the favorite like Brandon was. Jorah always had to work a little harder, try a little more to get his father to praise him as much as he did Brandon. Despite this, he loves his family and would do anything to protect them. Jorah was raised to be a loyal brother to Brandon, destined to rule a holdfast someday in his name and support his brother in his pursuits. Jorah was resigned to this but thirsted for a way to prove his worth to Cregan and the family. Jorah was a skilled fighter but could never be as good as Brandon, who was a natural and would one day hold Ice for himself. The two brothers competed constantly and sparred many times, Brandon getting the better of his younger brother more often than not. The younger brother feared that he would grow older and become useless, become forgotten and remain in his brother's shadow all his life. He did not blame Brandon for this but was something of a sulky youth, having few friends besides his family and always training in his spare time. Finally Cregan saw fight to bring his spare son south with him to fight in the Dance. He did not want to risk Brandon in battle and Jorah was ecstatic for the chance to prove himself to his father. Unfortunately he never saw combat and the war ended before he could ever even see the enemy. However he was entrusted with two thousand men and charged to act as the voice of House Stark in the capital, and lobby the Iron Throne for favors and considerations for their support. Jorah was not a natural ruler like Brandon or a wordsmith like Alys but took to the task with a determination to do it well. He kept his men in line and was able to keep from making any serious blunders in the capital. He has a heavy responsibility in King's Landing and he will do everything in his power to succeed for his family. [/hider] [hider= Theon Stark] [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/t/52040d89e4b0cbada7135182/1375997331663/epic-trailer-for-the-hollow-crown-with-tom-hiddleston-and-patrick-stewart-video.jpg?format=750w[/img] Name: Theon Stark Age: 23 House/Affiliation: Stark Appearance: Theon is about as tall as his uncle and older cousin and has a scholarly cast to his features. He is a gentle and thoughtful looking man but with the same athletic build as any of his male relatives. Theon does not care much for his appearance but keeps his beard and hair neat. Biography: Theon grew up in a holdfast to Lord Cregan's younger brother Rickard and his wife Jeyne Manderly. He does not remember much of these early years however because a fever took his parents when he was only four. The holdfast was given to a cousin of Lord Cregan and Theon and his sister Sansa were brought to Winterfell. Theon was a shy boy at first but grew to love his family quickly, he has many fond memories of his time growing up in Winterfell. Theon has never returned to his father's keep, not willing to endure the pall of death. He considers Winterfell his real home. Theon was a studious boy, soaking in histories of war and conquest and stratagems of long ago generals. He fought and rode well enough but could never quite match his cousins in skill of arms. Instead his real talent was in strategy and tactics. He studied many battles and Cregan saw that his nephew had a sound mind for formulating battle plans. Cregan taught his sons and Theon everything he knew of leading men in battle whether it was on a field or in a siege. Theon grew to be very loyal to the family and it was obvious that he would serve the house well. When Cregan rode south with Jorah he charged Theon with the lordship of Moat Cailin. He was to command over a thousand men and man the keep, rebuilding the fortifications and holding the Neck against any southern armies that would attack the North. Theon left Winterfell with many of Cregan's relations, second cousins of House Stark or Karstark, and many Bolton men as well. Theon got to work and Moat Cailin is in the best repair it has been for centuries, though the work is far from finished. He kept his men in line and Moat Cailin stands strong, ready to throw back any invading army as it has for thousands of years. Even though the Dance is over the tension in the realm isn't and Theon has no intention of letting any hostile host pass into the North. [/hider] [hider= Sansa Stark, the She-Wolf] [img]https://thefilmlounge.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/you-highness-movie-photo-04.jpg[/img] Name: Sansa Stark Age: 20 House/Affiliation: Stark Appearance: Sansa is beautiful but it is often hard to tell, she cut her hair to look like a man's and she is almost always seen in riding leathers or armor that conceals her form. She is 5'7 with an athletic build and takes even less care to her appearance then the rest of her family. Sansa has little interest in seeming presentable and is more concerned with being practical and comfortable. Biography: Sansa was only a baby when her parents died and she has even less memory of her parents than her brother Theon. She effectively grew up in Winterfell and was very close with her relatives, she grew to love the castle deeply and she was the happiest when in Winterfell with her family close at hand. Theon was very protective of her and tried his best to keep her out of trouble, with moderate success. Unlike Alys, Sansa had more interest in boys but none of them impressed her. She spent a lot of time around servants and castle guards and matured at an early age, Sansa was particularly favored for her fun-loving demeanor and sometimes crass attitude. Sansa rode horses even better than her cousin Brandon did and Cregan said that he had seen no finer archer. She brought many fresh kills home to Winterfell and became just as skilled as her cousins in combat, though she relied more on speed and agility than strength. She was the only girl to spar and had to prove herself to the young boys, she beat them all more than once and even managed to get the best of Brandon in one fight though she never did again. Her uncle and aunt loved her like another daughter and Alys thought of her like an older sister. Sansa remained at home when Cregan, Jorah, and Theon left though her uncle told her it was less to protect Sansa and more so that she could keep an eye out for Brandon and Alys. After Cregan returned home and Ironborn started raiding the other kingdoms, Sansa asked her uncle for leave to fight back. He relented and Sansa and Brandon formed an elite mounted company to respond to any Ironborn incursion. The two of them rode with many skilled warriors and saved many villages from attack. Sansa killed her first man with an arrow right between the eyes and killed many after that. Eventually her men started calling her the She-Wolf and she was beloved of the commoners and the fighting men. She returns on occasion to Winterfell for a week or two at a time before riding off again with Brandon. The pair have done an admirable job but they have no means in which to strike back at the Ironborn with next to no naval power. Sansa and Brandon are currently on Bear Island, helping the Mormonts defend themselves. [/hider]