[hider=Sachiko Tachibana] Name: Sachiko Tachibana Esper Student [Micro Type] Nickname/Alias: Fire Princess, Flame head, Unparallel Fire master, Afterburn Seat Number: 8 Nationality: Japanese Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Sachiko Tachibana] [img] http://i.imgur.com/Qk7Q25G.jpg [/img] [/hider] Blood Type: O- Biography: Sachiko was born and raised in academy city her powers as an esper was awakened and cultivated from a early age. As an orphan there was no one to care for her so the closest she got to a parental like figure was the scientists that awakened and tried to cultivate her powers. Despite that she was not really harmed by them nor was she really raised lovingly. Her powers was what they were interested in and as such they treated her with some kindness so that she would go along with their experiments. Though that was cut short when she turned ten and the funding was cut. She was sent back to the orphanage but still with her esper abilities she was at least able to forge a life for herself. She eventually rose and became one of the level 5’s of academy city something that while she is proud in it is mainly for the work she put into it rather than the rank itself. Personality: Sachiko has a very interesting persona, as her love for video games are quite unlike one would expect of someone of her stature. She has little care for the fact that she is a level 5 or an esper though she has been known to use it when the need arises. She is a kind person at heart, but can be extremely perverted when things get out of hand. She is also as her abilities would suggest a hot head and can anger easily at times. Likes: - Music - Art - Sleep - Video Games - lazy afternoons Dislikes: - Eccentric Old Men - Manipulative People - Rain - bugs Skills: - Mechanics - Martial Arts Ability Ignition Drive (点火ドライブ- Tenka Doriabu) (Pyrokinesis): Level 5; Micro Special Skill: Burst Flame (バースト炎- Hōshutsu(Honō)- Using and creating fire to act as a propulsion system boosting the damage and power behind punches or kicks. Beyond that it can be used to increase speed to a limited degree granting temporary flight (jumping higher than normal). It can be used to expel flames as a form of a ranged attack normally as darts of flame. Signature Move: Ignition Flame (点火火炎-Tenka Kaen)- Using the principle behind the fire darts from Burst Flame Sachiko creates a long lance of fire before throwing it. It travels in a straight line Burning through most items that gets in the way. It is a move similar in practice to the railgun but lacks the sheer piercing power the railgun provided. In times of need she can also use it as a sword should the need arise. Ignition Rebirth (点火復活-Tenka Fukkatsu)- The AIM Field of Sachiko creates and generates heat that is comparable to most deserts. Items are heated up when they come in general proximity and is often used by Sachiko as a means of defense increasing the heat to tire enemies due to the heat allowing her to tire enemies before they start to fight. Disadvantages: Despite everything there is little recorded disadvantage beyond the increase in heat before she really activates her powers. Though like normal fire it can be put out by copious amounts of water. Theme Song(s): [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h6fBBGapyA[/url] Extras: Owns and cares for a male calico cat named Tenka(Ignition) Due to her ability her body temperature is always at a certain level thus when someone touches her it always feels hot to the touch. [/hider] [hider=Aria Fabre] Name: Aria Fabre Esper Student [Macro Type] Nickname/Alias: Phantom Violinist, Melancholic Violinist Seat Number: Nationality: Japanese/french Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Aria Fabre] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HaDNxBV.jpg[/img] [/hider] Blood Type: B- Biography: Growing up in academy city Aria never had a happy family her mother died when she was seven. Even after her mother’s death he continued to work if not doubling his efforts so as such she grew up alone though from a young age her mother instilled a love and appreciation of music and instruments. At the age of 10 when her father suddenly vanished from her perspective though according to a letter received from the city she believes her father is alive and searches for him. This lead to her going and entering academy city to use their advanced technology to try and help her. She joined the academy to keep up normal life while looking for her father. Though in order to pay for expense of the house and living expenses she learned how to craft and make instruments of many kinds though she seeks to create a perfect violin going through lengths to gather different ingredients for the varnish and taking time to digging a hole and leaving it there for months on end to create the perfect finish for it. It during this time she picked up ballet and singing as well to increase her own music capabilities from being able to sing her own songs to dancing in a ballet to help her understand how movement can portray emotion as well. Personality: She is a quiet and determined person by nature who dislikes violence. To those who know her however she can be a kind and caring person willing to go through great lengths to help them. She values bonds above everything else and would do anything to help maintain the bonds she has. To many people she comes across as a sad person who is withdrawn from the absence of both her parents. Music for her is where she expresses herself since she feels that words can not pass through all the emotions that music can portray. Likes: - Music - dancing - composing music - peace - lazy afternoons Dislikes: - busy bodies - disturbing her music - loud voices - bugs - fighting Skills: - singing - musician - composer - dancing - making instruments Ability Pseudo Symphony (acoustikinesis): Level 4; Macro Special Skill: Ghost note - The ability to expand upon desired frequencies. With this she is able to control just how loud a sound can become with. This leads to mass damage to a large group of people she lacks the control to decrease the sound to make it where only one certain person is hit with the sound waves. In order for her to use said ability she needs vibration of a sound. She mainly accomplishes this through violins and other instruments. Signature Move: Pseudo Stradivarius - Using the same principle behind the her Ghost Note she creates a specific note while playing targeting a certain part of a person’s brain triggering with it sadness and other melancholic feelings along with amplifying the frequency of her music. This leaves the victim unable to move as she releases and damages them through the sound waves Disadvantages: - Most of her moves and her ability require sound in this case her moves are completely dependent on her instruments. -Through sheer amount of concentration needed to control and amplify the sound it makes it hard to focus on things other than her music making it hard for her to fight back if they get close. - To target certain parts of the brain and trigger that emotion the person needs to actually hear her music and the hidden notes within it for it to be effective. (Special) - Despite amplifying the sound of her music the phantom notes for her special are quiet and thus lacks true range for it to be useful for anything else other than a finishing move. (Special) Theme Song(s): Meaning of Birth [hider= Meaning of Birth] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SHM-7qMiDs[/youtube] [/hider] Extras: she carries a violin with her everywhere she goes and uses it constantly with her music playing and much more. The Violin is special in the fact that it can take a lot of damage from heat and physical abuse without really damaging it. [/hider]