[center][img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/8582/f/2012/339/c/8/original_character_by_baroquebeat-d5n671r.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Ryan Chideta Height/Weight: 5"4, 110 Pounds Age: 22 Personality:[hider=Personality] Ryan is a very contradictory individual. He constantly pushes himself to the brinks of death as he trains constantly to become the best at what he does, but he can spend entire days doing absolutely nothing as he just lies down and stares at the sky. He's an easily excited individual who can never focus on one thing for long periods of time, but the dedication he puts into his marksmanship is rivaled by few. In battle though he seemingly becomes a new person as he pinpoints enemy weaknesses and environmental advantages and disadvantages. He doesn't talk during battle either, he instead let's his bullets do the talking. Few things faze him as he becomes a machine dedicated to his current goal. He can be serious outside of battle, he just prefers not to. His life motto is, "Life is already too serious. Why make it more so on purpose?"[/hider] Home Island/Sea: East Blue History:[hider=History] Ryan was born on a pirate ship known as The Horsemen of War. They had kidnapped a prostitute and one of the crew members had a child with her. They kept it well hidden until the child was born, the crew killed the prostitute and the crew member. The captain, Quiet Shot, refused to kill the child and instead has the rest of the crew take care of him. The boy grew up fast, he learned to shoot with the best of them and every so often he went treasure hunting with the rest of the crew too. It was at the age of 13 that life changed for him. The Navy was finally cracking down on them and there were few people besides the captain left. Quiet Shot sent Ryan away on the last lifeboat as the Navy closed in on them, for the last time. Five years pass by and Ryan is hunting for treasure on an unnamed island in the middle of nowhere. He digs up a chest and after breaking it open he finds a bunch of fruit. He gets pretty pissed and throws a lot of it into the ocean. As he's about to throw the last piece his stomach growls and he realizes just how hungry he is. He has some fruit, so why not eat it. He immediately regretted that as he tasted oil mixed with dog crap. He swallowed it begrudgingly and almost immediately felt something wrong. He passed out for a bit, when he woke up his left arm was gone, with only oil spilled all over the beach sand. After about five minutes or so of panicking he began hoping and praying for his arm to be back, it began reforming out of the oil. He then realized exactly what happened. He had heard rumours of Devil Fruits from other pirates, he had just eaten one. Fast forward 6 years and he's traveling the seas in search of a worthy captain and a worthy goal.[/hider] Fruit: Oiru-Oiru no Mi, Logia Class The Oiru-Oiru no Mi allows the user to turn into Oil, and use said oil for anything oil may be used for. The user can produce large amounts of oil and can liquefy their entire body if needed. If the user wanted to hide in a small bottle then they could, they could also power a vehicle with their own body if they wanted. Typical weaknesses apply, the user cannot float on water using the Oiru-Oiru Fruit. They will just solidify into their body and sink as usual. The major weakness of the fruit is the users own weakness to fire, when turned into oil they are highly flammable. Fighting style: Ryan uses guns, lots and lots of guns. While most people can only hold two guns, Ryan can form arms of oil to hold more guns and fire more bullets. He is also adept at reloading fast, but there is a limit to how much he can multitask. More complex tasks will require more attention, while simple things like loading and firing a gun is easy for him to do. He tries to stay away from the enemy, but he's no slouch in close combat. He uses typical Logia tactics like liquefying to avoid hits, but he also uses the oil he produces with incendiary bullets to create fires and in extreme cases, explosions. He keeps 10 guns on him at minimum at all times. Ship Positions: TBA, could be maintenance guy. Bounty: 0