[@NarayanK] SEMPAI :D [hr] Anyways, here's the CS for Anderson from basically when I started on this sight. I'll pretty it up soon hopefully *cringes* [hider=My Hider] Normalish (Magician-ish) Student Macro Type [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/articles/71000/code-geass_71312_top.jpg?cache=1282216829[/img] Tall and very handsome, he also slick black hair that is combed back. Has exotic blue eyes from his father. However, he has an air of mysterious, interesting and secretive. [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Anderson, Jistudan (アンダーソン, お金) [b]Nickname:[/b] Anderson (preferred name), Blackjack [b]Magic Name:[/b] Aurium078, [i]the sun that never sets of the frozen world[/i] [b]Position:[/b] Skill-Out (He’s the leader of a gang that isn’t really part of Skill-Out, but this is the closest I could get it) [b]Seat Number: 7[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] Half American, Half Japanese [b]Age: [/b]17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bloodtype:[/b] A- [b]Biography:[/b] Born to an American gang leader and a Yakuza princess, Anderson’s life has but full of crime and sin since he was born. Raised in Las Vegas for the first half of his life, he has learned how to gamble and cheat like it’s the back of his hand. At the age of eight, his father was killed in a street fight against a rival gang and Anderson was smuggled away to Japan where he was to live with his mother. Although she is a tough Yakuza princess whose beauty betrays her intentions, she is very motherly towards Anderson and very supportive in his goals. She taught him how to fight and how to shoot a gun amongst other skills like coercion. When Anderson started to build his own criminal empire, his mother granted him a pocket watch that was actually a magical device, making become a magician in a way. Anderson has recently transferred into Academy City for two reasons: 1)to make money off of the naïve students of the city and 2) to grow his criminal empire. He cannot be touched by Judgement and Anti-Skill after he successfully blackmailed the heads of each organization, much to the annoyance of the law enforcement. Although he is leader of a criminal gang, his actions are fairly tame considering the actions of other gangs, mostly staying in the realm of blackmail, information dealing and fraud. Personality: While acting antagonistic, Anderson is a good person at heart, always making sure his gang’s member are happy, he does legitimately care for even the people around him as long as they are not openly hostile although he will often cover up his kindness with some dark excuse. He is incredibly charismatic and gladly exploits it to his advantage in gaining people’s trust. He also tends to be secretive, always having an ulterior motive that no one can quite pick out and headstrong/cocky as if he controls the world (which in some aspects he does). [b]Likes:[/b] Exploitation Gambling Toying with law enforcement Occasional Anarchy Information [b]Dislikes:[/b] Pointless and long explanations Arrogant and boastful people Bloody murder Harming of people under his control Fried Dumplings [b]Skills:[/b] Anderson is incredibly intelligent and charismatic and thanks to his informant network, he has dirt on just about everyone. He is well versed in business and manipulation with smuggling an easy task. He is also a surprisingly good shot with a pistol and quite deadly with a knife. [b]Magic:[/b] [i]Time Slow:[/i] The power that is embedded in the pocketwatch he got from his mother; the world moves to the beat of Anderson, allowing him to move at normal speed while everything else is slowed, giving the impression he is moving faster. It can only be to slow a maximum of thirty minutes a day and rests at midnight. Dispute its potency, Anderson tends not to use this very often in favor of more traditional “methods”. His left eye also glows red maroon when he uses this ability. [b]Theme[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgz1wdlkzcs]Nightcore- Centuries[/url] [b]Extras: [/b] - His name in Japanese can either mean "Money" or "Live Ammunition", fitting considering his line of work. - His weapons of choice are a Beretta Raffica and a butterfly knife with a combat knife-styled blade - The name of the gang he leads is “Coercion” and it deals in information trading and its large informant network. Anderson claims he has agents everywhere, even in Judgement and Anti-Skill but as no one has proven it. Either that or his agents are really just as good as he claims. - He is noted to be both an excessive gambler and really lucky, so he wins nearly all his bets. [/hider]