[center][h1][b][i]~Logan Murdock~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/dDYIlICNPfNFS/giphy.gif[/img][/center] Logan blinked once more as the helmet reflected a particularly bright beam of sunlight as Ky'vie took it off. She shook out her hair and seemed to radiate a sense of confidence unmatched by the other campers on the hill. This more than anything said that this was a regular quester, much like himself. Logan wondered if all the demigods at the camp would be so experienced, but he doubted it. This camp didn't produce veterans like Camp Jupiter. He gave Grif a nod of acknowledgement, knowing the man wouldn't say it aloud. More and more, Logan was being clued in on their personalities by the second. He spoke softly so that only Syleste would hear, "So is this the girl Grif's been waiting for? Rather flashy entrance, if you ask me. I tried to cover you, but did you get hit by the dirt anywhere?" The last was said worriedly, not wanting the kind girl to have suffered. He was also waiting for the newcomer to introduce herself, so he could do the same. He immediately perked up at the mention of food however. Damned if he would miss a barbecue, for any reason. His mouth practically salivated at the thought and he knew the one granola bar sitting in a side pocket in his bag wouldn't suffice. This news was worthy of an answer. "I managed to blow away most of it... no worries. Barbecue, I wouldn't miss it, even if a rampaging herd of minotaurs would show their ugly snouts. What time will it be?" Logan said in an inviting and humorous tone, chuckling a little bit at this girl's rather over-the-top antics. Not even five minutes in Camp Half-blood and she was already planning a party? Ky'vie had style, Logan had to give her that. He preferred a [i]venti[/i] over any motorcycle, however. Turning to Erin, he gave her a raised eyebrow, curiosity written all over his face. "So, where will we start first on the grand tour, oh great and masterful tour guide?!" Logan asked, trying his best not to get on the wrong foot with his cousin. She seemed like a fun person, always with a snappy comeback laced with witty sarcasm and humor. As long as you didn't piss her off, she was most likely a great friend and ally. Logan didn't plan to piss her off.