Lyra's eyes widened as the waiter informed her that he wasn't a waiter at all, and that she would have to help herself. She opened her mouth, only to close it again a few seconds later. Who the hell did this guy think he was? Did they really expect her to get her own food? Ridiculous! She was a lady - even in her imprisonment, she was to receive the best treatment at all times. She would not, would [i]not[/i], accept anything less! Her small fists formed balls and she gritted her teeth as she met the boy's gaze - only to find that he had fetched her a muffin while she had been processing her shock. She sighed, trying to regain her composure. A lady was not supposed to yell in public. Snatching the muffin from the boy's hand, Lyra closed her eyes and took a small bite, chewing thoroughly and savoring the taste as best she could. Her fury had not been extinguished, of course; it was merely flickering. But, by the time she had finished her muffin, she was able to retain her dignity. "Someone will get me my food or I will unleash my abilities upon you all," she said simply, then took a slow sip of grape soda. She was not a servant, and she didn't at all appreciate being treated like one! Mother and father had paid for their neglect; Miss Dawson, whoever she was, would do the same if she didn't get her act together!