[Hider=Cynbel Mac Lugh] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UZeAKcy.png[/img] Name: Cynbel Mac Lugh Gender: Male Godly Parents: Lugh and Morrigan Sphere of Control: Light, Craft, War, Shapeshift, Restraint Personality: Despite being a war god, Cynbel is fairly relaxed. He strives for a glorious battle, one that tests all of his limits, but he accepted that such a battle will never appear. Cynbel isn't a merciless god, nor he is exactly merciful, and will only assist those who truly deserve it. He hates laziness, and admires those who are willing to do anything to reach their goals. His calm and relaxed exterior, hides his disdain for many of his fellow gods, as he finds a good number of them immature and annoying. Within him also lies a thirst for power, and to have all under his thumb. Sacred Animal: Raven Powers: Combat Prowess - Cynbel is definitely one of the strongest gods in the Pantheon, but he mostly prides himself in his ability to fight. Being the child of the greatest Celtic warrior god, and the strongest warrior goddess, Cynbel is the greatest warrior of the Pantheon. He might not have the overall crushing strength of others, but his instincts of battle are second to none. He is also a great military commander because of this. Shapeshift - Cynbel can change his shape into any other living creature. Eye of Balor - Not something Cynbel was born with, but something he was given as a child. Whatever the eye makes contact with bursts into flames. Cynbel keeps this eye hidden at all times, seeing as it would cause constant ruin. It is an eye of pure destruction. Weapons: Fragarach: A sword that can cut through any defense, and would leave wounds none could heal from. If it is held to someone's throat, that person can't lie, nor move. Was owned by Lugh. Gae Assail: A spear that will always hit, as long as the word "Ibar" is said. The spear will return to the owner when the word "Athibar" is said. Other: Has poor vision because of one eye, but the rest of his senses are heightened. [/hider]