Alternating between taking a couple bites of his banana and drinking his apple juice he took in Zinnia's problem with the food. It was an understandable issue, although one Iron hadn't actually ever contemplated. He had always thought that the food offered was of a fairly decent variety but now brought to his attention it wasn't difficult to see that it was pretty bland. He started to think of ways to solve Zinnia's issue with the food but didn't get very far, as her next utterance threw any thought of food from his mind. "You know, you're the first one here to show me any kindness... would you mind hanging out sometime?" The question was asked as Zinnia stood from the table. Iron's immediate answer wasn't an answer at all, rather he nearly chocked on his banana. This in turn issued forth some rather unpleasant sounds that Iron was hoping Zinnia didn't take personally. The combination of near choking and the question itself took the tinge that Iron was previously showing and dialed it up to bright red. As he cleared his throat his mind raced [i]'Is she asking me out? Or does she just want to hang out? Does it matter? Does my answer change either way? No... Not really.. I don't thinks so anyway..'[/i] [b]"Umm yeah, that actually sounds good. Really good. Maybe uhh meet up at the bar, or even the beach after work? If not today then maybe sometime,"[/b] Iron's nerves made themselves apparent in his speech despite him trying to maintain control of them.