Just my WIP app, I've barely started, but it's 2 AM over here and I actually have things to do tomorrow. Maybe. I hope I have things to do tomorrow. [hider=Name or Nickname] [b]Name:[/b] Emre Novak, professes to not actually care, but blatantly prefers male pronouns. [b]Age:[/b] 18. [b]Personality:[/b] Emre, to his friends, was always a sassy, happy-go-lucky nerd who lived for the sole purpose of having fun. He was always a hedonist, willing to do anything for some fun. Throughout high school, he experimented with numerous drugs, all "For the hell of it" as he would put it. His lifestyle was focused around cheap, temporary thrills and distractions. Despite this seemingly self-serving lifestyle, he always seemed ready to do anything for his friends, to the point that his birthday presents always seemed to involve tricking his friends into letting him buy things for them. This is most likely a sign of his crippling flaw: he is fixated on doing things for others, and often can find no other reason to do anything serious. He is known to become quite focused on certain people, and will fixate himself on a goal no matter how ridiculous it is, which has unfortunately led to many, many suicide attempts when reality hit. [b]Interests:[/b] Emre is obsessed with two things: World War Two, and Space. He owns countless models of WWII aircraft, tanks, and ships that can be found strewn throughout his room. Furthermore, he has a complete fixation on space travel. Not with the technology, but in the action. He never really grew out of wanting to be an astronaut. As a result of this, he ended up in the Naval Academy with all his College money ready to go to LASIK in order to get into aviation. In his free time, he will either go out with friends (preferably to someplace new; he hates going to the same place twice in a row), or just browse the internet. A point of pride for him is that he has never, ever masturbated. Be it a true lack of a sex drive or simply considering it irrelevant to his goals, the most arousal he's ever shown is a light blush. He's continually shown interest in writing, but never gave it much thought beyond a few ideas floating around in his head. Given a catalyst, he might have become obsessed with it instead of space. [b]History:[/b] Emre was born in an exceptionally normal town in rural North Carolina, and his family never moved once in his life. They were all major Christians, but not quite evangelists. They were protective, but not quite overprotective. It was the perfect recipe for a normal life, and perhaps by design. Both parents had been on the move their whole lives for one reason or another, and wanted Emre to live a planted, normal life. Except this backfired horribly. They sent him to the best schools in the area (that didn't cost money), and everyone he met seemed to have a more interesting life. He was the stereotypical face of mildly (but not quite wildly) conservative rural America thrust into the liberal capital of North Carolina (which he was surprised even existed). For more or less half of Middle School, he was completely out of place. Everyone around him was an atheist whose ideas flew in the face of everything his interpretation of Christianity believed. Then, something happened. Perhaps it was a love affair, perhaps a crush, or maybe just something he read. He can't figure out which of the three it was, but either way, his entire identity did a 180-degree turn. In a single day, he became a liberal agnostic at odds with his parents. Of course, they all thought it was a phase, and anyone with half a brain would. After all, he was a teenage boy, he was sure to have a crisis of faith before eventually returning to what he had believed originally. At least, that's what they thought. Except he didn't go back, he loved the idea of having new things to think about. He fit in with everyone at school, people whom he'd formerly had to listen to berating his beliefs. It felt great. Every day, he'd go out with his new-found friends and just talk. It didn't matter what they talked about or where they went to him, as long as something new was happening. Just as everything was getting fun, Middle School came to an end and so did the grades their school offered. With only a few parting words, they all went their separate ways. Every once in a while they'd get together again, but the number of people coming slowly dwindled. One of them moved to the west coast, and never sent so much as a single text back. Another attempted suicide, and never spoke to any of them again. Afraid of throwing themselves into it all, Emre and the one person he considered a friend at the time jumped ship. They'd get together sporadically, with two months being the usual amount of time between meetings. Out of necessity, he made a new friend. This one was nothing normal for Emre, and he loved it. He collected guns, he went on the vilest hub of scum and villainy on the internet (AKA 4chan), and best of all, both of them were exactly as flawed as each other. Neither gave a second thought to the other's flaws, and that's what made it great. They went through most of High School together, and by the end, they both had very few options open to them. Neither wanted a "normal" job at a desk, but neither had any artistic skills. Without anything else to do, they agreed to join the military. Just for the hell of it. They both took the test, and both of them passed. But while Emre went into the Naval Academy, his friend went to West Point. As he settled into his new life, things slowly got more and more boring. He desperately wanted someone to talk to, or even something to do, but he couldn't put in the effort to find either. His grades stayed the same, but his psyche didn't. Without anyone he knew to talk to, he came to the conclusion that he didn't want to live anymore. So he stepped onto a bus to the highest tower in the city... [b]Appearance:[/b] Text description first, optional link to an image second. Include what they're wearing on the day they die, when a bus careens into a fuel station and explodes, though this may change fairly quickly. [b]Notes:[/b] Anything else? [/hider]