[color=a187be][h2]Shinjiro[/h2][/color] So apparently a brand new, state-of-the-art, and ultra-exclusive school had opened up. Okay, sure. He knew that was happening, that stuff was all over the news all summer. Nothing had a hype train behind it like Hybrid Academy, not even Ronda Rousey at her height of being crammed down everyone's throat in the first half of the 2010s. [i]Nothing[/i]. Guy couldn't go a day without hearin' about it opening for the incoming semester for moths now, it being officially accepting its inaugural class as of today was nothing out of the blue. What was completely out of the blue, however, was the fact that when he checked the online student registry, HIS name had suddenly popped up under Hybrid Academy as opposed to his old school. What the [i]hell?[/i] That couldn't be right, he'd thought, but after a vigorous mashing of his F5 key, nothing changed. Still there, on the screen, proudly within the comparatively small list of names was Karasawa Shinjiro. It must have intentionally been placed there, no glitch in the system nor on his screen. [color=a187be]"Huh. Can't have been my [i]grades[/i] that got me there, because if I'd gotten anywhere closer to failin' history..."[/color] he'd begun, with a rare thoughtful grimace. [i][b]KNOCK KNOCK[/b][/i] [b]"School Delivery!"[/b] called the familiar voice of the local mailman, Mike. The grape-haired esper smirked, heading for the door. [color=a187be]"FFFFuggit. I'll [i]take[/i] it!"[/color] And the next morning, he'd found himself clad in a swanky, yet very distinct Uniform, schoolbag slung over one shoulder as so many casual students did, and scrutinizing both completed form AND hastily jotted-down directions, two pieces of paper clamped under the relentless pressure of his thumb. [color=a187be][i]System Scan today, too... today's fuckin' bi-zeeeee. Sheesh![/i][/color] [color=a187be]"Oh shit, I turn [i]here[/i]."[/color] he noted, hastily backpedaling back onto the sidewalk from the street and turning on his heel to his right. [color=a187be][i][b]WHOOPS![/b] Close call, Shinjiro. Masterfully saved. Give that stuff a gold star.[/i][/color] He grinned, and kept walking, searching for anyone else sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowd.