I finished a panel in the OOC for setting. No, I have no idea how large cities are actually supposed to work. Yes, the Avernale Financial Spire is almost a kilometer tall and still not the tallest skyscraper in the world- It's 2021, so the 1000m Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, will have been finished by the time this roleplay takes place. Feel free to ask any more questions about the city, if you have them. Thanks, Wikipedia! [@Keyguyperson] I know you're not quite finished yet, but nonetheless Emre feels very relatable. Solid character, welcome on. [@BubbleGumKing] Qunin (Quinn? Quinine?) still seems pretty fluid, so he's still accepted, though again, the interests section reads more like part of who he is than a glimpse of what he might do, what inspires his imagination.