[h2][color=f26522]Kalani Solle[/color][/h2] [b]Bride to Krone; Sister Bride to Kaelira[/b] Kalani felt herself a lot more comfortable in the drab-looking night gown she was given, though she was disappointed at how ugly it was. She got herself in the bed next to her husband, feeling a bit shy, despite the fact that she knew that he wasn't going to do anything to her. She felt him gently playing with her hair, and though he might not notice, it made her smile. Eventually he had fallen asleep so she turned, gazing at his face for a moment or two; she did not know for how long she did this. It was not necessarily because she was in love with him (it was too early for that), but as he slept, he looked peaceful, almost vulnerable. He was not as scary as he was when she first came to meet him, and that was only a few hours ago. She turned her back towards him again, doing her best to fall asleep. But then she started to think about Kaelira, her sister-bride. What was going to happen to her? What would she be like once she returns? Will she finally behave? Millions of questions went through Kalani's head, her hands unconsciously rubbing the ring that was not rightfully hers. She did not want to think about it anymore, so she stopped. Now was the time for sleep anyhow, so sleep. ----- The next day, they made their way back to Krone's estate as Kalani shared a carriage with her sister-bride. Kalani did not know what to say to the poor girl who looked all beaten and bruised. Though she had never had the chance to talk to her sister-bride before, so perhaps now was a good time to start. They were both Gems after all, these times were tough, and they will probably be spending the rest of their lives together anyways. It was better to be friends than enemies at each other throats all the time. [color=f26522]"Good morning Kaelira,"[/color] Kalani said, trying to sound as sincere as possible. [color=f26522]"I am sorry about what happened last night..."[/color] She was going to say more, but she did not want to sound like she was lecturing her. There will be a better time for that once the girl was well again, if that ever were to happen. Regardless of whether Kaelira responds, somehow the conversation fell flat and the rest of the ride remained in silence. Thankfully, they have arrived, and a few of Krone's men had helped them out of the carriage. The estate was large and beautiful, from what Kalani saw of it so far. They were in the courtyard presently, and she wondered how much freedom they would have to roam around the place. She was quite pleased with all of it until they came across Krone's other wives. Kalani should have suspected as much, but she did not think that he would have a Drakken wife. Their marriage was more likely one filled with love, unlike hers as she is simply a prize. Still, she kept her head held up high despite how Milligan, she learned, was eyeing her and Kaelira. Did she feel threatened by them? Kalani could not help but smirk at the thought of that. She didn't think the Drakken woman had anything to fear. Kaelira was not planning on playing nice anytime soon, and Kalani had no intention of vying for Krone's love and attention; she simply wanted the safety of her family. Well, she would be lying if she did not admit that she was fond of Krone but that easily could only be because she was grateful for him. [color=f26522]"Pleasure to meet you, Cia, Milligan,"[/color] she said with a curtsy. [color=f26522]"I hope we will all get along splendidly."[/color]