Madison felt like she could pass out from the heat any moment. Not only she was thirsty, but her dress was not made for standing out in the heat, on a hot beach, barefooted. She knew she needed water and soon. Or else she could start feeling a lot worse. Her head was hurting, a small throb in the back, and her body still ached from the swimming - or lack thereof, she didn't know how - after the wreck and coming upon shore before passing out. She took a deep breath, feeling the way it hurt, the way her throat and tongue begged for relief. She only wished she could give it that relief; but drinking the ocean water would be the stupidest move she would have done by far. Besides wearing this damnable dress. She listened to Charlie address her and smiled at him; they all were in bad shape, she didn't feel like she needed to be the only one taking breaks. Though, she understood and she did move to the shade, the sun beating down on her too much at the moment. She wiped some sweat from her brow, watching Charlie and Isak. She didn't know what to do. She had just joined the crew, this was her first trip out, and looked at what happened. She gripped her dress tighter, rose it higher as she dug her toes into the sand, feeling the coolness underneath the warmed surface. She went to make a move to follow Isak, though she was worried about leaving Charlie by his lonesome, but then she heard another voice. She knew that voice, as well. The Captain! It was a relief to see him. "Captain!" she called, leaving the shade to get closer to him; the sun was not a welcome feeling. "How nice it is to see you. Mr. Isak has just gone inland; I believe in an attempt to find water. We all could use it." she said, using her hand to briefly fan her reddening face before returning it to hold her dress up. "I want to go with him... the trees are providing shade, even, and I'd rather not sit around, doing nothing." she didn't want to just sit around and seem helpless. She wasn't. "Perhaps you'll both join in the search?" she asked, wondering if she'd be able to find Isak now, since she was standing here and talking to Charlie and Joseph. She was afraid of getting lost, though; she didn't know how big the jungle was and was a bit afraid of it. After all, what was inside of there?