Sotoe walked through the gates to Hybrid academy. He reached into his back pocket and took out the acceptance letter he’d gotten in the mail. He really didn’t remember even looking into the academy. Then again his parents seemed way to happy when the letter came in. so he figured they had something to do with this, but he didn’t really care. It seemed like a nice academy and had some great looking areas he could practice parkour. He folded the paper back up and placed it back into his back pocket, tightened the strap around his guitar that was on his back, and continued to walk through the courtyard. In an instant he felt as though he looked weird. “Man I must look like I’m lost,” Sotoe said to himself as he found a small window and looked at his reflection. His attire made him look like he just walked off the street while everyone else seemed to be a uniform or business casual. He took a deep breath and sighed, “Just remember: just like everyone else here. You deserve to be here and no one else can tell you otherwise.” Sotoe found a small area that had a few benches and some walls he could free run off. Sotoe set his guitar down and tapped the front of each of his shoes on the ground to make sure they were on tight. He suddenly charged at one of the walls and ran up the small 6 foot wall before he climbed onto the top and took a deep breath. He looked on the other side of the wall and found a few steel tables near the wall. He made sure no one was sitting at any of them before he jumped down onto one before jumping to another and back flipping of the last on. He landing on the ground and rolled before he jumped back up and looked back at the wall and tables and said, “Let’s hope they allow me to do that while I’m here.? Otherwise this place is going to suck.”