[center][h1][colour=FireBrick]Rebecca "Hydro" Click[/colour][/h1][/center] Rebecca had awoken from another nightmare. She had been having a lot recently; the experiments, killing her friends... It was becoming almost too much for her; almost. She got up from her bed and walked to her computer. It was a small apartment, nestled deep into District 18, but with everything she needed to live. She rarely spent time there though, as her jobs with SOUL tended to keep her and her in hotels. [i]First day at Hybrid Academy... Not my first choice but Sunless seemed to know what she was doing"[/i] Rebecca thought, eyeing the schools website that she had left open from the previous night. It was the newest school around, promising education in both esper and magical teaching. She picked up the letters she had received about being chosen and felt a somewhat sense of pride that she had never felt before. This would be like a fresh start for her; something for "Rebecca Click" to do, instead of being Hydro all the time. Rebecca dressed herself in the school's uniform and made her way out of the apartment and towards the school. She knew exactly where it was, since it was a big deal and there were posters for it everywhere. The news was all over it 24/7, and it's popularity hadn't decreased in the slightest now that it had opened. It took a good half hour walk to arrive, but when she did she saw that everyone else was arriving at about the same time. The most eye catching was a kid scaling a 6 foot wall with little to no effort. [i]Is that free running?[/i] she thought, surprisingly confused by the concept. In fact, she remembered seeing him before, and in quite a few places. The most prominent seemed to be when she was returning home from a job; she tended to see him or someone who looked like him running and jumping around like a monkey. [i]Strange little monkey, jumping around with so much energy[/i] Rebecca mused in her head as he disappeared over the wall. A new place and a new life, where she could live and be Rebecca. A place where her past didn't matter and she could forget about it all; that is what Hybrid Academy would be to her - and even if it wasn't, she would do as well as she could.