Roberta gives the approaching Silas a nod, and when his motivation is explained, she begins firing data at him. It's a good way to separate the posers from those who are serious, and it's a good way to cut down on the amount of work she has to do, without being accused of not doing her job. "Right. Physio, I can do that. Sounds like you want a balanced regimen. If you spend all your time on the bikes, you won't give your whole body a workout. It's important to warm up before any exercise, stretch your muscles, and if you start to cramp stop and take a break. Now, let's get your weight and height so we can do BMI... Unless your powers mess with that?" Before she can get an answer, however, things start rumbling, breaking and generally going wrong. She's already leaping into action, but ends up caught in a patch of intense gravity and slammed into the floor. At least she's got the physiology to handle it. When the disturbance stops, she picks herself up, clears her head, and spots the unconscious James. As she checks to make sure he's still breathing and not bleeding, Roberta yells to the gym (her mouth stretching larger for extra volume) [h3]"Gym closed until we fix this mess. Help out or get out! And someone give me a hand getting this guy to a doctor."[/h3]