Zinnia slapped Iron on the back a few times as he choked, hoping to dislodge the banana that was currently caught in his throat, and looked up as an actual response was given after a few final coughs. [b]"We could meet at the beach, I guess. I was never one for the bar atmosphere."[/b] She smiled and started to walk away, but stopped after a few seconds. [b]"...And thank you."[/b] She resumed her walk, intending to head for the gym. She'd heard of a class on controlling powers starting soon, maybe she could help? She had good control over her power, so maybe she could impart some advice to the less-fortunate. [hr] Aaron looked up as James said something. [b]"Argh, fuck..."[/b] He heard, then smirked a bit before turning around. [b]"What, can't handle a little compe-"[/b] He opened his eyes, having blinked mid-turn, and whipped his knife out of his pocket and shoved it into the nearest electrical socket, short circuiting the electricity in the building and preventing anything from bursting, and shutting down the treadmills before they exploded. All that was left was to wait out the hellish storm. The electrokinetisist stood as the ground stopped shaking, then bit his lip at the sight of James. He picked the boy off and took off at a mad sprint towards the infirmary. [i]'You better pray Jace is there, kid...'[/i]