[i][b][color=c4df9b][right]Opponens808[/right][/color][/b][/i] Months of effort were finally paying off, after everything he had suffered through and worked towards, Ali had what he wanted within his grasp. Nothing in his life before this could even [i]compare[/i] to his current satisfaction. The spelling bee in 4th grade? The first time he managed to activate his phone magic? Nothing managed to beat the greatness of Alistairs home-cooked pancakes and bacon breakfast. If the neighbors had listened closely, they could hear him talking to himself and shouting nonsense like [i]'Godamn Alistair you are a kitchen Wizard'[/i] or [i]'Just like Mom's!'[/i] Usually Alistair wouldn't put this much effort into anything, but this was a special occasion. Unlike a sizable amount of the other students, Alistair knew about his acceptable into Hybrid Academy a nice while before they opened up. His old renegade priest-teacher had helped him get in and taught him everything he could before he was to be sent out to japan to live and learn there. Hell, without the old man he probably would never have even opened up his Rosetta stone account to learn japanese. Alistairs mind then jolted back to the present and on his breakfast, he then savored every bite of his meal and hoped the future would be as delicious as the pancakes he was shoveling down his throat. Once breakfast was over, Alistair had dressed down into the uniforn, and had dressed the uniforn up with buttons and other dumb trinkets he had acquired over the past year. All in all, he had five different buttons on the front, one feather pinned to each of his arms, and several weapon designs sewn over the pants he was wearing. After checking to make sure he had the appropriate amount of bling necessary, he decided he was only to bring [u]one[/u] phone to school that day. If it turns out this was going to be a mistake, chances are he wouldn't make that error again. Ali' commute to the school was leisurely and comfortable. He walked with a kick to his step, and made sure to make eye-contact with everyone who wore the same uniform as him on the way there. While he wasn't sure if they saw him, Ali sure saw a couple strange characters on his way to the school. He was hoping that his uniform 'adjustments' would help him stick out, but some of these fools would stick out even in the godamn circus. 'Least it would mean that his classmates wouldn't be boring to be around, so he hoped. He also let out a little player in hopes that things would just play out well. As he found the school and started following the other students who looked knew, he thought back on how he never used to pray much until he met his teach' after the tablet incident.