Yet, everything wasn't fine. Naisha never got better. Days soon became weeks... which became months. Each day, Alex went over to visit and each day she had to witness Naisha being so... ill. Her body so frail and weak. Like a magic spell had made her once strong physical form, turn to a fragile figurine made of glass. And eventually, Naisha stopped all interaction. Never wanting to come out of her room, always staying in there and not even wishing for interaction with her own family. Each time, it felt like Alex was turned away. The red head felt betrayed, abandoned, lonely and she loathed it. She was sad, depressed, angry.... for a time she stopped coming for a month. Just... being on her own. Staying in the orphanage. She didn't feel like leaving. Didn't feel like exploring any longer, or playing outside. She couldn't play with Naisha, so playing felt... empty. Although, eventually, she knew that none of this was Naisha's fault, and she was just being a brat. So she started visiting againg, only to be disappointed once more. Rika was happy to see her, but Naisha still secluded herself. She must have felt just as bitter just.. in a different way. Today was another day Alex had come over, gingerly knocking on the door. Awaiting for a answer, her face a little tired and downtrodden. This passed almost year had been. Her thoughts had gotten... a bit darker... and nightmares had started haunting her. Plaguing her. She was hearing voices and all sorts of things... she locked away. So right now... she just really wanted her friend. Just for a moment.