[color=fff200][h1]Gabel Wester[/h1][/color] Gabel smiled at one of the walkers outside, she was naked and Gabel as most children found it funny giggling at the woman wondering how the monsters go to her as she watched the dumb thing wander down the street slowly it's foot bending in an unnatural way. Hands went to her ears as the noise downstairs grew a bit louder, oh what was she going to do about the thing on the porch? Deciding it was best to get rid of the thing Gabel's barefeet padded softly down the steps pasting the entryway and kitchen to get to the living room. She sat by the empty fireplace for awhile just hands over her ears trying to ignore the goul outside. She thought about the gun her father had locked up for a moment but that would just bring more, she knew how this worked because of her father. He would scratch at the bathroom door when she was being too noisy, before long she got an idea. Picking up the fire poker she made her way slowly into the entryway, the dead thing having trouble pushing up against the window it had chosen due to the big boxed up tv they had set outside before this all started. It seemed to really want to get inside though due to it's constant struggle. Lucky for her the windows there were too small for it to get in even if it broke the glass. She unlatched the window putting a hand on the bottom ready to open it as she held up the heavy poker thinking to herself, [i]the head right? Is that what dad said?[/i] She quickly opened the window and took both hands pushing the poker into it's eye socket. The little girl now felt like she was going to be sick having ripping through the screen in the window. She just kept pushing as hard as she could which honestly wasn't much but the thing kept struggling trying to get to her. Suddenly she heard a sickening sound like something in it's head snapped. It stopped moving and slouched over, unable to hold the thin she fell on her butt, the dead geek fell over the box no longer moving leaving Gabel with two feelings, pride and fear. She unlocked the door and opened it stepping out onto her porch for the first time since her dad had gotten bitten. Clutching at her dress the young girl looked terrified squeaking out softly, [color=fff200]"I'm sorry."[/color]