[quote=@The Nexerus] I'm just swell, doing wonderfully. Never felt better. [/quote]That's fantastic to hear! Still living in the basement, eh? P.s I take calls from Canada where I work and I impressed one of your people by knowing how to pronounce Saskatchewan! Although every time I am on the phone with someone from Canadia I think of you and Sophie... that was her name, right? x) [quote=@Raxacoricofallapatorius] Is Myyt the father? [/quote]No. I haven't talked to him in 5eva. :c [quote=@Halo] Fuck, I forgot about that. I've finally been here long enough to forget all the bullshit shenanigans that have happened. [/quote]I was about to say- I forgot about the Serpyyt spawn [quote=@Noxious] or pregnant. HI KYUKI! [/quote]NOX!!!! Ermergerd it has been forever! <3333333333333 TOO LONG <3333 [quote=@Foster] Didn't I teach you to track people like that down so you could shoot them in the face with pepper-spray? [/quote] I don't know if that was covered. I DONT REMEMBER I'VE SPENT TOO MUCH TIME IN THE OFFLINE WORLD I AM LOSING MY TOUCH! D: