[center][h2][b][u]What Are Friends For?[/u][/b][/h2][h3][b]Yuzuki Rei and Syu-Lerne[/b][/h3][sub][h3][i][u]Sunagakure - Midnight[/u][/i][/h3][/sub][sub][h3][i]A collaboration between OneWayOut and yoshua171[/i][/h3][/sub][/center][hr] The mansion that belonged to the Kazekage was one that was built upon the ideas of many people. The shape of the house on the outside was simply a massive dome coming from the ground, surrounded by large stone pillars; but inside, the layout makes one think that perhaps those involved in the building of it had some conflicting ideas. Right away when one steps into the house, the first thing their eyes fall on is a large stone, the faces of Daisuke and Yuzuki carved onto it. Surrounding that is a small trench with clear water inside, revealing small fish swimming around inside. The bedroom of Yuzuki was on the ground floor, at the far end of the mansion. Walking towards it, one would see various closed doors that led to a multitude of rooms, big and small, of all functions. The house was well kept, despite Yuzuki refusing to have maids come to tidy up the place. As a fairly independant woman, she detests having others need to clean up or look after her. It was in her nature to do that for others instead. Faintly, the smell of roses could be caught in the air, with a few pots of them and other flowers dotted here and there to give the home a certain feminine charm. Other than those minor changes, the mansion was in the same state it was when the First Kazekage lived there. Though there was perhaps one addition, not that the mansion's visitors would ever notice it when it was present. It was located outside and to the side of the door into Yuzuki's room, and it was entirely invisible. In fact, such were the capabilities of its stealth that very few sensors would be even vaguely capable of detecting it. Nonetheless, the Chiten was there, ever watchful of Syu-lerne's friend, and as a rise in the woman's stress hormones occurred and her chakra spiked followed by a prompt thump against the ground, the puppet rose from its collapsed position, to its feet. Then, swiftly moving to the kitchen the puppet withdrew a fork from the drawer, closing it behind itself before it marked it with chakra and then threw it forwards. The fork vanished and in its place Syu-lerne appeared, rolling back to his feet. Glancing through the Chiten's eyes, it noted that Yuzuki had covered herself with something. It did not seem like she was well. He didn't like that. Striding through the house, footsteps nonetheless silent, he called out, [color=#AF924F][B]"Yuzuki?"[/B][/color] His tone was questioning and, for once, held a hint of worry. If they had been in the Kage's office or in public...that emotion would not have shown. Reaching the door he moved his hand to knock, but stopped before he did. Swiftly he pushed his hood back and released the various clasps and mechanisms, which held his mask in place. With his [url=http://safebooru.org//samples/1459/sample_8ba11c13890ad58c4408b4a49672fcb4b9ccbf11.jpg?1530581]face[/url] revealed, he stored his mask in a small compartment at the back of his neck and then took in a deep breath. Letting it out slowly, Syu-lerne opened the door slowly, closing his eyes as he did so, the puppet following him invisibly as he entered. It gave him awareness of his surroundings, but also allowed him to ignore her near nakedness. It was more for his own peace of mind than for hers. Additionally, while he waited for her response, his Chiten located Yuuhi's butterfly. Knowing that Yuzuki would not appreciate the man watching her, for a variety of reasons, he had his puppet sneak up on it, presence and appearance non-existent till the last moment when the puppet snatched the paper butterfly from the air and stared it down. A low monotonous drone, that despite its lack of intonation, came off as threatening, exited its mouth as it spoke, [i]"Your presence is not required, Jikangai."[/i] The puppet then interrupted the chakra inside the butterfly with its own and tore the paper insect into tiny pieces. In that moment, the last thing Yuzuki was going to be thinking about was wether she was properly covered or not. Faintly, under the sound of her ragged breaths and pounding heartbeat, she heard the sound of her name being called. The voice was unmistakeable, and she suddenly felt embarassed and exposed. It sounded like Syu-lerne. He was coming and he was going to see her like this? The leader of the village, a figure that the people looked to for strength and stability was trembling like a scared child after having what seemed to be simply a nightmare. The cheerful and happy facade she always put on had crumbled away. What was left of her in this moment was shamefully weak. It was sad to think that it only took this to break her, though perhaps she had known it was going to happen sooner than later. Yuzuki didn't want him there, despite the fact it had been what she had wished for only minutes ago. She didn't want anyone to see her like this. She reached out and grabbed part of the bed, trying to use it as leverage to get herself up onto her feet, but the trembling and overall lack of strength in her arms wouldn't allow it. She let out a frustrated growl and lowered her head, but when the door opened, her eyes flew towards it. When he came in, she curled up even more and looked away from the figure of her friend. The room was partially lit up from the light of the moon that shown through the open window, and she wished it was darker so he couldn't see her. [color=crimson]"What are you doing here?"[/color] she asked him, her voice sounding raspy from her previous moments of sobbing and gasping for air. His brow screwing up slightly as he noted her trying to hide away, he decided not to mention it and instead reassure her. [color=#AF924F][B]"I felt panic from the mark.... I thought you might be in danger, or distress at least. It seems I was right on at least one account,"[/B][/color] he swallowed hard, though it wasn't audible it felt like it was. Nonetheless, his features did not betray him. Not yet. He had practiced at hiding his emotions behind a more...metaphorical mask than the one he usually wore. [color=#AF924F][B]"I, can't see details you know. I...wouldn't want to violate your privacy, Yuzuki. I respect you too much,"[/B][/color] [i]too much to do so without your express permission,[/i] he thought, before he stifled the idea altogether. He didn't know why this always happened. He didn't even know, despite his research, what was wrong with his mind that his mind turned to such places when around her. Granted, he was far more worried than anything else. He had noticed her try to stand. He could tell she was shaking, but he wasn't sure what was wrong. Walking to the side of the bed, eyes still closed, he moved the back of his hand towards her head, before stopping short, frowning. [color=#AF924F][B]"I-..."[/B][/color] he swallowed again, [color=#AF924F][B]"Can I check your temperature?"[/B][/color] There was the slightest of nervousness in his voice, but it was subtle. He hoped Yuzuki was too preoccupied to notice. Yuzuki watched him silently from her place beside the bed across the room. It was clear after he spoke that she wasn't seeing things, which made her feel more relaxed about the situation. So he'd been able to tell she was in distress? That idea was new to her since something like this had never happened before. As he spoke, she hardly was paying attention to anything he said, his words going in one ear and out the other. It was when he moved to take some steps towards her that she involunatrily cringed, his sudden movement startling her. She lifted her hand and pointed to a wooden wardrobe a few feet away. [color=crimson]"I need my... robe or a gown... from in there."[/color] she said, pausing to steady her voice after she started speaking. She suddenly became conscious of her nakedness and didn't want him to feel uncomfortable in her presence. The situation was odd enough already with him getting closer to her. Yuzuki didn't want to even be seen up close like this, let alone touched, so she avoided his question. [color=crimson]"I'm sorry you had to come here."[/color] she said suddenly afterwards. [color=crimson]"I know you're busy with more important things."[/color] Not moving away from her at all, she might note his hand gesturing towards the wardrobe. A slight glow appeared, but it was faint, and its doors opened. Quickly, with the Chiten's perception, he found her robe, though he briefly considered handing her the gown before swearing at himself mentally to stop it. With only several moments having passed, Syu-lerne's chakra threads drew the robe to his hand, which stretched out to catch it from the air before reaching out to her. He then promptly stepped away from the bed and turned around, despite his eyes being closed already. He cleared his throat as she likely slipped out of the blankets and into the robe behind him, speaking more to drown out the sound of it, than anything else. [color=#AF924F][B]"It's perfectly fine, really. I'd...rather be pulled from my work for your benefit, than stuck in my workshop unawares when you truly needed me."[/B][/color] His voice almost cut off at the end of the last word, but he managed to get it out. He noticed his fingers twitching, and clasped them into fists, his cloak/robe's sleeves hiding them from Yuzuki's view. Yuzuki was unsure of what to say to that. Caught between being grateful and feeling embarassed, she chose not to respond to his words, simply focusing on getting some proper clothing on herself. She kept her head down as she removed the sheet from her shoulders and covered herself with her robe. The shaking of her hands had subsided enough for her to easily slip her arms through the sleeves, close it tight around her, and tie the front securely closed. The soft fabric was comforting to her. It was warm against her otherwise cool skin. When she was finished, she shifted and pulled the ends of it down to properly cover her legs before attempting to stand again, to no avail. She reached out towards Syu-lerne and noticed he was turned around, so she cleared her throat to get his attention. Taking in a deep breath, he turned around and opened his eyes, simultaneously dimming his perception through Chiten. Having noted her reaching for him, he reached out his hand for her, and crouched slightly so it'd be easier for her to reach his shoulder for more support once she was up. Yuzuki reached out and took the offered hand, using the support to help as she extended her legs and stood slowly. She wobbled a little, but took his shoulder with her other hand, like he'd suspected, and righted herself, standing still for a moment. With his eyes now open, she'd see the worry knitting his brow, but he didn't say anything and there was no judgement in his eyes. Only care. Yuzuki's eyes met his for only a moment, but she could read them well. It was clear he was worried, but she was unsure of where to start with explaining to him what had happened. Even she didn't know entirely what was wrong with her, but there was one thing that had been clear. [color=crimson]"I thought I was dying,"[/color] she told him. Taking a moment to think about how to continue, she turned slowly and took a few steps until she was able to sit down on the bed. Her hand on his shoulder slipped down, but the one that held his stayed firm in its grip. [color=crimson]"I was... I mean, I couldn't breathe. I was asleep and suffocating, but it felt real. And for some time when I woke up, I still couldn't breathe."[/color] she explained. It was vague to say the least, but it was all she had to tell. [color=crimson]"I've never felt like that in my life. I've never..."[/color] Her voice cracked and she brought a hand up to furiously wipe at the tears that had started to fall. She cleared her throat and finished. [color=crimson]"I've never been so afraid of dying before."[/color] she told him. Syu-lerne tried to swallow, but the motion caught in his throat, making him do so again. He sent his puppet to fetch two glasses of water, he didn't want to leave her side. He, after a moment of consideration, sat down next to her. He took another quiet breath, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, causing her to lean into him. The worry lines on his face deepened with each word from her mouth. He knew that fear...he knew it intimately. It was something with which he wrestled daily, a struggle that he didn't tell anyone about. Not even Yuzuki...or at least he hadn't yet. Her body was hotter than it ought to have been, he noticed with her proximity. He sifted through the Chiten's visual and audio logs, noting that she had mentioned she was hot when the room hadn't been steamy earlier. Not a good sign. Still, he wasn't a medical shinobi, this wasn't his area of expertise. [color=#AF924F][B]"I, I've had dreams like that before,"[/B][/color] he said. [color=#AF924F][B]"Not...not quite the same, but just as bad,"[/B][/color] as he said it he couldn't meet her eyes, and the look in his own was slightly lost. He tried not to remember the war. It never worked. [color=#AF924F][B]"I can't promise that they'll go away, but I can promise that...they don't tend to get worse."[/B][/color] He pointedly didn't say they'd get better either. He wouldn't know. It didn't come too much a surprise to Yuzuki that Syu-lerne had experinced things like this before. While she never claimed to know everything about him, she knew he had his own struggles. In a way, she felt relieved about that. The fact that he likely knew what she was feeling without her having to try and explain it was comforting in its own way. The true question on her mind was a troubling one though. She wondered why something like this would suddenly happen. Unlike Syu-lerne, she hadn't any expirences in war. She'd never been in a situation where she was unsure if she was going to live another hour or not. This fear was sudden and new to her, and there was no way it was just a random incident. The thought was worrisome to her. Perhaps there was something else going on here that she didn't understand. [color=crimson]"If it only takes a dream to do this to me, I can't imagine what it would be like if I had experienced what you had all those years ago."[/color] she mumbled quietly.In response to her words, he merely shook his head, the action serving as reaction and as a method to shake him from the stupor he might have otherwise fell into. In that moment, Yuzuki was thinking that perhaps her real fear was of death itself. It could explain why she was so devoted to building the Village's defenses and putting into practice the most efficent ways she could protect the people... So she could protect herself. This thought made her loath herself for being so selfish and weak. [color=crimson]"Lord First would be ashamed of me."[/color] she said, finally releasing his hand from her grip. He looked at her and, his nervousness vanishing as his need to help her rose, he drew her closer and gave her a hug before releasing her, though he left his hand between them on the bed. There was a steely look in his eyes as he gazed at her, [color=#AF924F][B]"I don't think he would be. You've done well for this village and you'd defend it with all you had. You might fear death, but most do in some capacity. The difference is shinobi like ourselves have to face that fear and overcome it."[/B][/color] He raised a hand, resting it on her shoulder, unable to help noticing how slender it was in comparison to his own. He squeezed gently, reassuringly as he continued, [color=#AF924F][B]"There's nothing wrong with feeling afraid. It's how you decide to deal with it after you know what scares you that matters."[/B][/color] He looked away, hand falling away from her shoulder, [color=#AF924F][B]"Besides, if fear makes you weak, then I must be weak as well and if people like us are the definition of weak, than I don't know what strong is."[/B][/color] He glanced at her, but this time he couldn't meet her eyes. It wasn't that he didn't believe it was true for her, it was that his own...insecurities prevented him from believing it, despite the apparent conviction in his words. As he finished, his puppet returned, no longer invisible, and handed him the two glasses of water. He took them both, and offered her one with the slightest of insistence to his gesture. She couldn't help the blush that rose on her cheeks at his words. It was refreshing hearing him so passionate about something, and it made her smile. When he offered her a glass of water, she took it after mumbling a thanks. Reaching up, she pushed her bangs back away from her head, extending her hand back and pulling out the ribbon that held up her hair in the same motion. She took a sip of the water afterwards, and once the cool liquid hit her tongue, she gulped the rest down quickly, sighing afterwards. Watching the movement slightly he couldn't help admire her, but he still managed to distract himself, taking a sip from the glass while she thought. He was glad to see her smile, in more ways than one, but best of all was the relief he felt and the release of tension it allowed. He didn't like worrying.... While the thoughts stirred and passed through his mind, Yuzuki repeated his words in her head, smiling again. She knew despite the current situation, that he had meant what he said and had not just been trying to comfort her with those words. [color=crimson]"I'm sure I've said this to you before Syu, but... I still wonder how I was chosen to be leader this village. I compare myself to Lord First far too often, and I see many differences. Some I think aren't the qualities one should have as a leader."[/color] She paused and ran a hand through her hair. [color=crimson]"I think you would have made a better Kage than me."[/color] she added afterwards, looking at him with a bit of amusement in her eyes. He couldn't help crack a grin as she used the nickname, it weaved an air of familiarity between them that he had with [i]very[/i] few people. Well...very few [i]living[/i] people. He swiftly dashed the thought from his mind, shifting his focus to Chiten while she spoke. Then she, almost playfully, mentioned his being a better candidate and his eyebrows rose. The small quirk at the corner of his lips turned into something akin to a grin. He appeared more than a little amused by her words, [color=#AF924F][B]"Surely you jest,"[/B][/color] he said with a tone that was part amusement and part dismissal. Odd that he could fit the two things into the statement. [color=#AF924F][B]"Though...I will admit that he may have brought it up once. I turned him down. I don't think the man really...knew me. I was in a darker place then."[/B][/color] His eyes flitted away and his grin faded slightly before he looked to her again, the smile returning a bit. [color=#AF924F][B]"I think you've done better than I would've. The people like you, no...they love you, really. You care for them in a way that I...well, no nevermind. You know what I mean,"[/B][/color] his smile faded slightly and he cast his eyes downwards. He wasn't trying to make this about him, but she kept poking him, so to speak. He was sure that it wasn't on purpose, but it was happening nonetheless. It didn't [i]really[/i] bother him though. He was easy to poke if you knew where the buttons were. [color=crimson]"I think you're too hard on yourself."[/color] she said to him, though her words were rather ironic considering she was the same way. [color=crimson]"How long have we been friends now, would you say? Ten years or so? Maybe less considering we didn't start out friends."[/color] she leaned back a bit, using her arms to keep her torso upright as he nodded in response. [color=crimson]"I would say during that time, we've both changed. I dont think if this had happened even... five years ago, that you would have been here for me like you are now."[/color] Yuzuki looked over at him and studied his face for a moment, for it was something she didn't see too often. [color=crimson]"Hm... I would say you're [i]less[/i] intimidating without the mask,"[/color] she teased. [color=crimson]"But even so, I think people would be able to see that you're someone who cares about people just as much as I do. Perhaps just in a different way. Where I might care in a way a mother would, you care in the way of... a cool uncle or something. You know what I mean?"[/color] She tried to hide her amusement at what she was saying, but despite herself, a light laugh escaped. [color=crimson]"My point is, all it takes is a little time for even the scariest people to grow on you."[/color] He listened intently all throughout, smiling a bit as her body language shifted and a smile became the dominant expression on her face. It was infectious, he couldn't help but smile too, even if less enthusiastically. [color=#AF924F][B]"Perhaps,"[/B][/color] he responded as he gazed out the window of Yuzuki's room, the moonlight casting everything in a beautiful, though ghostly, light. He felt like that sometimes...like a ghost. He glanced at her, but not with his own eyes. His once more invisible puppet, outside the room, could see her very clearly. It felt weird looking at her himself, it made him...uncomfortable, though not in a [i]bad[/i] way...maybe? He didn't really understand it. [color=#AF924F][B]"You offer me such kind words, but...I'm not so sure that the people would find it so easy to...come to know me. Perhaps I'd be as good as you say though, you are a rather good judge of character after all,"[/B][/color] he glanced at her a moment and smiled, his expression and body language a bit more relaxed. Noting her positive shift in demeanor during their conversation he asked, [color=#AF924F][B]"Are you feeling better now?"[/B][/color] His eyes were appraising, with the smallest dash of worry mixed in. There was a small smile on his face as it seemed that she did. Still, he never knew with people, so he preferred to ask...at least when he cared enough to do so that was. She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes when he asked how she was feeling. The truth was, she wasn't entirely sure. With Syu-lerne being there, she felt less anxious, but the fear was still there, twisting knots in her belly. Her trembling had reduced to a light shiver and her heart wasn't pounding in her chest, rather slightly racing. Just the presence of her friend was enough to calm her down to a level where she felt sane. [color=crimson]"I'm feeling a bit better than I was before, yes."[/color] she said, trying to sound convincing. She only succeeded in part, as he raised an eyebrow, though he said nothing. [color=crimson]"I don't know if I'll be getting back to sleep any time soon though. I may..."[/color] she trailed off and sighed, rubbing her palm across her forehead. [color=crimson]"Do you need to go? I don't want to keep you if you've things to do."[/color] she told him, looking over and raising her brow with a questioning look. [color=crimson]"However, should you choose to stay, I could make us some tea."[/color] she continued shortly after, looking away and shrugging. [color=crimson]"I'm in no way implying I need you to stay or anything, but if you want to that's fine too."[/color] A slightly amused expression formed on his face as he listened to her. For a moment she was silent, going over what she had just said in her head. A light blush rose on her cheeks as she grew embarrassed. [color=crimson][i]Why in the hell did I just say that? Why am I embarrassed... and blushing? This is odd.[/i][/color] she thought in her head. Suddenly she wasn't sure if she should just admit she wanted to keep his company, or leave him free to make his own choice. Reaching up, she touched her forehead again. [color=crimson]"Sorry, I'm not sure what I'm saying."[/color] [color=#AF924F][B]"Not at all, I think your meaning was quite clear. Tea?"[/B][/color] He smiled, Chiten having already went to the kitchen to begin boiling the water. It was odd, he found himself wanting to pull her back to his shoulder. Wanting to decrease the distance between them, but despite all his genius, he didn't recognize [i]why[/i], which was really a terrible irony. [color=#AF924F][B]"Regardless, I think you should eat. Some food in you is likely to help ground you. I know it helped me, though...that's a different matter I suppose."[/B][/color] He felt a bead of sweat slip down his face, caused not at all by any heat, after all it was night time and so it was rather chill. Had the houses in the village not been augmented they would've been quite cold. He was glad they weren't, though a small unconscious part of him was not. Yuzuki had to look away in order to hide her smile, using that time to try and stand from the bed. As she did, she could feel the blood rushing to her head, but was able to steady herself after a few moments and shake the feeling off. For a moment she was surprised at the feeling of her soft robe flowing down to her feet, and she wondered when she had purchased something that was so long on her. She quite liked it though, the deep red of it was her favorite color after all. Turning to look at Syu-lerne, it was obvious, even in the dark, that by her expression she seemed immensely pleased with the idea of having someone to dinner. As Kazekage, she didn't often have time to have a meal with anyone if it wasn't to meet for business. For her to be able to unwind with a friend over a relaxing meal was something Yuzuki had added to her bucket list some years ago. Now she could happily cross it off. [color=crimson]"Come then Syu, I'll be a good host and fix you whatever you like."[/color] she told him. Turning, she started to walk but then paused and instead sent a bit of wind chakra to her feet. It was enough to raise her an inch off the ground, though unnoticeable due to the long robe. Easily controlling the winds, she was able to glide out of the room without having to worry about stumbling over the long fabric. Absently she wondered if he'd ever told her what he liked to eat. This seemed a good opportunity to figure such a thing out and perhaps use that knowledge to bribe him out of that lab more often. The thought made Yuzuki feel mischievous. Glad that she was happy with his staying, Syu-lerne rose to his feet after her and followed. As they entered the kitchen she would notice that water for tea was almost finished already. Still, he wasn't sure what to eat as usually he settled for whatever he found about or could buy at one of the local shops, rather than cook it himself. This was something a treat, he figured, to have someone cook especially for you. [color=#AF924F][B]"Well, I do prefer sweet to sour,"[/B][/color] he said, feeling like it really wasn't that helpful of a response. He sat down to wait for dinner to be prepared. He'd have helped, but he was no good with this sort of thing. Yuzuki wandered over to the pot of water that had already been placed on the stove, carefully removing it from the fire and setting it aside. When Syu had mentioned he preferred sweet over sour foods, she felt more confident she could prepare something he'd like. She grabbed a cup from the cabinet and poured a bit of tea into it for Syu-lerne, placing it on a small saucer with three cubes of sugar and a spoon with it. Gesturing for him to take a seat in one of the stools at her counter, she would push the cup of tea towards him and start to rummage through the cabinets again, gathering bowls, spoons and several ingredients to make them both something pleasant to eat. As her arms started to fill with more than she could comfortable carry, she directed her wind chakra at some things, moving them carefully to the counter as she went to place it all down. [color=crimson]"Right, well I have just the thing for you."[/color] she said, rolling up the sleeves of her robe and looking at her materials. Her teeth captured her lower lip in a gentle grip as she thought for a moment, wondering if she perhaps had forgotten something. After a moment she snapped her fingers, moving to the fridge and grabbing a small basket of fresh strawberries as well as a small sealed bag of prawns and some vegetables. Placing them on the counter as well, she would get to work. She reached up to push her bangs back from her forehead, using the back of her hand to do so before gathering some flour, egg, and seasonings into a bowl. Though the room was quiet, the silence was welcome as she felt a sense of pride being able to cook for her friend like this. She wanted it to be perfect. She didn't speak much as she was focusing on what she was doing, starting off with making a simple sauce that would be a bit salty and a little sweet. When she was done with that, she started to prepare the prawns and veggies, making a tempura mixture to coat them in. It didn't take too long, but she halfway through she started to make a rather large mess. Absently, she wished that one thing she'd learned from her mother before she died was how to properly cook. A bit of sadness could be seen in her eyes as she thought about this. Despite it, she continued to cook, placing the battered seafood and veggies in a pan with some oil, leaving them to cook while she would start on making the dessert. With the thought of her mother on her mind, she mumbled something softly. [color=crimson]"I wish you would have never gone to war."[/color] Though the comment had been intended to stay in her thoughts, she didn't realize she'd asked it aloud until a few moments later. Glancing at her friend, she quickly followed by apologizing. [color=crimson]"Sorry. That was meant to stay in my head."[/color] she told him, keeping her eyes down on what she was doing. She was nearly finished making the desert. One more and she would set them aside and clean up. Training his eyes elsewhere at first while she cooked, Syu-lerne gradually found he couldn't resist her energy, thus his gaze continued to gravitate back to her no matter what he did. Eventually he relented to his inner urge to watch her. There was something enjoyable about it really, but surely if she noticed she'd scold him for staring...it was rude right? He reached up with a hand, running his fingers back through his hair nervously before setting it back down on the table quietly. After a moment or two his hands grew restless and he noticed, as he watched her posture shift while she focused on making whatever amazing dish she'd taken into mind, that he was fidgeting. Gritting his teeth slightly he tried to stop the habit by clenching his hands into fists. It didn't work for long and so he preformed several handseals and summoned some paper and parts. He knew it was rude, but he couldn't stand it when he fidgeted...it made him feel more nervous and restless, rather than less. He began shifting the pieces together and, every moment or so, channeling chakra into them, or the paper, before he suddenly heard her say something rather out of sync with the comfortable silence they'd been in. He looked up from his busywork, head tilting slightly. It had sounded like something said as a result of a thought process unrelated to their current situation. Still, it stung a little as his mind registered what she had said fully. Her small statement afterwards didn't help much either as it put none of his building worries to rest. He frowned slightly, a worried expression on his face as he watched her body language tell him that she was...not entirely in the moment. Almost unconsciously Syu-lerne caused the Chiten puppet to shift from side to side, making no noise due to its augmented stealth capabilities. The puppeteer himself swallowed hard and took in a few deep breaths. There was no way she'd aimed that at him, perhaps something had reminded her of someone else who'd participated in the war? Then the clues clicked into place. Cooking. The war. A wish that someone hadn't participated in it. Someone important to her. Her mother. Syu-lerne's expression shifted in the space of a moment from a confused frown to a worried one and he rose from his seat. Yuzuki glanced at him as he did, the look in her eyes would be unreadable to most, but she was sure he'd already figured out what she was thinking. She silently cursed in her head as she looked away. Syu-lerne noted that the food wasn't quite done, but had been almost entirely finished and so he approached her and, awkwardly placed his hand on her shoulder. His movements, while not silent, were fairly quiet, but Yuzuki watched him from the corner of her eyes as he approached. He hoped he wouldn't startle her. If she looked back at him there'd be an understanding in his eyes, and when she finally tore her eyes from the food before her and met his own, that was exactly what she saw. His ability to read her was a mixture of their many years of friendship and his clan's Kekkei genkai which afforded him a level of analytic ability and memory beyond the average individual. For one of the first times he found himself appreciating the ability not for it allowing him to easily understand and retain knowledge, but to assist him in helping those he cared about. It was a nice feeling...understanding someone and being understood by them. Yuzuki held Syu-lerne's gaze for a while, and absently she wondered if he could read her thoughts. He knew her so well, perhaps due in part to her being an open book when it came to her emotions, but she knew it was also so much more than that. She could tell by the way he looked at her, that he cared for her in a way others did not. When he was worried, she could look at him and see the tightness in his lips and the need to help in his eyes. When he could tell she was hiding something, the sides of his mouth would angle down in the slightest of frowns. When he smiled, the way his eyes crinkled just a bit at the sides, she loved that. She wanted to make him smile more. Yuzuki wondered if he knew he was just as much an open book as she was. There was something else there in his eyes this time, now that she could look closely. It was faint... or perhaps she was imaging things. The subtle dilation of his eyes despite the abundance of light in the room meant that he... no. She was over thinking it this time. Her eyes darted away from his and she lifted a hand to place on top of his. [color=crimson]"Don't give me that look. I was only thinking aloud for a moment."[/color] she said, giving the hand on her shoulder a squeeze. [color=crimson]"If you're not careful, your hair will turn grey, the way you worry."[/color] she said, laughing lightly. He smiled, glad to see her having perked up. After another glance at him, she stepped away, going to retrieve the food that was now finished cooking. His hand slipping from her shoulder as she moved, his eyes following her, he sighed. He almost spoke up, but decided against it. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable, she'd already had a rough night. [color=#AF924F][B]"I'm not terribly useful with this sort of thing, but would you like any help,"[/B][/color] he asked instead, his tone inquisitive. Perhaps if he could help it would put her more at ease. [color=crimson]"Well it's about time you offered some assistance."[/color] she said to him, getting the small serving platter and playfully shoving it into his hands. He recoiled a bit, but couldn't help smiling at her intensity, it was much better than how she'd been before. As he looked about to figure out what to do with the platter,Yuzuki pointed to the food in the pan, sizzling away. [color=crimson]"You can put those on that tray while I set the table."[/color] she told him, stepping around him to get what she needed. He nodded once, allowing her to go about her business as he began putting the food on the tray. He stole a glance as she made her way out of the room. Though it would have been perfectly fine for the two to eat in the kitchen, Yuzuki decided she may as well make use of her large mansion and use the rooms provided, given the fact many of them were ones she'd not even entered yet. She actually couldn't think of any time she'd used the dining room in that house. It was far too big and lonely for her to eat in there. As she glided into the room, carrying the plates and eating utensils along with the desert, she stared at the giant table, wondering where best to have them seated. On impulse, she drifted over to the table, setting the plates down side by side, but then she paused. She thought perhaps sitting next to each other would be odd and so she picked them up, quickly moving to place them on either end of the table. [color=crimson]"Now it's too far apart..."[/color] she mumbled, cursing the table for being so absurdly long. She did this a few more times, quickly floating about the room, trying to decide where to set the plates. Eventually, she returned them to the first location, deciding that side by side would be best. Exhausted, she sighed and sat down on one of the small cushions that acted as the seats and crossed her legs, resting an elbow on the table. She couldn't help the slight pout on her face since she was upset about her indecisiveness regarding such a little thing. While she figured out their places in another room, Syu-lerne puzzled over her behavior, though he came up with nothing by the time he finished he still found it worth thinking about. Walking into the room he noticed her pout and raised an eyebrow before setting the tray down deftly on the table in front of where she had placed their dishes. [color=#AF924F][B]"Is something the matter? Oh and is this all we needed to bring in?"[/B][/color] He had to make sure lest they forget something and it burn. Yuzuki was about to shake her head and say no to both his inquiries, when she gave another look at what was in front of them. She'd brought the sweet treat, the strawberry daifuku, as well as the plates, and he'd brought the tempura of prawns and veggies, but they were missing the tea and sauce for the main dish. [color=crimson]"One moment,"[/color] she said, rising to her feet, the prior shakiness in her movements was no longer present. As she left the room, she lifted the ends of her robe a bit and walked out, her bare feet making light taps on the cold floor. Syu-lerne smiled slightly, it was a knowing look. Almost a smug one actually. When she re-entered the kitchen, she grabbed the few things she needed and turned off the light before returning to the dining room. [color=crimson]"Now we've got everything,"[/color] she said upon entering. He nodded in reply as she went to his side, sitting down and placing what she had on the table. [color=crimson]"Hopefully everything is to your liking. I wish I could cook for you more often like this, but I'm afraid my skills are limited."[/color] she told him, trying to make light conversation. He smiled and closed his eyes, whispering something under his breath before he tried the tempura. Letting the tastes suffuse his mouth he smiled, glancing at her to confirm his enjoyment of the dish. Yuzuki relaxed into her seat, extending one leg under the table and stretching it out and bringing the other up to rest her arm upon. It was the usual way she ate instead of hunching over the table and messing up her posture. For a moment, she was grateful her robe was long and covered up areas that would otherwise be exposed in this position. [color=crimson]"You know what we should do,"[/color] she started again, [color=crimson]"We should start going out to eat more often. I need to make sure you're eating properly. It's for your own good really, with all that time you spend in your lab, I can't help but wonder if you even remember to eat."[/color] she said, the tone in her voice made her words sound genuine, and they were to an extent. Though she didn't mention how taking him out to eat more often meant less work she'd have to do. The less time she had to spend in her office, the better. As he finished chewing he chuckled lightly, a smile on his lips and in his eyes for once as he glanced at her. [color=#AF924F][B]"You could just say [i]'We should spend more time together,'[/i] you know,"[/B][/color] he said, an odd amusement in his voice. His enjoyment of the food and the comfortable atmosphere had allowed some of his...usually dormant confidence to bare in a situation where it normally wouldn't be present. After all, he wasn't exactly a social butterfly. [color=crimson]"It's too easy for you to decline if I put it that way,"[/color] she said to him, reaching to pour herself some tea, pointedly trying to avoid eating too much of the food she'd prepared for him. [color=crimson]"But I suppose that's what I'm trying to get at."[/color] she added, raising her glass and taking a sip of the hot liquid. Afterwards, she drew her hair to one side and ran a hand through the strands, noting that it felt a bit more oily than usual. She made a mental note to wash it before going to work the next morning. [color=crimson]"There's something I've wanted to ask you for a while now."[/color] He chuckled a bit, taking a sip from his tea before he ate some more tempura. As she implied a forthcoming question he raised an eyebrow. Finishing his bite of tempura, he made a small interested sound in response, [color=#AF924F][B]"Mmm?"[/B][/color] He took another sip from his drink, washing the food down. It was all very good and it made him feel at ease. More himself than he often did when he was in his lab, which was saying something.... Reaching over, Yuzuki would steal a piece of his food and take a bite as she thought how to properly word her question. [color=crimson]"Other than a shinobi, is there anything else you would rather be?"[/color] she asked him, taking another bite of her food afterwards. [color=crimson]"I guess what I'm asking is... despite the downsides of it, do you love what you do?"[/color] She wondered if it was perhaps out of character for him to think about such things, but she often thought about that herself, usually drawing up a blank for anything else she'd even be remotely talented at. He frowned slightly, partially in thought, and partially because of what he was thinking about. [color=#AF924F][B]"I think, had I been given the chance, I'd have lived a simpler life, but I say that knowing what I've been through...so perhaps I am wrong."[/B][/color] He shook his head, [color=#AF924F][B]"It's hard to say,"[/B][/color] he didn't seem to mind that she'd taken some of his food. He took a sip of tea, then ate another tempura, more so he didn't have to talk than anything else. Yuzuki nodded, expecting a response like that from him. Her thoughts about it had been similar, as she had mixed feelings about it. She'd wanted, and in a way received, comfort in knowing that she wasn't the only one who thought that a shinobi's life was probably not for them. But what could she have done after being born into a family of exceptional ninja? It would have been far worse having to be the odd one out, the one who was too afraid to take risks for the sake of others. She saw what happened to others who tried that, to make an honest living by doing manual labor instead of risking their lives. It was seen in her family as a great disrespect to the village after it had helped raise you comfortably. Yuzuki's gaze fell from Syu-lerne's face and she preoccupied herself with separating the tail of a prawn from the meaty flesh. [color=crimson]"I can't help but think that perhaps there's still a chance for me to do some good in the world. What else am I good for if I cannot at least change someone's life for the better,"[/color] she paused and brought the food to her lips. [color=crimson]"Even if it is just one man's life? It would make all this worth it."[/color] she said, taking a bite of the tempura. She chewed it slowly, her jaw working on auto pilot as her brows furrowed in response to her thinking hard on something. Syu-lerne contemplated the question further in the silence, wondering what he might have done had he been allowed other circumstances. For once, he met a dead end as his mind couldn't predict such vast quantities when it came to variables. There were just too many things that could've been drastically different that he couldn't figure it out. He shook his head a bit and ate another tempura, after which he tried one of the sweet things that Yuzuki had made. It was at this point that his friend spoke again, thus drawing his attention to her. As she spoke he began to notice her proximity...and the faint smell of chamomile about her person. He'd noticed it a few times before, but it had never been this strong. Then, as she moved the food to her lips and took a bite, a small smile reached across his lips and touched his eyes. He swallowed the treat, having enjoyed it greatly. [color=#AF924F][B]"But Yuzuki, you [i]have[/i] changed one man's life,"[/B][/color] he said gently as he looked at her next to him, wondering if he'd have to clarify. Yuzuki's hand paused in the air, the food held by her chopsticks only a few centimeters from her mouth. Blinking, she pressed her lips closed and lowered her hand as she glanced at her friend. Looking at him for a moment, she studied his face, knowing what he'd meant by that. A moment later she cracked a smile and laughed. [color=crimson]"I imagine your life [i]would[/i] be a lot less exciting without me around. Though whether that is a positive or negative change is up to you."[/color] she told him, using humor to lighten the mood a bit. In a way, she was happy for his words, but it was hard to agree with him. Anything she'd ever done to help him or otherwise was what any good friend would do. She never thought of it as anything life changing. Oddly, despite her attempts to lighten the mood, his smile faded, the expression on the puppeteer's face becoming far more serious. [color=crimson]"If that is the case, however, what makes you say that? What have I done that anyone else in my position wouldn't do?"[/color] she asked him, raising her brow. [color=crimson]"Certainly this meal is good, but I wouldn't take it as far as life changing."[/color] she said laughing a bit afterwards. He sighed lightly and took a drink from his cup before twitching his fingers, strings of chakra touching the kettle and moving it to pour himself some more. In the process he also filled Yuzuki's cup. When he'd finished, the strings of chakra set the kettle back onto its hotpad and he locked eyes with her, his gaze steady, expression still serious [color=#AF924F][b]"You say that, yet you were the only person to keep coming back when I dismissed you, insulted you, or put you off in my attempts to isolate myself. You were the only one who saw my pain and did something about it, and few even saw it to begin with. I don't know where I would be, or...if I would be at all, were it not for you."[/b][/color] The words were earnest and it seemed that there was something in him that simply would now allow her to dismiss him. While he was often focused, this was...something different. The look in his eyes was unique. A mixture of care, worry, and seriousness all rolled into one. Perhaps there was something else there, but it was hard to say...especially when he wasn't sure himself. Only time would tell. Regardless, the look in his eye was one that made Yuzuki's heart race in her chest. She was quiet for a long moment, studying his expression, and though she wanted to look away from his eyes, it was as if something in them kept drawing her back to look again. After a few moments of her eyes cautiously flicking to his, she shook her head as if to clear it. [color=crimson]"That look you're giving me is confusing,"[/color] she told him, reaching out with one hand to grab her refilled cup of tea. She looked at the brown liquid inside for a moment, seeing bits of her reflection in it, and it made her wonder something. He gave her a confused look as she uttered the words, equally befuddled by her statement as she apparently was by his expression. [color=crimson]"If you thought you were in debt to me because of my kindness, consider it already paid. You've been such a good advisor and friend to me, in the end I received something in return."[/color] she said to him. As she said it, she thought also of her motives back then, and why she'd ever stuck around with him in a time he wanted nothing to do with anyone. Perhaps it could have simply been her stubborness and refusal to be ignored that kept her coming back. She couldn't have known the outcome, or if there would ever be reward for her efforts, so why? [color=#AF924F][B]"Some debts cannot be repaid,"[/B][/color] he replied simply, managing to regain his composure. As she thought more on it, staying with him was probably the only thing she'd ever done without expecting something in return. The why of it all continued to evade her. It was only in recent years that she'd even had a deeper interest in him other than their current friendship. The last thought made her choke a bit on her tea as a sharp breath caused her to inhale some of it. She coughed a few times and placed down the cup, clearing her throat when the moment was over. She sighed and looked at Syu-lerne, her face showing a bit of her confusing emotions towards him. [color=crimson]"You don't count Syu."[/color] she told him, starting to continue and explain why, but somehow the words got stuck in her throat and she looked away. As she initially choked his hands instinctively reached out before he realized that she was fine and withdrew a bit, a worried expression still on his face for a few moments. Then, as she turned to him he saw an expression that confused him like her words had a moment before. He frowned, the look portraying a sort of begrudging acceptance mixed with a pout. Her looking away didn't help either. In fact, he pushed his chair back and rose to his feet, sighing. [color=#AF924F][B]"I see..."[/B][/color] he said, a small grain of hurt in his voice as he walked behind her, not turning back to face her even as he passed her by. Yuzuki closed her eyes when she saw he stood up from his seat, but didn't so much as move an inch to stop him. She cursed at herself inwardly, and wanted to pull him back and attempt to explain what was going on in her head... but it wouldn't be fair to him, to dump some things on him that she didn't even fully understand. Letting out a nearly silent sigh, she also stood, collecting the remainder of the food and dishes from the table and stacking them in her arms. It was not until Syu-lerne reached the door frame that he turned his head slightly, not quite glancing back at Yuzuki as he spoke, [color=#AF924F][B]"I suppose I have bothered you then. You seem...much better, so I think I should bid you goodnight..."[/B][/color] [i]before I upset you further,[/i] he thought, but did not say. She stood unmoving at the table, staring down at the dishes in her hand as she gripped them tightly. Something in her wanted to still reach out and grab her friend by the neck and shake him, as if that would help anything at all. As he spoke, she turned her head and glanced at his retreating back, wondering how he could ever think his presence was a bother to her. [color=crimson]"Right, goodnight then Syu-lerne,"[/color] she said, her tone sounding more distant than she intended. Despite this, she said nothing else. [color=#AF924F][B]"Yes...good night,"[/B][/color] he replied as his head turned away once more and he walked from the room. She might just barely catch a deep forlorn sigh as the door swung shut behind him. The puppeteer, unknown to her, had a confused and frustrated expression written across his features. He would not be sleeping well that night.