[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3011013][img]http://i.imgur.com/v9oVH0X.png[/img][/url] [color=MediumAquamarine][U][B] Masshiro, Kenomo (畜生 真白 )[/B][/U] Date- 5/01/1925, Location- Kumogakure (Academy classroom), Time- Morning[/color][/center] Masshiro's eyes glanced down at his desk and on the crafted paper he was writing on. He stared at his list of needed things, from herbs he was low on then to the need for clean wraps to bandage his hand, not wanting to dip into the emergency supplies. Most of all he wasn't thrilled about running out of supplies in a mission because he sloppily used it for his own personal care. Masshiro glared at his injured hand with a calm, bland expression but he was hot under the collar over his idiocy. If he had just been more careful then it wouldn't have happened. Inside, his common sense knew that wasn't true. He couldn't control his nightmares anymore than he could pull or push the wind itself without chakra. The writing utensil tapped the paper's edge and made a dull sound with each hit, Masshiro's mind using it to keep count of the list running in his head. Each new item made him pause then write out a quick scribbled name before starting again. Around him, his mind barely noted his closer friends chattering and buzzing with the excitement over their academy days coming to an end. They didn't feel the choking anxiety wrapping its cold fingers on his throat or the fear coiling in his chest, knowing his comfort zone was coming to a dreadful end. Of course if they were as closed as they appeared, one friend would've sensed his tension since he had walked into the classroom or he could've said something. Masshiro made a brief bitter smile. School didn't work that way and they preferred his silent presence over his chatter any day, something he went through painstaking efforts to maintain just to belong. His mind flipped back to the classroom door, recalling the the older ninja waiting outside for him. She was among the first person he met today to actually try to ease his thoughts and show concern. He stopped tapping his hand and set his quill aside, slouching a bit and pushing his seat away from his desk. He had been just about to get up when the door moved, and he watched the sensei approach the front desk. The paper in his hand forgotten when man then called for attention. Immediately everyone hushed and took their seats, Masshiro falling back into his own without a word. As the teams listing started, he listened in silence for his name. On the group mentioned for team six, his body propped upright and then he pressed his lips in thought at the other two names before him. He had heard of them but wasn't exclusively familiar with individuals behind them. Masshiro got up then walked casually from his front seat on the row end when the rest of the assignments were finished up. His hand skimmed around the desk edge and reached to retrieve his copy of the mission statement. He was careful to get his rather than another teams as he glance at the information carefully, his figure moved to the side and out of the way to allow others to get theirs: [hider] Contractor: Nori Katsura Location: Land of Lightning Rank: E Mission Objective: [list] [*] Seek out and meet with Nori Kasura. [*] Retrieve the package then deliver it to Nojiri village, within the Land of Lightning. [*] Don’t open the package, allow it to be stolen, lost or damaged. It must arrive in the same condition it left in, [*] When you enter village Nojiri, deliver to a young woman named Saromi Chieko at the local ramen shop. [*] Collect the note stating the package was delivered, and return to inform and create a mission statement. [/list] Mission Participles: Akira Hikaru, Himawari Kanagata, & Masshiro Negishi-Kemono Mission Statement: N/A Reward: 500 Ryo [/hider] It didn’t seem like much, his eyebrow raised in question. It was a mission best suited for their situation though. It might’ve been why the Sensei wasn’t worried about giving it to them without a fully grown ninja to accompany them. Rolling up the scroll, Masshiro casually stuffed it into his pants pocket and paused at hearing Hikaru’s voice. Ranked above most the class, it was little surprised his fellow student was disappointed at being assigned to him and Kanagata. Masshiro took his time in answering Hikaru and turned his body to face him and made sure to look a little over the shorter boy's head, easy since he appeared not to have reached his growth spurt. Likely to Akira it seemed Masshiro was looking down on him by avoiding eye contact- through many students knew this wasn’t an unusual thing for him-and spoke. [color=MediumAquamarine] “I think teams are assigned based on how they would benefit each other in the long run and how well they will function.”[/color] His eyes shifted to recall his guest at the door and decided to excuse himself.[color=MediumAquamarine]”Excuse me, I need to tell someone it’s alright to come in.”[/color] He bowed then skirted around Akira, leaning out of the open door just when several of the students had departed. His eyes carefully panned the hallway until they rested on Haruhi-san. She had been waiting outside like she promised causing him to smile with a slight warmth.[color=MediumAquamarine] “You can come in, now.”[/color] Masshiro’s eyes averted from meeting hers as he retreated back toward his team.