[i]Girl[/i]? Had this dumb boy really just called her [i]girl[/i]? His impudence knew no bounds! He was the absolute worst, worse than a stain in a brand new dress! She could not tolerate such horrific behavior; if she did, who knew how many others would treat her in a similar fashion? It was time for them to weep - everyone nearby! Their darkest thoughts would come to the surface, and there was nothing they could do to prevent it! Lyra made no motion as she activated Sorrow, and her sway was entirely imperceptible. Only those who knew of her ability had the faintest chance of identifying her as the source of the stray thoughts. But there would be several victims; in a crowded place like this, that couldn't be helped. Though she could not entirely disguise her scowl, Lyra's tone remained steady. "I am a lady, and I would have you treat me as such," she said, taking a sip of her soda, "And it simply cannot be true that I am expected to serve myself. I must stay here, with my teapot; otherwise, it will be stolen for certain. If Miss Dawson wishes to keep me here, she must attend to my needs, so there have to be servants for me somewhere. I don't care if they're getting paid - they cannot simply forsake their duties!" Lyra's cheeks reddened only a shade as her stomach emitted a dull whine - that muffin had not been enough. All the more reason for her to convince this wayward miscreant to return to his post, [i]now[/i]!