[center][h3]Otonashi Tailors - After School 23/5/2015 Saturday[/h3][/center] The establishment was quite nice, and a little fancy. It seems they did from formal to traditional styles, but were more specialized to fashion and formal. Although she said this was her mother's shop... Except her mother was nowhere to be seen. On the other hand he found himself waiting while the shopkeeper called for Shizu, and he was whisked off to one of the offices. He waited there for awhile, at least ten to twenty minutes, so he had plenty of time to admire the decor. After awhile, Shizu finally showed up, she was in her casual wear. In comparison to her maid outfit it was more innocent. [color=slategray]"It's fine, your mother has good taste in decoration"[/color], he said. He probably looked at that dress over there several times already. She handed him the final sketches for him to look at and likewise he did look at them... Well, if it came down to preferred colours, probably black? And charcoal gray... Maybe red...? Or would blue suit him better? Hmmmm... At the moment he was too engrossed to really notice anything else.