Hey, sorry for posting so late, and sorry again for the amount of reading there is up ahead. Do not hesitate to tell me if something does not make sense or needs to be polished. [hider=Carin] [b]Name:[/b] Carin Esposito [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Personality:[/b] By nature a pessimist, Carin is highly uncomfortable with any kind of spontaneity, because she assumes the worst straight away. Any plans that haven't been previously discussed with her or that are imposed on her will shine with her absence from them, as she loathes not knowing what is going on or what could happen. Her calm and polite composure and impeccable lying skills are both leftovers from her childhood, in which they were needed in order to get her through the day unscathed. Although she craves meaningful emotional connection, she can never state her true opinions or feelings in presence of persons she doesn't fully trust, which can be a big hindrance when meeting new people. Care and attachment are things that also don't come easily to her, and she tends to be more focused on her goals than the people around her( Though it depends how much they mean to her). The biggest conflict that Carin faces is inside of her : she hesitates between what she wants and what she think must be done. Pre-accident Carin will often disregard all of her feelings towards the subject she's studying or the people she thinks she's supposed to hang out with, whereas post-accident Carin realizes that her life is her own and will finally act towards what she wants. Another aspect of the calm and composed mask is that she always makes sure what she is wearing is formal enough-to the risk of overdressing-, and that she always feels more confident to have a layer of makeup. [b]Interests:[/b] One thing she has always wanted to do, and which contrasts heavily with her chemistry major, is open a bakery. As a child, the only place where she felt safe was the bakery of her neighborhood, which at the time was run by an elderly couple. She was always fascinated with how the baker managed to transform tasteless lumps of ingredients into delicious pastries, which seemed like magic to her at the time. As a child, the areas she could play in were restrained to the tiny house her mother got after the passing of her father, and the bakery across the street. The former felt quite dull compared to the rush of excitement of a rollercoaster, and the latter's owners did not always have time to take care of a child running around the place, so the amusement park always had a special place in her heart. She loved how the horror house always took her breath away, how the clowns always knew just the thing to cheer her up and make her laugh, and how it seemed like such a brighter and more alive world than her house. Where the bakery felt like her home, the amusement park felt like she was finally living. When it comes to movies, Carin has a fondness for horror and psychological films, since they remind her of the haunted houses of the amusement park. Because of once again her childhood, one thing she always wanted to take up but actually never did was boxing, due to the mixed feelings between never wanting to be hurt again and her step father finding out. [b]History:[/b] Most things in her life went well until her father died in a car crash the day after her eighth birthday. Her mother was torn with grief and spent much of her time at the bottom of an alcohol bottle for two years. Meanwhile, Carin desperately tried to cheer her mother up, thinking that making her feel better will also fill the hole she felt getting deeper and deeper in her chest. Exactly two years after the accident, her mother brought someone home, someone from the bar she always went to after she had siphoned the alcohol in their house. He was tall and had more hair than on his chest than on his head, but most importantly, he had a glint in his eye Carin would never forget. A little while after that when was the hitting began. Her mother's belly started to grow, and she was more excited about the baby than she ever was about Carin bringing back good grades from school, leaving the new man in her life totally in control of Carin's education. And what an education he gave. During the few years he and her mother were together, Carin learned not to show her feelings, to keep a calm and polite composure to avoid any hits, and to lie through her teeth whenever she was compromised. Meanwhile, her mother had triplets and was completely overwhelmed with them, and gave Carin no attention except when she excelled in Chemistry. The man was eventually dumped when he started to show signs of aggression towards the triplets. Academically, Carin was good at most sciences and math, decent at english when grammar and spelling were involved-but utterly helpless when it came to redactions and essays (since her teacher always insisted on the students having their own opinions), and below average at the rest. She joined the student council as treasurer, and did a good job at stopping irationnal spending (even though she earned many students's dislike for doing so) When she graduated high school, she voiced out her wish to start her own bakery to her mother, but soon regretted it as she completely refused to acknolwedge that wish. Instead, for the the first time in years, her mother spoke to her as if she was actually interested in her. Unfortunately for the bakery project, it was to convince her to choose chemistry as her major (like she did in college) and to not choose a man before she was done with it. Overjoyed with the attention, Carin followed her mother's advice, but soon found herself torn between what her mother's expectations of her were (and the only way she could get attention from her mother) and what she yearned to do. Chemistry studies were harder than she thought they would be, and so she has never had much time to actually do things that she enjoyed, which with the more years that passed, only increased her frustration with the whole situation. Eventually those feelings exploded after the accident, when she realized she had just wasted her entire life doing what her mother wanted her to do. [b]Appearance:[/b] Carin is italian from her mother's side, her grand-grand parents being the ones who settled in Avernale, looking for peace away from the facist regime of Mussolini. She has olive skin which darkness can change from slightly tanned to pretty dark according to how much sun she gets. Her thick dark hair is often let loose, as it remains the only part of her appearance she cannot master no matter how much she tries. She often frames her black eyes with eyeliner, nature being kind enough to give her reasonably long lashes. Her nose is her dad's, straight although a bit long except from a bump in the middle (due to it being broken once), and her face shape is her mom's, heart-shaped with relatively high cheekbones. She feels most comfortable in a tight pencil skirt and a top which depends largely on the day/occasion. Since she has inherited her mother's small height, she likes to wear heels in order not to feel like people are towering over her. (She's a 155 centimeter on a good day) That day she was going to her last test before she graduated college, and was wearing a tight skirt that was mid thigh long and a black blouse, and a huge trench coat that swallowed her from head to toe. [b]Notes:[/b] Likes puns but absolutely loathe dad jokes. Wish she had a better sense of humor or socialization. Secretly loves cheesy pick up lines, but would never have the gut to tell it to someone. Quite a lot of character development throughout the story is planned, as she's learning to break free of her mother and her past. [/hider]