[center][h1][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]N[/b]aruto: [b]P[/b]ath to [b]E[/b]nlightment”[/color][/i][/h1][/center] [center][i]“This is a thumbs up. It's denoting a gesture of friendship. Do you accept?”[/i] - [b]Saburo Uchiha[/b] [i]“God damn, you’d think my eyes could have seen that coming.”[/i] - [b]Chihiro Hyuga[/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2ppklch.jpg[/IMG][/center] [hr] [center][h2][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]O[/b]verview”[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [center][i]“Voila! My magical tent is here!”[/i] - [b]Aoi Don Maquia[/b] [i]“Wow, this is a neat trick Aoi, where'd you learn it? And where did you get the tent too, for that matter?”[/i] - [b]Akio Tendou[/b][/center] [hr] [indent]To give you a short overview, it's important to represent where we are currently in the Narutoverse. After all the Narutoverse is filled with stories of old, so it'd be a good idea to represent that by giving a timeline to start with. Our RP takes place 200 years after the birth of Sarada Uchiha and Boruto Uzumaki. For the setting that means we'll be living in a somewhat more modern world (comparable to ours) but this being Naruto and thus, being highly inconsistent with tech canonically (there's been earpieces and mecha's but then we also have swords, and no guns), we have taken several liberties to maintain the feeling of Naruto that we all love so dearly. As such you have to imagine a mildly modern setting, where we now have things mixed like a low amount of trucks, cars and motorbikes, but also still have prominent carriages with horses, mules or what have you. This also means that new tech has made new social changes, and as such the shinobi are featured less prominently in shinobi villages, that are now turning into something more akin to.. shinobi cities? Either way, skyscrapers and economical centers now litter the horizon inside the village, although it's obviously not as bad as it seems - there's still some quiet places you can hang out, or live. The changing social scene has also led to a decrease in the number of shinobi, atleast in the smaller villages. The main forces are still in the five big villages and even there they have a lower wage than before - it's not so much possible anymore to get by on a genin-wage. This RP will also feature a more slice-of-life approach, although that is debateable. We will ofcourse still do plenty of missions, but we like character interaction as much as the fights in Naruto, and as such we place a prominent focus on the character interactions. Don't worry, you can still beat up bad guys. Another thing that is important for us is [b]balance[/b] and we make sure to review each sheet adequately. If you want a powerful missing nin, it's probably best to look elsewhere. [i]But Partisan,[/i] you might say, [i]you have rules about [b]prodigies[/b] and how they're better than the rest! That's not [b]balanced![/b][/i] Ah, yes. You see, besides the balance, we also like [b]conflict[/b] not only with outside forces (missing nin, typical bad guys or organisations) but we also like [i]internal conflict[/i] where multiple characters don't like eachother. The prodigies are a tool to us to achieve this - most of them are, you'll find, not social at all and some even have some form of a god complex, or at the very least are a bit more arrogant. They're more or less tools to assure that we have some conflict between characters, atleast at the start.[/indent] [hr] [center][h2][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]N[/b]ew [s][b]V[/b]ictims[/s] [b]R[/b]ecruits: [b]Read![/b]”[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [center][i]“Well done, seems like you actually want to live!”[/i] - [b]Takeshi Ruzuzaki[/b] [i]“Ooooooh, Tsukiya-chan! Let's take it and share it! You take one of her beautiful eyes, and I take one!”[/i] - [b]Yopparai Ramu Koku[/b][/center] [hr] Welcome to [b]N[/b]aruto: [b]P[/b]ath to [b]E[/b]nlightment, thank you for taking the time to read through this massive wall of text, or atleast attempting to before getting scared off. If you are going to continue reading, good! Otherwise if you leave we'll hate you forever. Choose wisely. Regardless of what you do it's important to know that this is a reboot of an older RP. The last RP went well and we would've continued if our head GM was still around. This thread is a workaround of sorts to make sure we can (and will) update the thread. Besides that, having a clean sheet to work with can be good sometimes. However this also means something for you; there'll be established characters that have a history together and it can be hard to fit into that. There'll also be a history of sorts with events that are important. Fear not; I encourage you to read it (atleast some) but it's not required because of the nature of this RP. It's possible for your character to be a fresh graduate and as such to not have any knowledge of what has been going on (maybe some, but minimal). So it's very much possible to join the RP even if you weren't here from the start. That said, a lot of the RPers in this RP have no problems with answering questions as long as they're asked in a respectful manner. Actually, I bet if you cuss and swear at us we'd probably answer you anyway. So if you have questions just ask (or yell) and we'll get to it. Probably. No promises. I can be lazy. [hr] [center][h2][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]G[/b]eneral [b]R[/b]ules”[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [center][i]“I am surprised that you picked a fight with Yamato-senpai after that. Yamato-senpai is quite capable, and I think he would beat both of us with ease.”[/i] - [b]Saburo Uchiha[/b] [i]“That Yamato bastard won't beat me. I don't plan on losing to him, Kusaru, or anyone for that matter. Add that to your encyclopedia of facts.”[/i] - [b]Daiki Naito[/b][/center] [hr] [list][*]No godmodding. [*]No perfect characters (Mary Sue and Gary Stu). [*]GM team has final say. Always. [*]One-lining is not acceptable. Two lining isn't either. [*]Consistency is key. We understand posting a little less sometimes. There's limits, though. [*]Beware the gore; yes, it's allowed but don't overdo it. [*]As for sexual content, take it to PM's and show us a fade to black; make it implied. What you do privately isn't our concern. It's RPG's concern, however. ([b]*cough*[/b] If you receive sexy pictures from someone I demand to see them. [b]*cough*[/b]) [*]RPG rules apply. [i][b]Always. [/b][/i] [*]Respect everyone. Please do not argue OOCly. Do what you need to if it is ICly. [*]Changes may be made with or without notice. Probably with, because we are online 24/7. [*]Kekkei Genkai are to be made unique. If they are blatant copy paste or cliché we reserve the right to decline them. [*]Same applies to hiden. [*]No tailed beasts for now. Why? Because you need to earn it ICly with our acceptance, not be gifted it. Don't ask, unless you believe it's detrimental to your character that's been around a while. [*]Your character is a chunin, not Madara. No EMS, Rinnegan, whatever the hell you can think of. Keep it simple, but interesting. [*]Prodigies have the benefits of being 2-4x stronger than regular chuunin and having an additional A rank jutsu. The prodigies are meant to sow initial division between players, to enforce a degree of conflict between the players aside from the obvious plot driven conflicts. Don't ask for one, we will approach you. [*]Be diverse and dynamic with creating your characters; don't be set in stone for what you want and be prepared to change your ideas as we go. This means; don't be an asshole if you don't get what you want. Either scrap the idea or change it to our liking. [*]Be original, don't be a rip-off of the original cast and their kids. I know it's hard but I believe in you guys. You can be [i]related to[/i] but that's different than [i]I'm Madara's kid who somehow survived all those years.[/i] [*]The GM team is full of idiots. We make mistakes. Deal with it, we're here for our own pleasure as much as yours. [*]That said, we also do not like to place us in charge of your pleasure entirely. We're not getting paid for this, we don't get much more gratification other than we enjoy doing it so far. Keep that in mind when you complain to us, and think to yourself if you've ever GMed. It's a hard job. Also realize that you yourself are allowed to plot for your own character and that we are not opposed to helping with that. [*]We're also not opposed against PVP conflict. If you want to take someone's sharingan or whatever, you can do that. Just.. make sure not to be an ass about it regardless of which side you're on on that plot. Work stuff out.[/list] [hr] [center][h2][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]C[/b]haracter rules”[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [center][i]“Friendship family. Noted.”[/i] - [b]N.C.4[/b] [i]“Yuna, get it together, you're not a cat anymore ...”[/i] - [b]Yuna Hojo[/b][/center] [hr] Because Naruto is a diverse world with diverse techniques, with some more balanced than others, we have chosen to make several rulesets for characters for each rank. This is to avoid situations with, for example, a chunin who has the rinnegan, fighting some chunin who barely has a single B rank technique. It's also to avoid broken jutsu, such as Flying Thunder God, being used to cheese fights. It might seem like a fun thing to give your characters, especially if they have a historical reason for having that jutsu. And I agree, it's a fun niché thing that makes it more interesting. But looking at pro's and con's for these kind of jutsu, we have to decide that ultimately it's not worth it, because that means your jutsu will give you pleasure, but it will detract that of those that go up against your character, or those that wanted something similar but got denied. It's put in place to avoid bad situations where two people cannot reach an ultimatum about fights. Simple as that. We do not accept arguments about these things, they're set in stone. [indent][center][h3][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]J[/b]utsu [b]L[/b]imits”[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [i]Note:[/i] N/A in front of a rank means 'no limit' within reason. You can use as many of these as you like although that doesn't mean you have to use every one of them. They also need to make sense. A character with an aptitude for high level lightning jutsu will probably have more of these N/A lightning jutsu than fire jutsu. Simple as that. [i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]G[/b]enin”[/color][/i][/indent] [list][*]0 A-rank. [*]1 B-rank. [*]2 C-rank. [*]2 D-rank. [*]N/A E-rank.[/list] [indent][i]Note:[/i] due to the 'side character' nature of the genins (small roles in plots) exceptions can be made. Trade offs are part of those exceptions, so approach us with ideas.[/indent] [indent][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]C[/b]hunin”[/color][/i][/indent] [list][*]1 A-rank. [*]3 B-rank. [*]4 C-rank. [*]N/A D-rank. [*]N/A E-rank.[/list] [indent][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]J[/b]ounin”[/color][/i][/indent] [list][*]1 S-rank. [*]3 A-rank. [*]4 B-rank. [*]N/A C-rank. [*]N/A D-rank. [*]N/A E-rank.[/list] [indent][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]K[/b]age”[/color][/i][/indent] [list][*]N/A S-rank. [*]N/A B-rank. [*]N/A C-rank. [*]N/A D-rank. [*]N/A E-rank.[/list] [indent][i]Note:[/i] Kage-level characters will not be judged on their jutsu lists or anything of the sort, they will be judged on identity: are they interesting, are they worthy of the kage-level stamp and do they serve a good, useful purpose? That's because once you reach jonin status, it becomes really quite easy to pass into kage-level areas, and beyond kage there are no ranks. That means the power levels within kage-level characters fluctuate heavily.[/indent] [center][h3][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]B[/b]anned [b]J[/b]utsu”[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [i]General bans[/i] refer to simply not being allowed to have this jutsu on any character, in or out of battle. [i]Combat bans[/i] refer to bans for combat only, meaning they are allowed outside of combat. [i]Limit jutsu[/i] refer to jutsu that are allowed, in and out of combat, but have limited usage. Jutsu list will be updated as we go and encounter issues. If we encounter no issues, the list will remain like this. If we encounter more we will add jutsu and notify you. [list][*][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Flying_Thunder_God_Technique]Flying Thunder God Jutsu[/url] - general ban. [*][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Flicker_Technique]Body Flicker Technique[/url] - combat ban. [*][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Replacement_Technique]Body Replacement Technique[/url] - limit jutsu, 3 uses per battle. [/list] [hr] [center][h2][i][color=3F6C8D]“[b]I[/b]nteresting [b]L[/b]inks”[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [center][i]“Sanguine. I will kill you. I don’t care what I have to do, but I will do it.”[/i] - [b]Jaakuna Sawada[/b] [i]“Am I scared? ..damn right, I'm shit scared!”[/i] - [b]Takeshi Ruzuzaki[/b] [i]“Well, good thing I came prepared for an overnight stay, by bringing absolutely nothing...”[/i] - [b]Shin Maru[/b][/center] [hr] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2941166]Location list[/url] [i]- this is a list of (possible) locations in the RP. There are more obviously, but these are the ones we created to give players some freedom as to where to go with predefined locations. Want to go on a date with another character? Why not visit the Minamoru Restaurant, the [b]Mighty Naruto?[/b] Or maybe you want something classier, in which case the Don Maquia Opera and Theatre is probably the right way to go.[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2941167]Active character list[/url] [i]- the list of currently active player characters (NPC's may be listed if they are notable) and below, you'll find the latest team layouts. These are supposed to be up to date whenever we start a new arc, but it might happen it's not. In that case please notify us.[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80809-naruto-road-to-ninja-arc-2-5/ic#post-2657677]Arc 1: Road to Party[/url] [i]- in arc 1 of the RP the crew sets out to have a party at Yamato's lakehouse, but things turn bad when three other fresh chunin graduates were murdered in the bushes.[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80809-naruto-road-to-ninja-arc-2-5/ic?page=3#post-2685977]Arc 1: The Meeting[/url] [i]- in this chapter the crew meets before heading out to face a danger. It shows that these chunin are still desperate for acknowledgement from higher up as they chase after the killers themselves.[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80809-naruto-road-to-ninja-arc-2-5/ic?page=5#post-2702441]Arc 1: Ending[/url] [i]- in this chapter the arc is ended. This is the end post, marking the start of the next arc.[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80809-naruto-road-to-ninja-arc-2-5/ic?page=9#post-2736323]Arc 2: Start[/url] [i]- in this chapter, arc 2 was started with the mission to retrieve several scrolls for the land of Iron, which would open up diplomatic capabilities with the secluded samurai.[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80809-naruto-road-to-ninja-arc-2-5/ic?page=16#post-2815278]Arc 2: Meeting Kusaru, ending[/url] [i]- in this chapter, the crew meets Kusaru and her henchman and companion, Gian. The two don't seem hostile but have a kill order on their head, so Yamato and Daiki attack. The rest of the crew either joins or stops them, leading to a lack of bloodshed. Kusaru seems satisfied and leaves, after a show of good will.[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2941169]Arc 3: Start[/url] [i]- the Hokage starts a speech to announce a new exchange program to train the best hunter-nin possible, but is [b]rudely[/b] interrupted by a hooded figure.[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2955802]Arc 3: Grand Reveal[/url] [i]- the hooded figure reveals who they are and assumes direct control over the village of Konoha right that moment. A long forgotten but powerful jutsu utilised in Amegakure is cast casting the village into a shroud of darkness and rain.[/i]