[center][color=3F6C8D][h1][i][b]N[/b]aruto [b]W[/b]orld, [b]G[/b]eography and[b] P[/b]laces[/i][/h1][/color] [h2][color=3F6C8D][i][b]L[/b]ocations in [b]K[/b]onohagakure[/i][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [center][b][h2][color=3F6C8D][i][b]A[/b]n [b]O[/b]verview[/i][/color][/h2][/b][/center] [center][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/358/6/e/on_the_roof_by_molybdenumgp03.jpg[/img][/center] [indent] As the years changed so did Konohagakure: with the Shinobi becoming less and less important with the arrival of new technologies, and the need for housing ever growing it was evident that the city had to expand in ways not thought of before. With new technologies like cranes and such skyscrapers made a new appearance. These small appartments were available for small sums to accomodate the lowered wages for those hit by the technological outbreak. It wasn't all positive, but nowadays the negative side effects of technology are largely overcome. The city is still bustling with greenlife, as is Konoha's tradition. They [b]are[/b] after all still a village [i]hidden in the leaves.[/i] As such there are plenty of parks and recreational areas, lakes with beach shacks to enjoy a calm day in. There are also plenty of new shopping streets, loaded with different styles of shops - new shopping centres or even shopping [i]skyscrapers[/i] have appeared, with every shop you can imagine located conveniently in 1 spot. Not to say that there is no traditionalistic small housing areas, because those are still plentiful.[/indent] [h2][center][b][color=3F6C8D][i][b]S[/b]malltown[/i][/color][/b][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2010/031/9/1/914d15cb3dd69b628361a8997d0ce9e7.jpg[/img][/center] [indent]Smalltown is the traditional part of town; an area reserved mostly for middle class incomes with an occasional lower class or higher class citizen living there as well. Defining features are a traditional and calm feel, as the area is largely populated by small families with two working parents, schoolgoing children and some older couples. Besides houses the area is also rich in small shops attached to some houses - for instance, ramen shops, gift shops or small supermarkets. [center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/103/e/a/ramen_in_the_alley_by_kerriaitken-d61mlr4.jpg[/img][/center] Although Smalltown is intended for usage mainly by families, the areas closer to the center of the village frequently see lots of students and people going out, and as such there's not as many supermarkets or regular shops, and more ramen shops and bar's present in the area. As such it's a good hangout for many of the local youth, whether they come from smalltown itself or from an area in the high density housing areas. Some of the more notable and useable features of this area include... [list][*][hider=The 11th Corp][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kYCWJ0z.jpg[/img] [b][i]"Our Honor is Loyalty."[/i][/b] [b]Founder:[/b] [url=http://i62.tinypic.com/211w48j_th.jpg]Momo Shimura[/url] [b]Current Head Master:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2941176]Fujitora Choko[/url] [b]Previous Head Master:[/b] [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1059/c7c93145f7fda9ca27bb923cceeb4aee539a18da.png?1097524]Doyo Shimura[/url] [b]Council:[/b] Anonymous [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2lCYTSp.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Built by the hands of the 9th Hokage by pure ambition for a better world and in order to redeem her clan from what Root had become after decades of shady activities. The idea was to bring back an intelligence institution on par with the modern norms as well as a special commando program to insure minimal international and intranational security. In exchange, the 11th Corp program provides a large amount of transparency and declassification of cases after a maximum of ten years from the completion with of course exceptions that entail other ongoing missions. For the large part, it has kept its end of the bargain for about 150 years, each Head Master proving to have a certain level of competence and experience, chosen by an ominous council often composed with at least one veteran Director. The term 11th Corp originates from the 10 Corps sent by each village to compose various battalions to help bring general peace and stability to most countries in the Shinobi world. They were essentially the tools used to maintain what the five great countries have created after the 4th Shinobi Grand war. However there would be one hidden Corp that would work in ways somewhat contrary to these Corps as it would not serve the general benefit of the international agreement for peace but bring intelligence and eyes on every ally concerned in this era of 'peace'. Though good intentions came from this, a cycle of dishonesty and evident hypocrisy stems from these kinds of projects. But if history has taught anyone anything, it's that history repeats itself, whether it is by ignorance or in this case, obligation. The 11th Corp is located in the border between Small Town and the Financial District. The massive building of glass stands out from the small buildings of the classical rich neighborhood of Konoha and the busy business streets. Being one of the largest buildings in the entire village, it is extremely difficult to miss, especially with the big '11th Corp' sign placed at the large from yard. Interestingly, what is seen by the naked eye is mostly open to the public and is even used to welcome many diplomats and business owners for regular visits. The visible 'A' areas of the building are interconnected by large [url=http://orig05.deviantart.net/db33/f/2007/357/7/e/7e653a55d4d38167.jpg]Transfer Bridges[/url] easily accessed in multiple levels of the building. As said previously, there are multiple 'areas' in the 11th Corp, all of which shall be detailed here.[/i] [hr] [center][h2][b]Area A-1[/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/g692oyv.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Visibly the more decorated and luxurious of the two glass buildings, this one is mainly use to greet highly prolific political figures, large business owners, notable VIP's and so on. The advantage that this area offers is that it is equipped with state of the art technology to ease meetings and allow for a maximum of comfort when such individuals are present. But it is mostly good at making sure they are in complete safety as security is rather strong with also a direct link to the 11th Corp agents to the area if need of an intervention. Local business meetings are also done there, often with city officials so that everything can remain anonymous and avoid prying eyes. There are many offices in that area and despite how flashy they may be, the majority of these 'offices' are a form of embassies for almost all the Shinobi countries with contact to the Leaf. One of the few exceptions being the Land of Iron. This would mean that not only are the offices a part of another country but the whole area A-1 is considered a safe zone for any individual from the countries present in the current coalition agreed by Konoha. There's also a fancy restaurant in the ground floor for business meals and general celebrations.[/i] [hr] [center][h2][b]Area A-2[/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Jj6dUZ6.jpg[/img][/center] [i]The more 'casual' side of the public building. The A-2 section is generally where the civilian employees work communication and internal security. Simply put they handle various issues regarding Konoha natives abroad, whether it is travelling problems, visa difficulties and so on. They're also the ones who directly communicate with the Konoha and Fire Country embassies in other countries as well, relaying everything to the Hokage's mansion when required. They can be considered the general 'customer support' of those in need of information regarding the law, travelling and political status of x things. In order to get around the offices of that area, one must first identify themselves at the from lobby and justify their motives for visiting. Usually those coming are either there by request for an infinite amount of reasons, an appointment or a job offer. When visiting that area many would notice how the coffee lounge is always under siege by the same group of cynics obviously bored out of their minds in regards to their job.[/i] [hr] [center][h2][b]Area B[/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FUgYz95.jpg[/img][/center] [i]In order to access Area B, clearance from a specific official and a key card are required. This part of the 11th Corp is only accessible through elevator and will lead to the basement level where most of the actual 11th Corp agents are stationed when on standby. Though a nice place to hunker down, they make themselves as invisible as possible and rarely stick around in plain sight. This area is used for two things: Providing a base for the agents to prepare their gear and capabilities before a mission or to hunker down afterward, and to offer a safe area for higher officials to discuss tactics and possible retaliation alternatives. This area serves a particularly good bunker in case of a large scale Bijuu attack. Though not expected in this era of peace, one can never be too safe. There's also a constant, small staff in that level that keep tabs on the many outlets the Corp has in Konoha but also other countries. They're usually businesses, active or not, that serve as cover for agents. Their uses vary, going as far as being an area to stockpile information and weapons with the ability to keep a prisoner for torture to being a simple safe house.[/i] [hr] [center][h2][b]Area C[/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rfncCwJ.jpg[/img][/center] [i]A very mysterious part of the 11th Corp institution and one directly linked to Area B, at the same ground level. However this sector is only linked via a very long 3 kilometer tunnel that leads to under the outskirts, more precisely under Lake Yomadaru. One can only access it by either being an Agent, a higher up or being escorted by the latter if none of the previous two. Exceptions being specialized engineers. The goal of this area is very simple: Being a very useful battleground and simulator for the agents to test their abilities and stay at their peak. There are at least 6 rooms like the white room shown above in that area. These rooms serve one purpose, to create simulations so that training can commence. The way it works is that the room is actually riddled with various seals that apply both an illusion and a space-time manipulation in a short span of time. Essentially, the ones exposed to it can run toward the horizon and leave their colleagues behind without actually being in a comatose state. They are actually running but the room is able to manipulate itself in space to provide such distance.[/i] [hr] [center][h2][b]Area D-1[/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RCurOd8.jpg[/img][/center] [i]An area even deeper than B, hidden deep enough to avoid even the most skilled of earth users. Area D is only allowed to higher ups, notably the Head Master and a select few researchers and engineers which are all highly monitored. Agents and civilians are only allowed under special circumstances. D-1 focuses mostly on technology research and stockpile, especially with gather information. Little is known about it other than its existence being known for a few decades now by the populace. The secret Asura Project is being pursued in that area as well as other highly dubious activities. [/i] [hr] [center][h2][b]Area D-2[/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OtX6bn9.jpg[/img][/center] [i]More or less a reinforced server room and document archive (physical). Any kind of information is classified there, whether it is almost negligible to detrimental to national security. No one is allowed to physically enter it without authorization from the Head Master, even in extreme cases.[/i] [hr] [center][h2][b]Head Master's Office[/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gtpsb33.jpg[/img][/center] [i]The Head Master's desk varies from person to person, whether it is its location or its decor. For Fujitora it is at the top of the A-1 building, while Doyo preferred it to be in Area B for extra security. Those invited to this large office are often welcomed to smoke a cigar and drink some quality sake. One must not be fooled by the simplicity of the room however as it is tailored by the boss purposely to hide as many gimmicks as possible to have an advantage over a cocky takeover. Please do direct your attention to the herb culture in the tank behind the desk. [/i] [hr] [center][h2][b]Agent Uniform[/b][/h2] [img]http://s30.postimg.org/yyfyqlhj5/Outfit.png[/img][/center] [i]The standard uniform of the 11th Corp agents, utilized during assaults where their presence is to be marked, often for intimidation factor or simply to demonstrate Konoha's presence. Although simple, they are extremely malleable and are adapted for each member, some even capable of holding massive amounts of weapons to cater to the specialty of the user. It is worn with a white armband with the 11th Corp symbol on it and a traditional ANBU mask completely indistinguishable from the normal ANBU types.[/i] [/hider] [*][hider=Obushide park][center][img]http://joeian.deviantart.com/art/Park-background-260595416[/img][/center] Obushide is the largest park of Konohagakure, and sits comfortably between the main housing area of Smalltown and the base school of Konoha. Because of this there are often a lot of children between the ages of 2 (with parents) and 12 in the park, as well as older couples. From time to time there's even shinobi taking a breather after a long day of doing shinobi things. Youth hanging around the park is usually not a big problem although it does occur - usually they don't cause any trouble because the youth knows that their Shinobi same age youthlings would say something if they were being assholes. And truthfully, nobody wants to try their luck against a ninja. The few times it happened.. well, yeah. There's a large fountain with a fountain at the center of it shaped like a Koifish, a feature that most people love about this park. For that reason it's sometimes called the Koi's Pond, rather than Obushide park, although everyone in Konoha will know of both these names.[/hider] [*][hider=Ayame's house][center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/847/c3f9ae460f62ef45858ab3233f4aea41245e1783.jpg?1421698[/img] [i]“A picture of Ayame's house, with a young Sentou coming for a visit on it, taken ages ago.”[/i][/center] Ayame Choko lives in Smalltown due to the friendly and calm neighbourhood - something she prefers over the bustling life in the financial district. Her house is rather traditional per custom of the neighbourhood, as she lives in the area of Smalltown where all houses were remnants of what was built there before. Nearby her is the Shinobi base school, something that she quite enjoys because she likes kids a lot (she even has dreams of getting a little monster herself one day, if she'd ever manage to trap a guy into marriage) and likes watching them go to school. It helps that the younger kids look up to her being a jonin, and more over the hokage's assistant. Because of that she's well known at the school and in the neighbourhood since she's one of the few shinobi who still live in Smalltown. Her house is quite small for shinobi standards - she has a kitchen area, a drawer with clothes and a walk in closet with more clothes, as well as a small chest on her drawer with senbon in it. To the side, next to the door, she has a workbench for making poison, with a shelf above it where she stores some poison ingredients - placed high up because Sentou used to visit and Ayame wasn't sure she'd like her to touch the glass pots with these valuable stuffs in them. To the left is her simple bed, which is covered in black blankets and pillows. If you walk in through the door, past the bed and then take a left you'll enter her bathroom which, in all honesty, is just a shower, sink and toilet. Despite her house looking clean, her bathroom counter is always dirty and filled with make-up. [/hider] [*][hider=Minamoru's Restaurant aka “the Mighty Naruto”][center][img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/353/4/e/cosy_bar_by_adamkuczek-d5ojg4s.jpg[/img] [i]“the Mighty Naruto interior facing the entrance from the center of the restaurant”[/i][/center] The Mighty Naruto is one of the largest restaurants in the area of Smalltown, any competitors being in the Financial district. As such it is quite profitable and mr. Minamoru's ties to the Yakuza make sure that it stays that way. The restaurant is managed by Mika Minamoru, Yamato's mother. Knowing that young labour is cheaper she has [s]conscripted[/s] hired several of Yamato's [s]friends[/s] classmates, such as Aoi who now caters to the entertainment in the restaurant, and Naomi Hyuuga who was practically forced by her father to start working in the restaurant as a server. The Mighty Naruto is a meeting point for many bussiness officials and politicians, and from time to time a group of jonin or a group of friends. As such the restaurant offers a wide variety of food and drinks - alcohol for those who want it. Smoking is allowed, ofcourse. Behind the standpoint of the man that took the picture above is a large restaurant area with tables and chairs, facing the small stage at the end of the building where there is room for entertainers like Aoi to take the stage and please the crowd.[/hider][/list][/indent] [hr] [h2][center][b][color=3F6C8D][i][b]F[/b]inancial [b]D[/b]istrict[/i][/color][/b][/center][/h2] [indent]With the growing populations there was a call for an economical district, an area rich with skyscrapers, offices and large shopping malls to contrast the small traditional shops in Smalltown. And as a result Moneylanes appeared, funded and constructed by the Minamoru Building Corp. which was founded and led by Reijo Minamoru, Yamato Minamoru's father, who is a well known politician and economist, and also has questionable connections to the local mafia. The small and bustling streets offer many shops, many of which are owned by the Minamoru family. Some of the stores are catered to Shinobi, such as [b]Minamoru's Shinobi Superstore[/b] - [i]Buy your senbon launcher today, and get a 50% discount![/i] Ahem. Yes, there's plenty of commercials and hanging boards everywhere - a hazard for shinobi who are looking to get around the financial district quickly by jumping above the streets. Besides the obvious financially aimed buildings located in skyscrapers and covered shopping malls, there's some noteworthy buildings here such as the Don Maquia Opera and Theater, located in the Southeast of the district. [list]Noteworthy locations inside the Financial district. [*][hider=Minamoru enterprises]Minamoru Enterprises is the collection name for a very large amount of companies and stores owned and managed by the Minamoru family and clan. Their main bussiness consists of construction work, which has come to be due to the illustrous connections Reijo Minamoru has with the underworld of Konohagakure and other villages. With these ties he can secure contracts that would otherwise go to other building companies that offer much, much lower prices, but who are now scared to offer their services when Minamoru people are involved - because where there's a Minamoru construction worker, there's a Yakuza ronin not much further away. A small list of other work they do in the financial district would include.. [list][*][i]Minamoru's Shinobi Superstore[/i] - located in the Minamoru Shopping mall, this is a store stocked and loaded with shinobi supplies, from basic explosive tags and kunai to some awesome senbon launchers, kunai deflectors and special edition [i]Banzai![/i]-flak vests. Sadly these are not condoned by the Shinobi board of Konoha and usage of these is not allowed while on duty. [*][i]Shi-shi sculpting store[/i] - located on 842 Hokage lane, this is a store that sells sculptures such as the Shi (guardian lions) and other such things. Given the low frequency of people coming to buy here, it's a surprise they haven't gone out of bussiness yet. [*][i]Uncle Naruto's Toy Shop![/i] - located on 2124 Naruto street, this is a shop that is themed after Naruto the Hokage. He is prominently featured on most posters, causing a large surge in people buying stuff from this store. Most of the articles are action figures focussed around Naruto, Sasuke and their comrades although they don't resemble these people what so ever as they are built after a history based recollection of these people. It doesn't matter, everyone loves Naruto! Articles sell very well here, [b]even[/b] the articles focussed after Sasuke.[/list][/hider] [*][hider=Don Maquia Opera and Theatre]This theatre is located in the Southeast area of the Financial district, in front of a nice looking fountain. History of the theatre and operahouse revolve around the Don Maquia troupe, a travelling band of 'circus people.' Over the years this theatre changed from a grounds for the circus into a wealthy looking theatre. Despite appearances, tickets are quite affordable given don Maquia's somewhat generous stance to those interested in his shows. Shows are diverse and change often, although mostly they revolve around traditional plays and music. Some of these include... [list][*][i]Don Maquia's magic show[/i] - aimed at kids and, sometimes, adults interested in seeing magical abilities, this show revolves around magic tricks such as pulling kunai from tophats, extinguishing flames with fire jutsu and finally, making a shinobi randomly picked from the room dissapear and re-appear under the guise of space-time jutsu, although it really isn't. [i]Sshhhh..[/i] don't tell the kids that. [*][i]Misses Maquia's opera show[/i] - a lighthearted comedic opera show in which Misses Maquia goes on a search for her appetite, which was taken by accident by mr. Maquia when leaving for another tour with his circus. Desperate to eat something, she needs to find a way to regain her appetite. She does so by looking at male banana's. Will mr. Maquia find out? [b]Warning: mature content. 18+ only.[/b][/list] Many children and adults love going to these show and it can be said that they make a profitable earning - although mr. Maquia himself has chosen not to remain at the theatre, preferring the life on the road with his 'circus group.' As such, it's mostly retired circus members that work here to show off the arts they learned off of Don Maquia, a sort of remembrance to the times they spent with him.[/hider] [*][hider=The Archives]Although the archives are not so much an archive of secret information anymore and mostly a library, there are still hidden compartments in the library that are only accessible by shinobi above a certain rank. Secret scrolls, shinobi information and, most importantly, a hidden area with information on most if not all the shinobi, both those currently alive and dead. To maintain some degree of safety and security there's a shinobi permanently on guard here in the form of [b]Shizen the Libraryman[/b]. He usually walks around and organises books, but is in reality a shinobi with extremely powerful jutsu, dedicated to defending and keeping the secret areas as they are - hidden from anyone that isn't a shinobi, and doens't have the proper clearance from the Hokage.[/hider] [*][hider=Hideyoshi's house]Hideyoshi Sawada is a jonin in service of the Konohagakure Shinobi Forces. As a result of his pay which is in accordance with the rate at which- and the amount of missions he completes, he's managed to afford a nice looking place. Despite owning his own apartment, Hideyoshi is still a 17 year old jonin who doesn't have much time to clean his room up. Being a jonin is an ongoing duty. This is reflected in his apartment, which is filled with goodies and looks like any 17 year olds room. Actually, it's probably more clean than most 17 year olds' rooms or apartments. [i]Good job, Hideyoshi.[/i] [center][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/170/4/7/the_room_by_lordeeas-d69pkyi.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [*][hider=The Metrostations] Not wholly unimportant are the metrostations that were built using earth jutsu's to tunnel, after the population boom took place. After a cry for better transportation methods to and from the financial station, the Hokage ordered underground tunnels to be built. These metro's are powered by the driver, who uses lightning jutsu to power the machine. As such it's possible to quickly go to and from the financial district to any other district. Not that a shinobi would need it - you can run across rooftops with remarkable speed! Maybe if you're lazy.. I guess you can use the metro.[/hider][/list][/indent] [hr] [h2][center][color=3F6C8D][i][b]D[/b]owntown[/i][/color][/center][/h2] [indent]When Downtown gets mentioned in an official report, it's usually a filing of murder, because downtown is where all the ugly stuff happens - the lower class lives here, mostly people who lost their jobs when technology took over. Seeing as Konohagakure enjoys a status of being the most central village, this area is rich in immigrants from Sunagakure and Kumogakure. Some of these immigrants are shinobi who have gone great lengths to hide that fact from the officials, lest they be slated into service of the Konohagakure armed forces. As such there are sometimes particularily violent crimes here as ex-shinobi commit murders, thefts and arson. Most of the jonins spend a lot of time here keeping the peace, an effort that has proven relatively fruitless. It's become so bad, the local Yakuza has also decided enough is enough and started cracking down violently on these immigrants causing trouble - this has done nothing but increase violence, fear and increased the workload for the jonins heavily. The area is quite bad, but there are sparkles of hope - some of the children in this area that went to the Shinobi base school turned out to be excellent mediators in these areas as they know how the people here live - as a result there's been a 50% decrease in violence when a local shinobi interferes, rather than a shinobi from another area. [center][img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/009/3/f/eastend_pandemonium_by_tomiokajiro-d71hj10.jpg[/img] [i]“Some kids from Odarame street, Downtown, hanging around.”[/i][/center][/indent] [hr] [h2][center][color=3F6C8D][i][b]V[/b]illage [b]O[/b]utskirts[/i][/color][/center][/h2] [indent]Although Konoha is stilled walled in, their borders expand far beyond those walls. As such there are numerous (often wealthy) families living in their own little estates or houses outside of the village to maintain a maximum of peace, quiet and ofcourse, to demand respect since there are little people who can afford to live here. As such it's mostly lonesome shinobi who've been granted their own space, and wealthy families that reside here. The outskirts consist of a large forested area if we go by the definition of Konoha's borders, so for simplicty we'll only consider the area within 5km around the village, which is where most people live anyway. Aside from forests there are also plenty of lakes, some small and some large - beach houses are commonplace here nowadays. Some of the noteable areas in the area include...[/indent] [list] [*][hider=Aoi Don Maquia's Caravan-house] [center][img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/119/0/d/home_slavi_and_jeni_by_arsenixc-d3f5e6y.jpg[/img][/center] Aoi, being the little circus kid that she is, obviously chose to live in the spirit of her old troupe. As such she lives in a standard circus caravan for 2, even though she's living on her own momentarily. Not that it matters to her - she has more space to practice her crazy circus tricks now. Not many people know [i]what[/i] these tricks are, but some have made estimated guesses that she.. [list][*].. does saltoes on the extra bed all day long. [*].. eats kunai for breakfast as some sort of trick. [*].. secretly trains a summoned circus bear to dance to the beat of Narusasu's latest pop hit [i]'Friendship will always win.'[/i][/list] .. although nobody is really sure what she does in here. Not that she spends much time in there anyway, it's much too lonesome in there for her liking. Although she [i]does[/i] have an extra bed. We should send a shinobi to see if she has a boyfriend sleeping there...[/hider] [*][hider=Hojo Bathhouse][center][img]http://www.tofugu.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/spiritedaway-bathhouse.jpg[/img] The Hōjō is a clan that originates from Getsugakure, who, for several generations, have upheld and managed the Hojo Bathhouse and Inn, a dreamy and magical establishment whose main goal is to make their customers feel like they are at home away from home. Lying on the outskirts of Konohgakure, the structure sits on a large body of water and is attached to the mainland by a red and brown wooden bridge. Patrons may book at the establishment on an hourly, day, or weekly basis. The Bathhouse has five floors in total, the bottom floor being the bathhouse, the second and fourth floors are used to traverse across to the opposite sides of the building. The third is used as the Inn for renting rooms, and the fifth and highest floor is occupied by the Hojo Family themselves. Patrons are personally scrubbed, washed, and treated by an all female staff, though male staff do exist primarily for clerical duties. [img]http://ounodesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/bathhousespirited.jpg[/img] It is steadily busy during the day, but becomes ironically far more active at night, when the establishment becomes lit up and looks as though it is glowing. The establishment is known for hosting high-ranking officials and travelers coming from other nations and villages. [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8rb53g4bS1qg52ruo2_500.png[/img] Each circular-shaped bath is separated by a low encasing wall, with 2-4 women staff tending to those who occupy the bath. The baths are large and can occupy up to 10 people, give or take. There are several bathing treatments, which make use of different types of medicinal and herbalized water, ranging in different prices and gained by buying a token representative of that specific type of bath(ex: buying an aloe vera bath token will be used to provide aloe vera water). Elevators or stairs can be taken to access different floors. [url=http://i.imgur.com/fqGcRxi.jpg]Long bridges[/url] are used on the second and fourth to get across the opposite side of the building. [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/spiritedaway/images/7/7e/BathhouseTopFloorHall.png/revision/latest?cb=20120724134238[/img] The interior resembles the colourful and vibrant gold and red insides of a Chinese Palace, and the hallways and bedrooms on the third floor are accented by antique vases, chandeliers, rugs, picture frames, tapestries, and other accessories. The boiler room that provides the heated water for the baths resides in the basement, and is also run by the male staff. [/center][/hider] [*][hider=Yamato's house] [center][img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/266/3/8/music_club_by_arsenixc-d2zbf74.jpg[/img][/center] Yamato and his family consisting of his sister Rei, mother Mika and his father Reijo, live in this house which is located near lake Yomadaru, a popular fishing and relaxation spot. Given that Reijo Minamoru is often away on (illegal) bussiness trips, or visiting one of his many [i]lady bussiness contracts[/i] or mistresses, the house is often quiet given that Mika Minamoru is also away for long periods of time, working in her restaurant. This leaves Mika and Yamato to share the house in most cases, a thing that Yamato has no direct feelings to given that his sister is not extremely annoying to him although he wishes she'd work harder and practice more. Inside the house is 2 1-person bedrooms, and a master bedroom. Each room has it's own toilet and shower, as well as a walk in closet. Alongside that there's a dining room with a single wooden table and 6 chairs, with a single linen tablecloth running from one side to the other, more for decoration than purpose. In the living room is a large TV that is barely ever on, as well as a couch and 4 large sitting pillows in front of that couch. There's a small coffee table on both sides of the table with a light on it and there's a bookcase at one of the walls. [hider=Rei's room][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/023/3/1/bedroom_by_badriel-d73ctah.png[/img][/hider] Built in the same style as Rei's bedroom, Yamato's bedroom has a similar size although he has a larger, 2 person bed with burgundy blankets and black pillow cases, as well as a desk with a laptop on it, although it's barely ever used. Asides that he has a large circular rug in the center of his room to practice on, and against the wall he has a large chest. Inside that chest is most of his equipment: kunai, shuriken, explosive tags and some books he's read a couple of times already. Hanging all over his room are sheets of paper with kanji written on them, with texts such as [i]'Strength'[/i] and [i]'Tradition'[/i] to remind himself to stay practicing and never to lose strength, or else he'd be worse than all those other chunin in his year. His room is very dark due to his burgundy wallpaper, and the blinds that are almost always closed halfway - there are only tiny stripes of light entering the room. Besides that, he's also got some katana and naginata's hanging on the wall although those are purely decorative. Besides a main house, you can walk down a short, narrow path to the lake they life closeby to to find an extra smaller house, referred to as the Lakehouse (original huh) that belongs to the Minamoru family as well. Although owned by them, most of Yamato's classmates know this location as more of a chilling spot or a hangout because Yamato doesn't seem to care much about this location or them hanging out around here - Mika hangs out around this spot with her friends as well after school and it's known to be a place where people go to make out and... do other stuff, given that there's essentially a small house inside the Lakehouse - complete with bed and a shower, as well as a small kitchen. [center][img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/232/7/c/leaders_house_sunset_by_arsenixc-d477c0e.jpg[/img] [i]“The Lakehouse”[/i][/center] [/hider] [*][hider=Lake Yomadaru]Lake Yomadaru is a famous lake because, for some reason, the weather here is always fair. Some argue that it's because the nearby mountains block the rain clouds from reaching the area although, meteorologically this remains to be seen. As far as anyone is concerned, the lake is a nice place to hang out at and unwind after a day of defeating bad shinobi and killing Yakuza criminal thugs. Besides the relaxative features, the lake is full of fish, some as large as an entire Smalltown-house (yes the lake is that deep) which means the lake is often used for both sustainability fishing as well as competitive fishing. Shinobi that chime in with water will find themselves considerably more at ease here than at any other lake or ocean, the reason for that being the large amount of chakra that remains in the lake after the Sage of the Six Paths himself urinated into the water - that's the legend, anyway, and it's never been proven. There's a boathouse - teahouse hybrid where you can have some traditionally made tea, and then hire a boat to tour your girlfriend/boyfriend around the lake, a nice touch to any lake.[/hider] [*][hider=The Naito Compound] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i8ptBwn.jpg[/img][/center] The Naito compound is situated further off from Lake Yomadaru. They once lived in the village but after their fame, and likewise, disdain grew, they moved onto a piece of land on its outskirts. The vista seen was taken by a photographer at the fenced entrance of the compound. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DaZYtSE.jpg[/img][/center] Beyond the various homes that shelter the lesser members, rests the long, lakeside lodge of the Naito head family. This is where Daiki spends the majority of his time when he comes home, training near the lake with Mentor and when he can, spending time with his family. Mentor stays with the Naito head family when he's around. Its hold three bedrooms, a master bedroom, three toilets, a large rectangle table in the kitchen, and several flags with the Naito clan's symbol falling from the second floor to greet their visitors. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/V2eAZhb.jpg[/img][/center] Unlike his mother's, whose room is rampant in soft shades of pink, his own is cast in shades of blue. Dark trees that are authentically painted with blue leaves and swirling vines that spring from the floors onto the sliders. A modern bed is settled in a corner, wood-colored sheets and comforters fixed cleanly onto it. A desk is placed off to the side with a desktop on it, while a TV rests on a large dresser in front of the bed. He has an authentic suit of armor that holds Anemone between his desktop and bed.[/hider][/list] [hr] [center][h1][color=3F6C8D][i][b]T[/b]he [b]K[/b]age[/i][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [h3]1. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hashirama_Senju]Hashirama Senju[/url][/h3] [i][b]Famed for:[/b] Founder of Konoha, Mokuton, Sage mode.[/i] [h3]2. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Tobirama_Senju]Tobirama Senju[/url][/h3] [b]Famed for:[/b] [i]Co-founder of Konoha, establishment of institutions, creation of various techniques (Shadow clone, Hirashin, Edo Tensei...)[/i] [h3]3. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hiruzen_Sarutobi]Hiruzen Sarutobi[/url][/h3] [i][b]Famed for:[/b] Mastering all the techniques in Konoha and reaching the highest approval rating of them all.[/i] [h3]4. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Minato_Namikaze]Minato Namikaze[/url][/h3] [i][b]Famed for:[/b] Deadling with Kurama's rampage, mastering Hiraishin (Yellow Flash), creation of the Rasengan.[/i] [h3]5. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Tsunade]Tsunade Senju[/url][/h3] [i][b]Famed for:[/b] Dealing with the 4th Shinobi war, greatest medical nin of her time, strongest woman of her time.[/i] [h3]6. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kakashi]Kakashi Hatake[/url][/h3] [i][b]Famed for:[/b] His trademark sharingan, sensei of the saviors of this world, prodigy in ninjutsu.[/i] [h3]7. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Naruto_Uzumaki]Naruto Uzumaki[/url][/h3] [b]Famed for:[/b] [i]Defeating Pain of the Rinnegan, saving the world, general mastery of all Tailed Beast powers, achieving the level of the Rikkudo Sennin, reforming Konoha's position in the world and bringing upon an era of peace.[/i] [h3]8. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sarada_Uchiha]Sarada Uchiha[/url][/h3] [i][b]Famed for:[/b] Being the first Uchiha as a leader, restoring the Uchiha clan, reforming the general organization of the police force.[/i] [h3]9. [url=http://i62.tinypic.com/211w48j_th.jpg]Momo Shimura[/url][/h3] [i]Danzo Shimura's great grand daughter and victim of general public shame once many Konoha governmental documents were declassified. The Shimura fell from their grace during the orange Hokage's and Sarada's reign, pushing them into tight social dilemmas and limiting their access to certain jobs. Though the clan wasn't responsible for Danzo's many illegal activites, their indeniable link to him caused general distrust from the populations and a need to receive an apology from the entirety of the clan. Momo Shimura was a firm believer in jutice and sought to make things right. Her clan apologizing was of course, an outrageous option, but Konoha's anger wasn't unjustified. Having as much talent as the progenitor of this mess, she quickly ascended ranks and befriended Sarada Uchiha as she reached the end of her term. Despite the suffering brought to the Uchiha by the Shimura, Momo was deeply trusted by Sarada and was, quite ironically, given charge of Root. As salvation for her clan and to purge the sin of Konoha's past, she abolished the entire organization and instored a new insitution known as the 11th Corp. It would be founded on similar operations, but adhering to general human rights and of course, would only work via the approval of the population. This action not only earned Konoha's forgiveness toward the past but also allowed Momo to be demanded as the Hokage when Sarada reached the limit of her position. Her reign as Hokage was a rather peaceful one with multiple reforms regarding the law being made, especially with general expension going on. [b]Famed Ability:[/b] Oxygen Siphon[/i] [h3]10. [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1431/a65adfe0fabbcd25a83f7810937f401c564843cd.jpg?1498749]Gonba Ichiraku[/url][/h3] [i]Gonba was the choice after Momo, being the great grandson of the famous Ichiraku ramenshop owner. It didn't seem like an obvious choice but he had transformed into a great cooking nin, who was able to use the instruments of his cookery in displays of great strength, and use his raw ingredients to attack. However the reason for his choosing wasn't his strength, although it was definetely a factor, it was his ongoing support for the industrialization for Konohagakure, which played a large part in the current situation of Konoha's politics. At this time it wasn't expected that the industrialization would impact the shinobi trade as heavily as it did, providing Gonba with a large amount of support to become Hokage. Progresses made under his rulership included the creation of a high tech police facility, which over the years made regular shinobi investigators almost obsolete to the point where shinobi investigators were only called on when a crime was commited by a shinobi. Furthermore the building of a large scale kunai factory was done, providing even regular citizens with a set of these for a cheap price, but ultimately, also meant that regular citizens had a lesser need for protection by Konohagakure shinobi, and ultimately also led to the devaluation of the kunais in circulation at that point in time. [b]Famed Ability:[/b] The Ultimate Recipe[/i] [h3]11. [url=http://pre15.deviantart.net/a9c7/th/pre/i/2015/120/7/2/naruto_oc__enoki_raijin_by_sinn4u-d39xk2a.jpg]Tenzu Momochi[/url][/h3] [i]A Hokage whom, like the old times, proved his worth through power alone. Recognized as the strongest Shinobi Konohagakure had produced since Hiruzen Sarutobi and Naruto Uzumaki. However Tenzu was mostly known for being the first shinobi to have both parents come from the Water Country, while he was born in Konoha as they immigrated. He lived off poor most of his life as his parents had very low qualifications, he didn't gave much of a choice and enrolled as a pofessional shinobi. He discovered his telents there and became known as the most talented Chuunin of the decade when he was 15. A year later he was promoted to Jonin and was given highly sensitive operations. He eventually hit politics as his notoriety got the attention of many big shots, and later on his portfolio was massive enough to enclude people from all parts of the country. As he reached the Hokage's personal circle, he already had many mob bosses supporting him, which left Gonba lacking in trust toward the powerful shinobi. As Gonba passed away, Konoha was given a choice, and Tenzu was not one of the recommended nin to be elected. However, the massive lobby Tenzu had achieved and his general prowess that assured many military oriented inviduals got him the votes to reach the top. He is still considered the Fourth God of Shinobi to this day despite the many scandals regarding him. [b]Famed Ability:[/b] Weather manipulation[/i] [h3]12. [url=http://safebooru.org//images/588/d25e1f059ffed22f39dcc6e8aa64e627.jpeg?590776]Mariko Hyuuga[/url][/h3] [i]Mariko's primary skills were not in combat or martial prowess but rather in diplomacy and economics. There was a large call for this after Tenzu nearly instigated a world war and a break down of the shinobi alliance with his violent shows of power, which were almost on par with the fourth Raikage's bouts of showing off. Mariko Hyuuga had a hard time dealing with the increased level of Yakuza activity in Konohagakure despite attempts to reform, including crack downs, bargaining and even surrendering power to them at points in time. Despite all attempts to get rid of the illegal Yakuza activity she remained largely unsuccesful and was mocked constanly for failing to deal with the issues at hand, despite her best efforts. Current critics say there was little she could've done but she is still widely regarded as the 'worst Hokage to ever exist' and as a result of that she resigned at an early age and immigrated to Kumogakure, along with a small portion of the side branch to protect her byakugan. [b]Famed ability:[/b] Hyuuga prodigy[/i] [h3]13. [url=http://blogs.c.yimg.jp/res/blog-5e-eb/kanako0822volleyball/folder/689722/37/15403937/img_6?1276936408]Zeno Hakarasu[/url][/h3] [i]The Hokage elected almost immediately after Mariko's resignation, he was more or less the "default" Hokage meant to maintain someone at the peak of executive power and keep some control over the village's actions. Although praised for representing the diversity of Konoha's modern population by being the first Hokage with pure Kumo heritage (though he was born in Konoha), his performances could be considered stagnant to say the least. His predecessor gained the title of worst Hokage the village had ever known, but he did not take as many initiatives as she did, making it less damaging for public opinion and the city's finances. Some good things came from his reign, however, as he managed to strengthen international relations even more and ease exchanges in terms of people (shinobi exchange programs) and trade opportunities. Economically the leaf had known a slightly growth, but socially the plague of Downtown and the never ending complaints of the people often fell at deaf's ears. It didn't help that he was part of these Hokage who were not renown for being one of the stronger individuals of the shinobi line but simply someone with a lot of popular backup. His credibility hit an all time low the year of his assassination. Ayame and Fujitora Choko, two individuals close to him, have seized the chance in changing the ways work in the village and promptly assassinated Zeno 12.5 years into his mandate. He will go down as the third Hokage who died in battle as he was on the throne, second to be assassinated in front of his people. His legacy is still to be determined as only history will judge his actions in the long run.[/i]