The little monkey kept leaping about as Rebecca walked further onto the school grounds; this this time he got into a tree. Strangely enough though, she could hear hollers of an over excited kid down the road. He probably wasn't going to the Hybrid Academy, but if he did she hoped they wouldn't be in the same class. She approached the tree the ape had climbed into and started talking to it. [b]"Excuse me little monkey, do you need help getting down?"[/b] she asked. He may not have BEEN a little monkey, but he acted like one and that made the similarities irrefutable. As she looked up the monkey was staring out across the city. It was a beautiful place, but staring at such things were never quite understood by Rebecca. They were times to be savoured, yes; but it should be done with the company of a friend or someone you like so that the opportunity wasn't missed. [i]silly little monkey[/i] she thought, [i]wasting such a nice view all by himself.[/i] Maybe he was lost. It did seem like that might be the case as she couldn't see the school's uniform anywhere on his person. Still looking up, she noticed around her people giving odd looks to her. They must not have seen the monkey in the tree. That was rude of them - completely ignoring a rare occurrence such as this. Monkey's weren't very common in Academy city so this was a special moment. She reached into her bag and pulled out a banana that she had brought along. It was going to be her breakfast of sorts, but the walk to school had taken her appetite. And besides - the lost little monkey looked like he could do with something to eat. Rebecca had read somewhere that monkey's liked banana's. [b]"Here little monkey,"[/b] she said holding the banana up into the tree, [b]"You look hungry so you should eat!"[/b]