Another vial, confirming that Metz was using some kind of performance enhancer. No question about that, there was no way he was wrong either. But this time? This time was different. Metz drank that potion and seemed to lose his humanity in seconds. The man's features grew grizzly and dark, much more threatening than before. Something was different about that vial, it wasn't just more of the same. No, it was much more potent and foul. As evidenced by the sudden and stark change in visage. Metz had given up his humanity for a bit of extra power? Nothing new, but always unsettling. Shedding who you are to become something greater, maybe something more foul. Whatever Metz had chosen to become, it didn't matter. [color=bc8dbf][i]What new powers? Yet to be determined, but probably much more powerful than the spells he used before..[/i][/color] The mage began speaking to himself, and suddenly he lashed his arm outwards. Firing off another bolt of lighting that detonated the ground by his right foot. The sand exploded with the force of the bolt. Shin's foot was left with a bum mark that ran up his shin. The assassin fell forwards, catching himself with his right hand before totally faceplanting. The hot sting of his foot forced him to groan in agony. There was nothing he could do against lightning, he knew that. Especially now, Shin noticed a sharp change in how he cast the spell. Metz hadn't been thrown back by the force of his bolt. So either the spells were weaker, or Metz had grown a lot stronger. One of those options spelled tremendously bad news for the assassin, though the other spelled great news that would really make his day. Lying prone on his hands and knees, Shin was waiting for another bolt or spell. Readying himself to roll away, there was no way he could get up in time to move away from another bolt. He'd have to roll into standing once it was cast. Otherwise he'd probably wind up taking it directly to the chest.