Dominic noticed that the guy was getting nervous from his knife, so to calm him down he decided to sheathe it for now, ready to take back out should they come across something that wasnt as friendly. Free introduced herself as she gazed at the strange markings on the walls, her eyes seeming to not want to tear away from them. He wasnt all too interested in trying to read something that he knew nothing about, so he let the excitement stay with her. "Dominic" he said to Aarne, his voice blunt and gruff as he shielded his face from the glow of the blue orb. Damn that thing was bright. If only he had a pair of shades or something. "Any idea where we are?" he asked Aarne, looking around the strange room they had found themselves in. He figured that if the light would provide visibility, he might as well take a look around and see what may be of some use to them. He walked along the perimeter of the room keeping an eye out for any kind of switch or door.