[hider=Anderson] Magician Student Macro Type [hider=Appearance:] [center][URL=http://s81.photobucket.com/user/Celtic_Guardian_101/media/PokemonRP_zps889cc4da.jpg.html][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Celtic_Guardian_101/PokemonRP_zps889cc4da.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [/hider] [h2]Basic Info[/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Anderson, Jistudan (アンダーソン, お金) [b]Nickname:[/b] Anderson (preferred name), Blackjack [b]Magic Name:[/b] Aurium078, [i]To end the hands of fate[/i] [b]Position:[/b] Crime Lord [b]Seat Number: 7[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] Half American, Half Japanese [b]Age: [/b]17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bloodtype:[/b] A- [h2]Biography[/h2] [quote=Romans 3:23]"For all have sinned fall short of the glory of God"[/quote] Raised in crime and sin, Anderson Jistudan, born Felix Anderson, is well aquatinted with the shadows and the seedy underworld of society. His parents were an American mob boss and a Yakuza princess, he has the largest "family" of just about anyone in Academy City, able to call upon both sides of his family. Living in Sin City for much of his life, Vegas taught him gambling, bluffing and scamming from a young age. His paranoid father decided to supplement his son's "education" by training him in self defense and how to use a gun, soon put to good use once Anderson started to extort the other kids and poor drunkards for his first schemes. However, one of those children he beat the crap out of for lunch money happened to be the child of the police chief, who traced Anderson to his father and thus the mob he lead. Under the advice of her husband, Anderson's mother smuggled their child off to Japan, changing his name to fit in more, in fears of a police raid on their home. Once in the land of the rising sun, Anderson was now introduced to the other half of his family, and magic. Under an inheritance by his dotting grandfather, he was giving the [i]Tempore Duratus[/i], the clock to stop time. And after a few years of rigorous, streamlined education through tutors and experience, Anderson had been taught everything he'd need to be the true heir of a criminal syndicate. Of course, his mother wanted Anderson to continue his education, at least for a cover up in the future, and searched for a school before coming across a certain academy in AC. After the inital shock of seeing people summon storms and teleporting across roof tops, Anderson adjusted and adapted himself to his surroundings. Although the idea of living in a place where it seemed like a place where superheroes send their kids was still a unique prospect, he was back up to his old tricks and already building what would be his own cozy little posse within the city, supported by his family. [i]Time to sin.[/i] [h2]Personality [/h2] Any one who first encounters Anderson can immediately sense some aura of suspicion and dread around him, even if they don't know exactly why or his background. Along with this aura, instability follows Most often, he's set at a slightly antagonistic personality with varying shades of teasing, sadism, egotism and dark humor. With grand (if not slightly delusional) plans, he ruthlessly chases his goals, showing his questionable morality at these times. Having been connected to the dark underworld of cities since birth, he boasts a remarkable remains calm in life threatening conditions, sometime to the point of being obliviousness. Of course, he never openly displays these traits, covering them with a very playful, charismatic attitude, showing a kind exterior (which he does have have to some degree behind all of that ulterior motivations). He does enjoy power flaunting at times and mild "bending" of rules since he usually can find a way out of trouble through one way or another. [h2]Likes:[/h2] [list][*]Exploitation [*]Gambling [*]Toying with law enforcement [*]Occasional Anarchy [*]People who attempt to stop or convert him or his veiws [*]Profits [*]Fine liquor [*]Weaponry [*]Furry little creatures[/list] [h2]Dislikes:[/h2] [list][*]Pointless and long explanations [*]Arrogant and boastful people [*]Treachery [*]Harming of people under his control [*]People who defy or try to change him too much [*]Fried Dumplings[/list] [h2]Skills[/h2] [list][*]Basically anything criminal [*]Pickpocketing [*]Fist fighting [*]Good shot with most weapons [*]Got dat ca$h[/list] [h2]Magic:[/h2] [i]Strike of Midnight[/i] - The power of the [i]Tempore Duratus[/i], Anderson can slow down time or even stop it for a brief moment in some rare cases in a radius. There's a limited one hour time frame which he can alter time before it doesn't work anymore and he'll have to wait until after midnight for it to become available once more. [b]Theme[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geC5H3PQd5s]Blackjack[/url] [b]Extras: [/b] - Anderson enjoys magic tricks and a "good show". He uses the term "show" to mean a wide variety of things however. - He is noted to be both an excessive gambler and really lucky, so he wins nearly all his bets. - Its hypothesized that his actual magical ability is his luck, not his watch. [/hider]