- Andromeda - she watched the exchange between the merwoman and the others in contemplative silence. she trusted Vicki, but she wasn't entirely sure she trusted the merwoman. she adjusted her veil slightly, would it still work under-water? she'd probably have to replace it with her sunglasses, which would be a pain, but she wanted to help, if what the woman said was true. she ruffled the snakes while she thought, but they were as absorbed in her thoughts as she was and didn't even react. when Vicki mentioned either staying or going, Andromeda spoke up "i'm not sure how much use i'd be but i'd really like to help in anyway i can" she smiled slightly at the merwoman "so you can count me in" she wanted to talk to the Merwoman herself, there was still a tiny pain in her chest but it was almost gone, she wanted to ask about the spell but figured now wouldn't be the time, so she just stopped there.