As was customary, Abigail stopped by the front door, handing over her weapon to Bruno who snarled in response. She simply gave him a look of passive resistance and made her way down the hall, her sister moving in sync with her perfectly. The study was down the hall on the left and they stopped just outside the door for a moment while Abby pressed her ear to it and looked at Concetta, "Sounds like he's busy with our enforcer. Let's bust up the party for fun if nothing else." She rapped lightly on the door and walked in, the Don looking up and inquiring of her timing. Abby smiled at his jostling and pointed toward her sister to make introductions. "Don DeMarco, this is my sister, Concetta. Our timing was due to traffic. It's like someone important died today and everyone decided to drive a respectful speed in honor of him." She moved back to allow Concetta to shake the Don's hand. He lifted her small fingers to his mouth and placed a kiss on her knuckles. "Pleasure is all mine. Your sister has told me plenty about you. Please have a seat and we'll talk about you coming to join our family, hmm?" Abigail moved back a little as Antonino made his exist, the man old fashion and seemingly to disapprove of her tactic by this "without interruption" phrasing. She looked to Vincent and waited for him to direct her, Lenny sticking his head in to let everyone know he was on the property. Abby moved toward the door, looking over her shoulder. "I'm going to find Antonino and Lenny. I need to touch base with them both unless you need me, boss?" She waited for him to dismiss her and then walked languidly to the kitchen, the smell of breakfast filling the air and causing her stomach to grumble. She slid in between Lenny and Antonino, her smile for the cook a warm one. "Hello, Abby. Good morning, my dear. What can I make you?" She stopped in front of the underboss and reached out to touch her arm. "I'll have whatever your cooking. Smells wonderful." She looked to Lenny and let her eye brow raise a little. "How are things? All of your businesses running smoothly or do you need muscles over here to set anyone straight?" She held in the soft laugh that bubbled up at Antonino's reaction to her. The two of them would be leading the way into the future and Vincent wasn't getting any older. To get him on her side she'd have to prove herself she supposed, and she had the perfect idea as to how to go about it.