Sotoe saw she was a little down and disappointed that her offer was declined. He felt bad so he accepted the banana, “I’ve actually.” His speech was cut off by her showing him a gun. He quickly threw up his arms and stepped back not wanting a bullet in the head as he quickly said, “Look: I’m sorry if I offended you but there’s no need to shoot me.” Things only got stranger when she put the gun away and introduced herself. Sotoe couldn’t get a read on her. Was she trying to intimate him or just playing a cruel joke. “It’s nice to meet you Ms. Rebecca. I am attending this academy. I got my letter here if you wish to see it,” Sotoe said before he slowly reached in his back pocket and took out his acceptance letter. Sotoe chuckled a little when she said being called a monkey meant he was unique. He shrugged and said, “I’m really not that unique. These days many people free run and parkour. It’s nothing new.” Sotoe then realized she had walked off and he was a bit perplexed but he figured she forgot something and needed to go get it. “It was nice to meet you Ms. Rebecca. I’ll see you later I guess,” Sotoe said still a little taken back by the way she acted. He didn’t want to judge so he refolded his letter into his back pocket and sighed before he looked around and realized he needed to go back for his guitar. “I hope no one stole it.” He had left it sitting by the first wall he had climbed which was in eye shot. He saw it still sitting there and a smile formed on his face. Before he walked towards it he stopped and smelled something burning. “Someone must be cooking something,” Sotoe said before he walked over to his guitar and placed it onto his back. He looked around and added, “I wonder if we have to sign in somewhere to get out dorm room?” he surged and walked back to the tree he had meet Rebecca and sat down at the base of it. he took out his Ipod and placed the ear buds in his ears before he pressed play.